Welcome to the Esko Media Center.
We serve the information needs of our students, faculty, and staff with resources and materials.
Students in grades 3-12 interested in using the e-book collection should click on the Online catalog to the left or launch the the library patron Web Clip on their iPads.
User Name = 1st 3 letters of first name, Last name
Password = Student i.d. (Lunch number)
Students in grades 2-6 are enrolled in the Accelerated Reader Program. AR quizzes can be taken on district issued iPads while connected to the internet.
Quizzing is available Mon-fri 7am-4pm both on and off campus due to Covid-19 distance learners.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions, or difficulty accessing either site.

Vision: To provide a facility, personnel, and resources for our students that supports district curriculum and technology, meets individual and classroom information literacy needs, and creates a foundation for life-long learning with an appreciation of literature.