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MAP Testing! 
Today was our first day of MAP testing.  This is the test that the kids take on the computer for reading and math.  There are two days of reading and two days of math.  The rest of the days we test, you will find on the Friday letter tomorrow.  The first day of reading went well.  Most of the kids really took their time and did their best work!  I was such a proud teacher!  In math, we had a fun day buying and selling items from the Woodridge Store.  We worked with our critical friends solving how much money two items would be and then figuring out the money you had to give to make that amount.  It was a lot of fun!  In language arts, we continued to work on the sound ch.  Ethan did a wonderful job reading his story to us, then we talked about what happened first, next, and last.  Finally, we worked on our sequential writing that we started yesterday.  They are looking GREAT!   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.  Don't forget that there is a spelling test tomorrow! 
Posted by On 09 January, 2014 at 3:44 PM  1 Comment

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