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Math Test! 
Today we had a pretty good day!  In reading we worked on sentences using our spelling words with a partner.  We read the story "Sand Castle" and we also started to map out our stories that we will be writing.  After lunch and recess we had music and PE.  For science, we searched for little baby mealworms.  Each group got a little bit of bran on a paper plate.  We used our fingers and a magnifying glass to look for them.  We found a whole bunch, but it was super hard to see them.  It was fun!   For math we did our unit 9 math test.  We ended our day with groups.  I hope I see all of your faces tomorrow!  Remember to bring in your field trip permission slip if you haven't already. :)
Posted by On 13 May, 2014 at 2:28 PM  147 Comments

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