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Today was the best day!  This morning we read "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything" and  we did art.  In art class, we worked on mixing colors.  We made orange by mixing yellow and red.  We made green by mixing blue and yellow. Finally, we made purple by mixing blue and red.  Once we mixed our colors,  we painted pumpkins with silly faces.  Then, we got our own book bags.  We each got to choose 3 or 4 books from our classroom library to add to our Read to Self bags.  The best part is that all of these books are books that we can read!!  After recess,  we had  music and library. This afternoon we finished our Minnesota books and took our Minnesota test.  We all learned so much about Minnesota this week!  We had math last today.  We worked more on counting nickels and pennies.  I hope you all have a fabulous, long weekend!  See you back here on Monday!   
Posted by Guest  On Oct 16, 2013 at 2:59 PM 2 Comments
Today was good, but busy day!  This morning we did some more language arts review.  We played the game PIG with a partner to help us practice our high frequency words.  The words that we are working on this week are: find, much, and thank.  We wrote some more sentences today and circled only the telling part.  We are getting quite good at this!  After language arts, we did some more fire safety.  Today we learned about some more rules when dealing with fire/fires.  We colored a big fire truck and added on five fire safety rules to the windows of our fire trucks!  Homework tonight is to check our smoke alarms.  Try to remember!  This afternoon, we had music and PE.  Math today was playing an addition game.  This game is coming home tonight.  Have your child show you how to play!  Our day ended with social studies.  We looked at a bunch of different maps of Minnesota.  We learned that Lake Superior is our biggest lake. We learned that our state capital is St. Paul and we learned that the  Mississippi River runs through most of our state!  I hope I see all of your shining faces tomorrow morning!  Don't forget tomorrow is MINNESOTA Day!    
Posted by Guest  On Oct 15, 2013 at 3:01 PM 2 Comments
This week we are learning about Fire Safety.  Today we talked about things that can cause fires and we talked about what to do in case of a fire.  We know that if we were to ever catch on fire we would need to STOP, Drop, and Roll!  Do not run that will only make the fire bigger.  Before we went to music this morning, we did some language arts review.  We worked more on telling sentences and identifying the telling part of a sentence.  We will work more on this the entire week, along with our high frequency words.  This afternoon,  we took our Unit 2 social studies test and started our Minnesota unit.  We learned about our state bird, our state flower, our state tree, our state flag, and our state muffin just for fun!  Everyone thought that it was pretty cool that our state muffin is the blueberry muffin. :)  Our day ended with math and PE.  Math today was working more on counting on.  We practiced counting on from the greater number.  We underlined the greater number and drew dots on top of the smaller number.  Math seems to be clicking for everyone...keep doing your homework every night.  Everyone is doing a great job at this! I hope you all have a great night, try to stay dry!  See you all back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 14, 2013 at 3:40 PM 2 Comments
We had a very fun day!  This morning we had art.  We learned about texture.  We then did some leaf art.  We rubbed crayons on paper to show the texture of our leaves.  Then, we put a painted leaf print on top!  For language arts today we tried to write as many short o words as we could in our group, we reviewed our vocabulary words, and talked a little bit more about telling sentences.  We had PE and music.  Math today was learning all about the nickel and penny.  We practiced counting on from a nickel.  We all seem to be doing a great job with money so far.  I think B-Mart has helped us with that!  Social studies was learning about what a citizen is and about our country's neighbors.  Ask your child to show you  what we did in class to remember our country's neighbors!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Get outside and play in the leaves.  See you all back here on Monday morning!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 11, 2013 at 3:05 PM 2 Comments
Today was a good day! We are back on schedule and we had daily five this morning.  We worked on writing our spelling words with a different color for vowels and another color for consonants.  At the writing center, we worked on writing telling sentences.  We are getting much better at writing sentences!  We had library and computer today.  In social studies, we learned what a city is, what a town is, and what a suburb is.  We know that Esko is a town because it's a small community with not very many people and not many shops.  Also, we looked at maps and had to decide if things were near each other or far away from each other. Math today was learning about counting on using dots.  We put dots over the second number to help us count on.  We all seemed to catch on to this really fast!  I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday!  I am very excited to see all of your smiling faces in the morning!  Don't forget to read "Tom Fox" to someone at home and to bring in your LEAVES!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM 2 Comments
