Home  esko  Blogs  BLOG (13)  HAPPY OCTOBER!!
This is my first year using a BLOG and I hope to get better at doing it.  Please be patient with me as I learn!  Things are going great in our kindergarten classroom. 
We are meeting with our fourth grade friends each Friday.  Today we made spiders and wrote a spider story.  We even were able to have a marshmallow spider snack!  YUM!  We are going to be learning about fire safety next week.  Please review your fire escape plan at home. 
We are getting ready for the circus!  It will be on Friday, October 26 at 1:30 in the cafeteria.  If you have questions about costume ideas, please feel free to call or email me.  Enjoy the weekend!  Stay warm!!
Posted by kzywicki On 05 October, 2012 at 3:43 PM  1 Comment

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