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We started our day with math!!    Math was really different today!  We got a clipboard and pencil and Miss C. was ON THE SMARTBOARD!!! There were TWO Miss C's!  It was so cool.  One of the Miss C's taught us and the other walked around and helped us.  After that, we had math centers.....one center was with an ipad, one was with stickers, one was on the smart board, and another was with Miss C acting out math problems.  For social studies we PAINTED today!!  We painted a mountain, a lake, a plain, and a river!  It was a lot of fun!  In the afternoon we underlined and highlighted some SPOOKY sentences.  The highlighted part is the telling part.  The underlined part was the naming part.  Next, we did one minute writing.  Ask your child how many words was their best.  At snack today we celebrated Elijah's birthday!  Thank you for the delicious cupcakes.  Finally, we ended with the Daily 5.  We got a little rowdy today, so we are going to keep practicing that.  I can't wait to see you tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Oct 03, 2013 at 3:06 PM 2 Comments
When we came in this morning we had OCTOBER BOOKS at our spots!!  We were so excited!!  Then we had math.  Today was our Unit one Math test!  Brock says it was easy.  The rest of the class agrees!  Then, we took a survey on how we feel about math.  We are going to take this survey after every unit.  Unit 2 is going to be different then unit one.  Next, came social studies.  Today was a lot of fun because we had classmates think of different songs of the oceans.  So many kids had great ideas!  Ask me what my favorite was.  After that, we had music.  In music we played BINGO!! So much fun!  After lunch we wrote in our first grade writing books!  We had ten minutes to write and we sure wrote A LOT!!!  WOW!!! Then we worked on our high frequency words and telling parts of sentences.  In phy ed today we learned about rollerskating in the theater.  Finally, we ended our day with the daily 5!! What a busy day!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 02, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
This morning was a little strange....because we had a SUBSTITUTE!!  Miss C was off looking at all of our wonderful test scores from MAP!!  We did great without her though.  We took our practice math test.  It was EASSSSSYYY!!!  Then, we had some game and puzzle time.  Next, we had language arts in the morning....which is goofy, but it was because we had our field trip of social studies in the afternoon.  She read us Yes Day and we practiced our high frequency words and our 'ck' sound.  After lunch Miss C. was back!  We learned our new high frequency words.... OH, YES, and LATE!!  Then we read Get Up, Rick! Then we practiced writing the letter K!  Have your child show you at home how we write our lower case K's in 1st grade.  After library, we wrote captions for some silly pictures.  My favorite was the kid in space.  Then, we FINALLY went on our field trip!  It was so cool to see all of the things from the past!  Pictures will be up tonight or tomorrow!  :)  Finally, we ended our day writing thank you notes to the Esko Historical Society!  They did a wonderful job!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 01, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apIzM6rywf0 In math today we had m&m's again!  We practiced odd and even numbers.  Then, we had centers!  They were so much fun!  Check out the mega math games on our website.  We loved them!  Then. we made a map in social studies.  The map showed the continents and the oceans.  If you drank water from the ocean it would taste like salt!  YUCK!! Check out the link above to see our continents song.  Your job tonight, is to make up a song about the four oceans.  They are: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian. and Artic.  See if you can come up with a rhyme or a song for these four oceans.  I can't wait to hear them tomorrow.  After lunch, we finished our maps and then Carli shared her poster.  Carli is one sweet girl!  We are so lucky to have that rock star in our class!!  Then we had library!  We need to practice being quieter in library.  After that, we worked with our new sound this week.......CK!!!  BROCK is our PRO!   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 30, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
Today was a busy and exciting day!   This morning we took our spelling test, then went down to say CHEESE for picture day!  After that, we change into our blue and gold, took a class picture (CHECK OUT OUR PHOTO GALLERY) and then headed down to the PEP RALLY!  It was a blast!  Congrats to Emily and Reed, our new Esko King and Queen!  After that, we went out side for phy ed.  What a fun morning!  In the afternoon, Miss C. was gone.  We did math with Miss Jarvis.  We made posters of 1-10!  After 5....we leave a space!  After music today we created self portraits.  I'm sure they look great!  Finally, we ended our day with CMART of course!  I can't wait to see everyone on Monday!!! Missing you all already!  