Ms. Battaglia is BACK!!!  She is feeling better but still a bit sore.  This morning we had a fun presentation.  The 911 Dispatcher came to talk to us.  We learned all about when it is okay to call 911 and when it's not okay and really an emergency.  We also got to see a K9 dog, go in a police car, see fire trucks, and sit inside an ambulance.  It was very neat!  When we came back we did some language arts.  We partner read the story "Dot and Bob" and we worked more with our high frequency words.  This afternoon, we had music and library. It was check out day! Math today was working on a new strategy.  We learned all about counting on.  We count on from the higher number.  We ended our day with two social studies lessons.  We learned about what a natural resource is and we learned about weather and the four seasons.  It was a great day back at school. I hope tomorrow is just as good as today!  See you all tomorrow, have a wonderful night!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 09, 2013 at 3:00 PM 2 Comments
Today was another fun filled day!  This morning we had a sub.  Ms. Battaglia got a great report from her!  Ms. Brule will be our sub for the next four days.  It would really make Ms. Battaglia's week if she could get four more GREAT reports about us!  Our blogging will take a break while Ms. Battaglia is gone, but it will be up and running when she returns! This morning with the sub we did language arts.  We worked more on the ck sound and we built ck words on our whiteboards.  We practiced our high frequency words, read a story called "Get Up, Rick!", and we wrote some more captions for funny animal pictures.  This afternoon, Ms. Battaglia came back from her meeting.  We went to music and PE. Then, we went on our field trip.  We walked over to the Historical Museum.  We learned lots about the past.  We got to go in a schoolhouse,  a mill,  an old school bus, a sauna, and an old house.  It was SOO much fun!!  When we got back to school, we talked about what we had learned and did a practice math test.  We are all ready for the real test tomorrow. Have a wonderful night and rest of the week! I will miss you and will see you soon!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 01, 2013 at 3:58 PM 2 Comments
Today was a great day!  Our morning started out with language arts.  This week we are learning about the ck sound.  We practiced building ck words and we even read the story "Pick a Sack" that had many ck words in it.  Grammar this week is all about the telling part of sentences.  Writing this week is going to be very fun! We are working on captions. We wrote a few captions today as a class for some funny animal pictures. We will continue doing this throughout the week.  We had music and PE today.  We earned free game day in PE. It was a blast!! For math today we had centers.  We worked on True/False, shapes, patterns, and we played the paperclip toss game.  During this game we practiced adding.  Our day ended with social studies.  We learned about Earth.  We learned that there are 4 oceans and 7 continents.  We listened to a catchy continent song today.  By the end of the week I bet your child will have this song memorized!  Have a great Monday, see you back here on Tuesday.  Don't forget we have our mini field trip tomorrow! :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 30, 2013 at 4:11 PM 2 Comments
Today was a very fun day!  This morning we had our pictures taken and a K-12 Homecoming Pep Fest!  It was so much fun getting to parade into the gym with our signs showing what we are proud of. After the pep fest we got to be word surgeons.  We had to cut apart words and use band aids to make the words into a contraction!  After lunch we had gym and music.  Then, we took our Unit 4 social studies test and did math.  Math today was learning more about the numbers 1-10 and riddles about what number is one more or one less than a certain number.  For example,  I am thinking of a number that is one less than 8, what is it?  Our day ended with free choice and B-Mart!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend...maybe see you tonight at the football game!  :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 27, 2013 at 4:00 PM 2 Comments
Today was a great day!  We did Daily 5 right away this morning.  We had to stop after a couple of our centers to go to library.  We continued Daily 5 when we got back.  At the writing center we wrote sentences about ourselves and what we like to do.  At the word work center we finished our BOGGLE boards.  For language arts, we also learned about contractions.  We focused on ('s) today.  After lunch,  we had our very last MAP test.  We had to retake one of the math parts of our test due to a tiny mistake. We now are officially done with our beginning of the year MAP testing! Math today was learning about even and odd numbers and doubles!  We even made spiders representing 4 + 4 = 8.  These will be beautifully displayed on our windows!  We only had a little bit of time after math to make chalkboards from school long ago!  Have a fabulous night,  get outside and play, play, play!  Don't forget tomorrow is picture day and wear blue and gold day for Homecoming!  See you on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 26, 2013 at 3:11 PM 2 Comments
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