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17 Days LEFT! :( 
I can't believe that we only have 17 days left of school!  Our time has flown by and it has been such a blast! 

I have big news to share with the kids in class, but I wanted to let all the parents know before I share it with the kids.  Next fall, I will be teaching in Hibbing.  I have accepted the position with much excitement,  but a heavy heart to leave Esko.  For those of you who do not know, Hibbing is my hometown where most of my family resides.  I will be teaching first grade there and coaching soccer and track. 

With all of that said, I want you to know that these next 17 days are all about your child and being an Eskomo.  I have all summer to plan and prepare for my kiddos in Hibbing, but for now I am an Eskomo through and through.  I want these last weeks to crawl by.  I haven't told the students yet, anticipating a few to be 'bummed out'.  I know it's a comfort having your old teacher there when you go to a new grade, but I'm going to really push what WONDERFUL hands they will be in next year and that they will LOVE every minute of second grade. 

I plan on telling the kids tomorrow (Friday) at the end of the day, to give them the weekend to talk with you about it.  More and more students are hearing about it, as my tracksters know, and I don't want them to hear through the grapevine.  I wanted to wait a little bit longer, but most of the second graders already know.  

Thank you so much for such wonderful kiddos!  The end of the year is going to be an extra tough one saying goodbye to such amazing kids, thanks to all of their wonderful parents.  :)
Posted by On 15 May, 2014 at 2:35 PM  466 Comments

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