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Tues. Oct 16-Ghosts 
Today we warmed up by doing a few dance songs. The kids new favorite is Animal Action, where they act like animals. It made me smile today when all the boys joined hands and all the girls joined hands (on their own!) and danced together. What a great classroom family we have :)


We started with math today and after our warm up, we talked about partners. A partner is two numbers that add up and go into the number (ex. partners of 5 would be 3 and 2, or 4 and 1). They did a good job with this. This concept will be revisited throughout the year, but also in their next few years of school as well. We talked about self portraits, and the students drew one in order to prepare for us to make a graph with them tomorrow. It was fun getting to see how they view themselves :) I will save these for their portfolios. 

While students worked on math activities, I pulled small groups aside to do a Unit 1 math test. This test was much better for us then our benchmark tests, as these were all things we've been learning. Everyone did a fabulous job. 

In language arts we reviewed the letter and the sound it makes. We also talked about rhyming words and the students helped me brainstorm words that rhyme. We read a poem together on the smartboard and circled letters and sight words in it that we have learned.

We have been learning some pretty big robust vocabulary words. This week we learned savor, appetite, feast, and urgency. I told the kids if I heard them use a robust word, I would give them a glitter ball-one a day per word. I realized I needed to add 'in the right context' when in math everyone tried to use the word feast. :) I appreciate their eagerness to experiment with these new words. :) :)

After we did language and math, we had a little bit of time for art. We made 'friendly fall ghosts.' 


I also must say how considerate my class is; I have had a big frog in my throat all week and they have been so quite in order for me to not have to talk very loud. I feel really lucky to have such nice boys and girls :)  

hanging up I'm excited for the kids to see their craft projects hanging up all over the ceiling tomorrow!
Posted by On 16 October, 2012 at 4:22 PM  4 Comments

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Amelia Jackson (Guest) said On 20 April, 2023 at 5:10 AM
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Isabella Lucas (Guest) said On 15 November, 2022 at 8:08 PM
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