Spanish I Syllabus

Español I
Syllabus 2007-2008 Extra credit if you still have this at the end of the
Señora Diedrich year!! So, don’t lose it!!!
Room N300

Bienvenidos todos a la clase de español I. Welcome to Spanish I. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and introducing you to the world of español. This year, you will not become fluent, but you will learn the basics and lay the foundation to becoming fluent should you choose to. We will explore the culture of Spanish-speaking countries as well. In order to get the most out of the language and culture, there are a few things that will make this class a bit different than your other classes. The following are my expectations and policies, as well as a list of supplies you will need to bring with you EVERY DAY!!

First, this is a class that will require you to be organized!!! Everything you learn, you will build on. Therefore, you will have to remember and use what you learn each day! It is important that you keep your notes and class work organized and save everything so it is easy for you to reference later. I ask that you have a separate notebook and folder for this class.

Second, there is a lot of vocabulary you will have to learn and study. I have you make flashcards for each vocabulary list. It is easiest if you get note cards and a recipe box for this. The recipe box allows you to keep your note cards separated by chapter. I have a few notecards in my room if you are in a pinch, but not many. Please stay supplied as much as possible.

Third, I have a few, very few, Spanish to English / English to Spanish dictionaries in the room. I would like each of you to pick up a small dictionary. They are cheap at Wal-Mart. You don’t need an expensive one, the small ones will do just fine! Please bring it with you EVERY DAY!!!

Fourth, please bring your notebook, pencil or pen, flashcards, book, folder, and dictionary with you EVERY DAY. You will get participation points, and just coming prepared will help!!


1. Be respectful. This means, do not talk when your classmates or I am talking. Do NOT get up and sharpen your pencil or throw something away without asking. Do not make sarcastic or derogatory comments to ANY ONE for ANY REASON. Treat others as they would like to be treated.
2. Come prepared and on time. I covered this already!!
3. Leave the room as you found it. Put desks back, clean up your area, don’t leave garbage on the floor etc…
4. All school rules apply in here!! You know what they are!!! That includes the cell phone, ipod, etc..rules!!!

Grading Policies.

Homework is worth 45% of your grade. Please make sure your name is on your assignments and that I can read them!!! You will get Spanish names, and it is fine if you use your Spanish name with your last initial on your assignments.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU MISSED!!!! ALSO, IF YOU WERE ABSENT ONE DAY, YOU HAVE ONE DAY TO MAKE IT UP, TWO DAYS, TWO DAYS TO MAKE IT UP AND SO ON. I cannot stress that enough! I will not remember if you were absent and find you to tell you what you missed. So, please, be responsible and ASK me what you missed when you get back to school. If you have some situation in which it is impossible for you to get your homework in on time, please, let me know, and I will try to work with you. If homework is late, you will receive half credit. If you’re having trouble with an assignment, please see me before class, and I will be happy to help you with it.

Tests are worth 45% of your grade as well. I am available before and after school. I have a 3rd period study hall and a 4th period prep. Please see me if you need extra help before test day. I give a practice test the day before a test to use as a study guide. It will also help you pinpoint areas you may need a little extra help, so you can ask questions. If you have any testing needs, please talk to me and I will do my best to accommodate!

Participation is the last 10%. You must be in class to get these points!!! If you come to class, are prepared, and participate in the activity or class discussion, you will get your points for that day.

Please have your parents sign the bottom of this, detach it, and bring it with you to class by Friday, September 11, 2009. This is your first assignment. I just want to know that you and your parents or guardians have gone over this together and know what to expect this year in Spanish class. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected] or call 879-4673 #300.