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December Writing 
Today was about as 'routine' as we could make it.  It helps a lot when we stick to our routine, but we make sure to have fun and enjoy the excitement of Christmas!  We started our day with reviewing for the chapter four math test tomorrow.  I can tell that most of us are ready to take the test tomorrow!  I can't wait to see how they do!  Then, had our December writing.  We had to write a story about Santa.  Some of us wrote about Santa driving a race car.  Some of us wrote about Santa having a sleepover.  They turned out great!  After lunch, we reviewed our high frequency words and Aleah read us a wonderful story about feelings!  She did a wonderful job!  Next, we practiced some of our grammar some more.  We are learning about places names and how they must be uppercase.  Then, we worked on our vocabulary words this week.  Today we talked about greedy, regret and consequences.  Kind of 'downer' words.  Finally, we ended with part of our theme test and free game day!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by On 18 December, 2013 at 2:56 PM  1 Comment

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