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Today we had a good morning. We finished up our 3rd grade math assessments. Then we did some math centers before playing a fun "name" game, involving a sheet that drops and you have to quickly say the name of the person on the other side :)  This week.. Wednesday: Field trip to WDIO/Children's museum (bring a lunch!) Thursday afternoon-Move up day! Friday (I am gone to state track all day) Monday June 9th-Last day of school!
Posted by Guest  On Jun 02, 2014 at 11:00 AM 160 Comments
Happy Friday! It has been a busy spring! Sorry for the not consistent posts.  Upcoming events: Next Wednesday, June 4th is our field trip to WDIO and the children's museum. Thursday is "Move up Day" when the students visit their new 3rd grade teacher and classmates! Monday the 9th is our last day of school! Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Guest  On May 30, 2014 at 12:06 PM 196 Comments
It was a GREAT day!  For reading we did most of our end of the year benchmark test!  In library we watched the movie "The Magic School Bus Rocks n' Rolls".  After recess we went to computer.  In computer class we went to Brainpop Jr.  and watched at least two movies.  One was about water cycles and the other was about temperature.  For science today we wrote in our journals about what our favorite insect was and why.  In math we did a practice test.  We got to practice measuring in inches and in centimeters.  I have a feeling that our test scores tomorrow will be AWESOME!  I hope you have a great day.  Enjoy this beautiful weather and don't forget tomorrow afternoon is Track and Field Day!!!!
Posted by Guest  On May 29, 2014 at 2:19 PM 121 Comments
Hope your weeks are off to a great start! We had a very busy Monday. We started our End-of-the-Year Benchmark tests today. The boys and girls worked through their vocabulary and word analysis portions. They did a great job! We also started our MAP tests. When they came back we did a go noddle break! :)    This afternoon we started with some stamina building before going to PE and library. Then we took a break for snack. After snack we started Unit 12 in math. Today, our objectives were to distinguish between 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, measure the length, width, and height of a rectangular prism, and count cubic units to find volume. They did a wonderful job!   We ended the day with some handwriting practice in our handwriting books.    Reminders:   Concert Thursday!   No school Monday the 26th! Tuesday May 27th-Secret Pal Trip Friday May 30th-Track and Field Day
Posted by Guest  On May 19, 2014 at 12:54 PM 190 Comments
Today we had a good day!  In Daily 5 we tried to finish our rough drafts of our stories.  For word work, we wrote our spelling words in pen, crayon, marker, and colored pencil.  We are getting quite good at knowing what to do at each center and getting started right away!  :)  We had library and computer today.  For science, we got our journals and colored/labeled a female and a male milkweed bug.  You can tell if a milkweed bug is a female because she has four black dots on her body.  For math, we measured five things around the classroom using stair steps and then rulers.  We practiced measuring in inches on a worksheet.  I hope everyone either gets healthy or stays healthy and I see you all tomorrow!!  
Posted by Guest  On May 15, 2014 at 2:37 PM 100 Comments
Today we had a pretty good day!  In reading we worked on sentences using our spelling words with a partner.  We read the story "Sand Castle" and we also started to map out our stories that we will be writing.  After lunch and recess we had music and PE.  For science, we searched for little baby mealworms.  Each group got a little bit of bran on a paper plate.  We used our fingers and a magnifying glass to look for them.  We found a whole bunch, but it was super hard to see them.  It was fun!   For math we did our unit 9 math test.  We ended our day with groups.  I hope I see all of your faces tomorrow!  Remember to bring in your field trip permission slip if you haven't already. :)
Posted by Guest  On May 13, 2014 at 2:28 PM 147 Comments
We had a great Monday morning today!   We flipped our day and did math first in the morning. We are starting Unit 10. Our objectives were to idenitfy figures that have the same shape and are the same size. We also are working to group 2-D figures using a sorting rule. They did a good job with this for day 1!   In reading this afternoon, the boys and girls are starting Lesson 29. We took a spelling pre-test. Our letter pattern this week is /a/ ea, and ei(gh), ey. We are learning about folktales for our weekly story. We read the book "The Lizard and the Sun," as a whole class. Then we got into our new Daily 5 centers. In science, we worked on investigation #3-The Pencil Challenge. We worked on balancing a pencil on its point, using clothespins to provide counter weight. We learned that the weight needed to be below the balance point to add stability to the system. The boys and girls explored different placements of the counter weight to find the position with the greatest stability.   Reminders: Spring concert is Thursday, May 22nd.  Secret Pal Trip: Tuesday, May 27th Track and Field Day: Friday, May 30th. 
Posted by Guest  On May 12, 2014 at 10:24 AM 147 Comments
It was gloomy outside today, but inside our classroom it was a great day!  For reading we read the story "A New Room by the Sea".  This story was about a crab named Shelly that loved sunny days by the sea but not rainy ones.  The sound that we are working on this week is the "oo" sound. We are practicing spelling it oo and ew.  We had music and PE today.  For science we read a chapter in our science books about insects colors and shapes.  Then, we got to pick an insect that we read about and we had to draw the insect exactly as it looked.  We all tried our best!  They look pretty fabulous!!!  In  math, we worked on a pre-test with a partner.  Then, we corrected it as a whole class.  You will find these pre-tests in your child's folder tonight.  Maybe some of you would like to create some practice problems tonight.  The big test is tomorrow!  I hope you have a nice night!
Posted by Guest  On May 12, 2014 at 2:27 PM 85 Comments
I can't believe that we only have 17 days left of school!  Our time has flown by and it has been such a blast!  I have big news to share with the kids in class, but I wanted to let all the parents know before I share it with the kids.  Next fall, I will be teaching in Hibbing.  I have accepted the position with much excitement,  but a heavy heart to leave Esko.  For those of you who do not know, Hibbing is my hometown where most of my family resides.  I will be teaching first grade there and coaching soccer and track.  With all of that said, I want you to know that these next 17 days are all about your child and being an Eskomo.  I have all summer to plan and prepare for my kiddos in Hibbing, but for now I am an Eskomo through and through.  I want these last weeks to crawl by.  I haven't told the students yet, anticipating a few to be 'bummed out'.  I know it's a comfort having your old teacher there when you go to a new grade, but I'm going to really push what WONDERFUL hands they will be in next year and that they will LOVE every minute of second grade.  I plan on telling the kids tomorrow (Friday) at the end of the day, to give them the weekend to talk with you about it.  More and more students are hearing about it, as my tracksters know, and I don't want them to hear through the grapevine.  I wanted to wait a little bit longer, but most of the second graders already know.   Thank you so much for such wonderful kiddos!  The end of the year is going to be an extra tough one saying goodbye to such amazing kids, thanks to all of their wonderful parents.  :)
Posted by Guest  On May 15, 2014 at 2:35 PM 466 Comments
It was a super day!  This is our last week for spelling and our last lesson for reading.  In reading, we read the story "Frog and Toad Together".  Toad made a list and the list blew away.  He took his list VERY seriously!  If it wasn't on his list, he did not do it.  Two other things we have been working on in reading this week are...the long i sound and the long o sound and using go and went properly.  We have been saying this chant to remember when to use go and when to use went.  (Go-now went-past)  For science today we put the life cycle of a butterfly in the correct order.  Our classroom butterflies have laid their eggs and have died.  In math we measured shapes in centimeters. We had to decide if a shape was a square or not.  In order for it to be a square it has to have the same length and width. We are getting quite good at measuring things!  I hope most of us move up tomorrow!  Have a wonderful night and get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Posted by Guest  On May 20, 2014 at 2:30 PM 101 Comments
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