Posted by Guest  On Sep 27, 2013 at 12:25 PM 4 Comments
Today we started with math.  It was a little bit different because we used M&M's in math!  We counted them.  We explored even and odd numbers with them.  Then we subtracted them by eating them.  Next, we went over doubles.  3+3=6, 4+4=8.... Then we created a little critter that has doubles facts on it's legs.....it was a SPIDER!!! Check them out in our window!! Then, we went to the computer lab.  After, we took our Social Studies test.  I'm sure we all did great!  Then, in language arts we practiced making contractions, then we took our 'boards' to be surgeons....and then we had 24 WORD SURGEONS (including Miss C.) in our class.  We would cute the 'i' off the is and then STITCH it together!  It was a lot of fun!!  Finally, we ended our day with Daily 5!   What a wonderful day it was!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow.....for PICTURE day and HOMECOMING!!! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 26, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
Today we started with math.  It was a little bit different because we used M&M's in math!  We counted them.  We explored even and odd numbers with them.  Then we subtracted them by eating them.  Next, we went over doubles.  3+3=6, 4+4=8.... Then we created a little critter that has doubles facts on it's legs.....it was a SPIDER!!! Check them out in our window!! Then, we went to the computer lab.  After, we took our Social Studies test.  I'm sure we all did great!  Then, in language arts we practiced making contractions, then we took our 'boards' to be surgeons....and then we had 24 WORD SURGEONS (including Miss C.) in our class.  We would cute the 'i' off the is and then STITCH it together!  It was a lot of fun!!  Finally, we ended our day with Daily 5!   What a wonderful day it was!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow.....for PICTURE day and HOMECOMING!!! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 26, 2013 at 3:04 PM 30 Comments
Today started out great!  We worked hard on math!  We started with partners of 10!!  5 and 5, 9 and 1, 10 and 0.  There are even more.  Then we played a fun game that we love....MELON MONSTERS!!!  After that, we worked with cards that have a number on one side and dots on the back.  Have your child show you the rule with the dots on the back.  Next we had social studies.  Today, we talked about communication and we even communicated with a HERO!!  Ask your child how and who we communicated with.  Then, we were inventors and created our own phones.  Some of the best phones were Bryce and Brock!  Everyone's were great!  At lunch, we had an unfortunate accident with Nolan and he had to leave.  We are so happy to know that he is going to be ok though!  All of us were pretty concerned, so we took some time to talk about it and we made Nolan cards.  Get better NOLSKI!!  Then we had phy ed.  We played with the parachute.  IT WAS AWESOME!!!  After that, we worked with our new vocabulary words and one was PROUD!!  We drew a picture of something that we are proud of.  Most of us drew the American Flag!   These pictures will be used at Homecoming on Friday!!  Then, we learned about being WORD SURGEONS!!!  Tomorrow, we will be performing surgery on words taking two words and making them into one.  These are called contractions.  Finally, we ended our day with the daily five.  I hope everyone has a wonderful night.. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Sep 25, 2013 at 3:27 PM 2 Comments
Today started out great!  We worked hard on math!  We started with partners of 10!!  5 and 5, 9 and 1, 10 and 0.  There are even more.  Then we played a fun game that we love....MELON MONSTERS!!!  After that, we worked with cards that have a number on one side and dots on the back.  Have your child show you the rule with the dots on the back.  Next we had social studies.  Today, we talked about communication and we even communicated with a HERO!!  Ask your child how and who we communicated with.  Then, we were inventors and created our own phones.  Some of the best phones were Bryce and Brock!  Everyone's were great!  At lunch, we had an unfortunate accident with Nolan and he had to leave.  We are so happy to know that he is going to be ok though!  All of us were pretty concerned, so we took some time to talk about it and we made Nolan cards.  Get better NOLSKI!!  Then we had phy ed.  We played with the parachute.  IT WAS AWESOME!!!  After that, we worked with our new vocabulary words and one was PROUD!!  We drew a picture of something that we are proud of.  Most of us drew the American Flag!   These pictures will be used at Homecoming on Friday!!  Then, we learned about being WORD SURGEONS!!!  Tomorrow, we will be performing surgery on words taking two words and making them into one.  These are called contractions.  Finally, we ended our day with the daily five.  I hope everyone has a wonderful night.. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Sep 25, 2013 at 3:12 PM 2 Comments
We finally had a normal day without MAP testing.  It went wonderful and awesome!!  In math, we worked with break a parts of nine and then we either made patterns or read math books.  It was a lot of fun.  After that, we learned about inventions.  Someone had to invent a telephone.  Someone had to invent a computer.  Someone had to invent, in the past, a car.   What are they going to invent in the future?  Before lunch we had music.  After lunch, we read a story titled ONE.  Ask your child how Red made them feel.  Then we reviewed our high frequency words.  Next, we had library.  Don't forget to bring back your books.  Then we read the story Big Rigs as a class.  You should hear the expression in their reading.  I can't believe it.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 24, 2013 at 3:05 PM 2 Comments
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