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The biggest reward of teaching kindergarten is seeing where the students begin and how much growth takes place over the course of one year. We have come so far. At times we may have struggled, we might have shed a few tears, but the laughter and love we shared in our classroom cannot be replaced. Words cannot begin to express how much joy I've had spending each day with your children. I cannot imagine a better group of kids. The support you have given me as families means so much to me. Thank you for a wonderful year. Please don't be strangers next year. This group of children and families will always have a special place in my heart after my first year as a teacher. Thank you for everything. Love, Miss Voigts
Posted by Guest  On Jun 07, 2013 at 11:36 AM 478 Comments
Today we had a fun day. We did stations consisiting of making a bracelet, doing a color by number, making rainbows out of stencils, and making creations out of the scrape bucket. Our room is slowly coming apart as I'm packing up everything to move to 2nd grade :)! The kids have been a wonderful help. Tomorrow will be a very fun day! I didn't tell the kids this, but they are welcome to bring a favorite toy if they'd like to play with it tomorrow. Enjoy your afternoons!
Posted by Guest  On Jun 06, 2013 at 11:25 AM 538 Comments
We had a blast today playing the board games the boys and girls brought in. We also played a group game of Bingo, and had choice time in Mrs. Boeses room. The boys and girls all magically had 10 glitter balls in their bags this morning, so once they noticed everyone choose one last prize from the prize box :) We didnt get a chance to talk much about tomorrow. It is gum day. If the boys and girls have game they would like to bring for either just themselves or to share, they are welcome too. I also have big gum balls to enjoy tomorrow, as well as more games and a movie!
Posted by Guest  On Jun 05, 2013 at 11:25 AM 406 Comments
Today we started by going outside and having a penny hunt in the baseball diamond. Then we came back and played some games in our room. After that we went to Mrs. Knutsons room and watched a beach movie. Then we had a dance party to The Beach Boys. It was so much fun! We ended by playing limbo. When we got back and were just getting all our clothes back on from being in our swim suits, we had a fire drill! Luckily we were only outside for about 5 minutes! We came back and enjoyed some popcorn and headed home! Fun week! :)  Tomorrow is game day so bring your favorite game! Note: (This should have came home in their folders today) I put together a summer workbook of the parts of our curriculum we didn’t get too. This would be a wonderful way to keep your kids minds active and retain as much information as possible that we learned this year! Use it on car rides, as an incentive to get on the computer, or just for fun! J Do with them what you’d like they are yours! I have so much enjoyed working with each and every child this year! I will miss them all soo much! It will be hard to say goodbye come Friday.
Posted by Guest  On Jun 04, 2013 at 11:27 AM 476 Comments
Today was Camp Skeeter day! We had a blast doing exercises by the flag pole, relay races involving putting on a teeshirt-running to fence-taking off teeshirt-and playing on the playground! After our outdoor activites we watched a camp movie (had a fire drill!) then celebrated Isaac's birthday with cupcakes! Tomorrow is Beach Day. You may wear a swimsuit under waterproof clothes. Bring a towel too! We won't be swimming but could get wet! See you soon!
Posted by Guest  On Jun 03, 2013 at 11:17 AM 378 Comments
Had a fun day today. Started off with a little free play, did calendar, then a few quick centers. At 10:00 we went to Mrs. Boese room and watched Magic School Bus. Then we came back for snack and story! Enjoy your weekends!! Field Trip Pictures!
Posted by Guest  On May 31, 2013 at 1:58 PM 327 Comments
Today we spent the morning at the Children's Museum. We had lunch there, then went bowling. On the way home we got ice cream at McDonalds! Very fun day! The kids were so tired, but had so much fun!!  Pictures to come tomorrow! Stay tuned :)
Posted by Guest  On May 30, 2013 at 8:39 PM 376 Comments
Today we did a last sight word assessment. They did wonderful. Then we worked on stations with a mixture of math and language arts. We reviewed sight words, and did a math lesson on subtraction. Then we went to Mrs. Boese's room to free play for about 20 minutes. When we came back we played Huckle Buckle Beanstalk. Field trip tomorrow-we will wear yellow shirts (i have them). Remember a sack lunch! Also, we are no longer going to the zoo, but will be bowling and grabbing an ice cream treat at McDonalds on the way home :)
Posted by Guest  On May 29, 2013 at 11:30 AM 337 Comments
Today we did a little testing, reviewing, station work, and some catch up work. I taught the boys and girls the game "Huckle, Buckle, Beanstalk," where someone hides an object around the room. Everyone looks for it, and when you see it you keep quiet and sit down. Once everyone finds it, someone tells everyone where it was and if they told right, they get to hide it next. Then we had 10 minutes of somewhat 'choice time,' before snack! We are going to have a bit of 'choice time' every day until school ends! 8 days!
Posted by Guest  On May 28, 2013 at 11:24 AM 409 Comments
Kindergarteners (or should I say 1st graders!!), You did a wonderful job! I am so proud of you and all your hard work, not only with graduation but this whole year! I am so lucky to have such wonderful kids. I can't wait for a fun next 2 weeks! Love, Miss Voigts
Posted by Guest  On May 24, 2013 at 10:38 AM 399 Comments
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