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It was a GREAT day!  For reading we did most of our end of the year benchmark test!  In library we watched the movie "The Magic School Bus Rocks n' Rolls".  After recess we went to computer.  In computer class we went to Brainpop Jr.  and watched at least two movies.  One was about water cycles and the other was about temperature.  For science today we wrote in our journals about what our favorite insect was and why.  In math we did a practice test.  We got to practice measuring in inches and in centimeters.  I have a feeling that our test scores tomorrow will be AWESOME!  I hope you have a great day.  Enjoy this beautiful weather and don't forget tomorrow afternoon is Track and Field Day!!!!
Posted by Guest  On May 29, 2014 at 2:19 PM 121 Comments
It was a super day!  This is our last week for spelling and our last lesson for reading.  In reading, we read the story "Frog and Toad Together".  Toad made a list and the list blew away.  He took his list VERY seriously!  If it wasn't on his list, he did not do it.  Two other things we have been working on in reading this week are...the long i sound and the long o sound and using go and went properly.  We have been saying this chant to remember when to use go and when to use went.  (Go-now went-past)  For science today we put the life cycle of a butterfly in the correct order.  Our classroom butterflies have laid their eggs and have died.  In math we measured shapes in centimeters. We had to decide if a shape was a square or not.  In order for it to be a square it has to have the same length and width. We are getting quite good at measuring things!  I hope most of us move up tomorrow!  Have a wonderful night and get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Posted by Guest  On May 20, 2014 at 2:30 PM 101 Comments
Today we had a good day!  In Daily 5 we tried to finish our rough drafts of our stories.  For word work, we wrote our spelling words in pen, crayon, marker, and colored pencil.  We are getting quite good at knowing what to do at each center and getting started right away!  :)  We had library and computer today.  For science, we got our journals and colored/labeled a female and a male milkweed bug.  You can tell if a milkweed bug is a female because she has four black dots on her body.  For math, we measured five things around the classroom using stair steps and then rulers.  We practiced measuring in inches on a worksheet.  I hope everyone either gets healthy or stays healthy and I see you all tomorrow!!  
Posted by Guest  On May 15, 2014 at 2:37 PM 100 Comments
Today we had a pretty good day!  In reading we worked on sentences using our spelling words with a partner.  We read the story "Sand Castle" and we also started to map out our stories that we will be writing.  After lunch and recess we had music and PE.  For science, we searched for little baby mealworms.  Each group got a little bit of bran on a paper plate.  We used our fingers and a magnifying glass to look for them.  We found a whole bunch, but it was super hard to see them.  It was fun!   For math we did our unit 9 math test.  We ended our day with groups.  I hope I see all of your faces tomorrow!  Remember to bring in your field trip permission slip if you haven't already. :)
Posted by Guest  On May 13, 2014 at 2:28 PM 147 Comments
It was gloomy outside today, but inside our classroom it was a great day!  For reading we read the story "A New Room by the Sea".  This story was about a crab named Shelly that loved sunny days by the sea but not rainy ones.  The sound that we are working on this week is the "oo" sound. We are practicing spelling it oo and ew.  We had music and PE today.  For science we read a chapter in our science books about insects colors and shapes.  Then, we got to pick an insect that we read about and we had to draw the insect exactly as it looked.  We all tried our best!  They look pretty fabulous!!!  In  math, we worked on a pre-test with a partner.  Then, we corrected it as a whole class.  You will find these pre-tests in your child's folder tonight.  Maybe some of you would like to create some practice problems tonight.  The big test is tomorrow!  I hope you have a nice night!
Posted by Guest  On May 12, 2014 at 2:27 PM 86 Comments
Today was a pretty good day!  We had Daily 5.  In word work, we wrote our spelling words with red hot vowels.  If we finished, we played the silly sentences puzzle game.  At the writing station, we did our final copy of our how to paragraphs. (How to brush your teeth, how to wash your hands, etc.).  We had library and computer for our specialists.  We finished up the last part of our Mother's Day gifts.  These will be coming home with your child today!  Math today was the story problem festival!!  As a group, we solved our classmates story problems.  We had to make sure we checked our answers with everyone at our table before we could do the next problem.  I hope I see all of your super faces tomorrow!     
Posted by Guest  On May 08, 2014 at 2:30 PM 114 Comments
It was a good day!!  For reading today we read the story called "At the Crayon Factory".  We learned all about how to make crayons.  We did a fun whiteboard activity where the first person had to write the spelling word and then as a group we had to think of a sentence.  We built the sentence word by word.  The best part was that each group did this with no talking!  This afternoon we had music and PE.  In science we journaled about our butterflies and what it was like holding a darkling beetle.  In math we talked about story problems that had extra information.  We had to figure out what the extra information or irrelevant info was and solve the problem!  This was fun!  See you Wednesday!
Posted by Guest  On May 06, 2014 at 2:35 PM 207 Comments
Happy Cinco de Mayo!  (Happy 5th of May) In reading this week, we are working on the long e sound.  We are practicing spelling it with ie and y.  We read a story called "Patty's Family Sketches" and we worked on telling if a verb was in the now or in the past.  We were able to show this with a flashcard!  In music this morning we practiced our songs for the spring concert!  After lunch and recess we went to PE.  In PE we played a whole bunch of tag games.  In science,  we were able to see that four of our chrysalises turned into beautiful butterflies over the weekend!!  We drew the butterfly habitat and a butterfly up close into our science journals.  In math, we worked on a worksheet with our table.  We were practicing doing mixed operation story problems.  We also had to come up with our own story problem with our table about a camping trip.  Our day like normal with groups!  Bye parents!
Posted by Guest  On May 05, 2014 at 2:35 PM 80 Comments
Happy May Day!!  Today we had Daily 5.  We got to finishing stamping out our spelling words at the word work center and we wrote a book review for our writing.  After Daily 5,  we had library.  In library we watched a movie about weather. Then we went to lunch and recess.  We had computer this afternoon.  In computer class we went on a website to look at cartoons, people, places, and animals.  After computer we celebrated May Day!  We made May Day baskets and put flowers in them.  They turned out very cute!  Math today was working on mixed story problems.  Sometimes we added and subtracted in the same problem. WOW!   I hope I see you all tomorrow!  Happy Birthday yesterday, Finn!     
Posted by Guest  On May 01, 2014 at 2:41 PM 98 Comments
We had a pretty good day today!  In reading this week we are working on the "ow" sound with the spelling pattern -ou and -ow.  We read a storytown story called "Ebb and Flo and the Baby Seal".  When we were done reading it we wrote a book review.  In this review we told what happened and if we liked the book or not.  Our specialists today were music and PE.  In math, we practiced a bunch of category story problems.  Each time we practice these we get better and better.  We will continue working on these type of story problems this week.  Our day ended with groups!  I will see your smiling faces tomorrow!  I hope the weather gets better!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 29, 2014 at 2:31 PM 235 Comments
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