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The New Gym Teachers....Miss C. and Miss B.  
Today was a great Monday back!  We started with our math games.  I could not believe some of the great games.  For example: Briar's Brainy Board Game, Elijah's Exercise Addition, Joelle's Push Button, the Lindgren's adding and subtracting multiply, and SO MANY MORE!! Then we did adding and subtracting flash cards.  We really need to watch the SIGN!!!! Make sure we are adding when we are suppose to add and subtracting when we are suppose to subtract.  Then we ended math with the Cupid Shuffle.  For science today we learned about the respiratory system.  Ask your child what the main organ is.  After lunch we had phy ed.  Mr. Stos was gone today so guess who our gym teachers were.,.....MISS C AND MISS BATTAGLIA!!  It was a lot of fun and relay running!  Next, we watched a movie on Timmy the Tooth, then we had a new version of PIG today called Turkey!  After library, we learned about our new sound 'ng'.  Finally, we ended with making words go from singular to plural.  I hope you all have a great day and a big THANK YOU to our high school helper Morgan for bringing cupcakes for her birthday.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.
Posted by On 18 November, 2013 at 3:03 PM  1 Comment

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