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Monday May 12-Balance and Motion 
We had a great Monday morning today!
We flipped our day and did math first in the morning. We are starting Unit 10. Our objectives were to idenitfy figures that have the same shape and are the same size. We also are working to group 2-D figures using a sorting rule. They did a good job with this for day 1!
In reading this afternoon, the boys and girls are starting Lesson 29. We took a spelling pre-test. Our letter pattern this week is /a/ ea, and ei(gh), ey. We are learning about folktales for our weekly story. We read the book "The Lizard and the Sun," as a whole class. Then we got into our new Daily 5 centers.

In science, we worked on investigation #3-The Pencil Challenge. We worked on balancing a pencil on its point, using clothespins to provide counter weight. We learned that the weight needed to be below the balance point to add stability to the system. The boys and girls explored different placements of the counter weight to find the position with the greatest stability.

Spring concert is Thursday, May 22nd. 
Secret Pal Trip: Tuesday, May 27th
Track and Field Day: Friday, May 30th. 



Posted by On 12 May, 2014 at 10:24 AM  148 Comments

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