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It was a super day!  This is our last week for spelling and our last lesson for reading.  In reading, we read the story "Frog and Toad Together".  Toad made a list and the list blew away.  He took his list VERY seriously!  If it wasn't on his list, he did not do it.  Two other things we have been working on in reading this week are...the long i sound and the long o sound and using go and went properly.  We have been saying this chant to remember when to use go and when to use went.  (Go-now went-past)  For science today we put the life cycle of a butterfly in the correct order.  Our classroom butterflies have laid their eggs and have died.  In math we measured shapes in centimeters. We had to decide if a shape was a square or not.  In order for it to be a square it has to have the same length and width. We are getting quite good at measuring things!  I hope most of us move up tomorrow!  Have a wonderful night and get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Posted by On 20 May, 2014 at 2:30 PM  101 Comments

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