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Benchmark Testing 
Today was a great day!  We started with reviewing for our math test that is tomorrow!  We work side by side with our critical friend on the pretest.  Then Miss C. was able to see what to review in the movie tonight!  It worked really well!  Putting two brains together works better than one!  Briar and Nolan were one of the hardest working teams!  Then, we took part of our Mid-Year Benchmark.  This morning was the part where we READ the story and answer the questions.  We really had to take our time and re-read if we had to.  I was very impressed with how they all did.  Keep up the hard work.  This afternoon was more testing with vocabulary, that we acted out, and then endings to words.  For a break, we watched this COOL movie of an elephant painting a picture!  It was amazing to see how well she created the picture.  Then, we played a new ball tossing game.  It's fun to work as a team!  Finally, we ended with more exploration of hummus, sand, and clay.  We got PRETTY DIRTY at the end of the day!  I will be gone for a track conference tomorrow, but the kids are in great hands. Mrs. Pufall will be here.  Just a heads up, there is a movie tonight, just the review, and then there will be a movie this weekend!  Have a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to see you all on MONDAY!
Posted by On 30 January, 2014 at 3:37 PM  1 Comment

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