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Today we started with some unfinished.Then we did morning meeting. Next we did centers we had alot of fun.Then we had lunch and recess. next we had music. Then we did math. next we had computer. Now we are having turtle time.I hope you liked this blog. SOPHIA R. Jacob from our classroom won the school design-a-bullying-tee contest! Everyone in the school wore their tee-shirts today! Way to go Jacob! "Catch the Ghost," --a game working on finding even and odd numbers "Rattled"-a game to build words
Posted by Guest  On Nov 01, 2013 at 3:20 PM 6 Comments
Today we had a fun day! We did a normal morning schedule, then had a fun fall festival in the afternoon. We rotated between the 2nd grade classrooms. In my room they turned a candy corn into a story. Then we did a parade through the school. We ended the day making a popcorn hand snack and doing a candy corn craft. Have a great night! Be safe
Posted by Guest  On Oct 31, 2013 at 3:42 PM 5 Comments
Today was a quick day! We did our language arts lesson. We took letter cubes and manipulated letters to build our spelling words. Then we took the vocabulary part of our weekly test. After that we got into new centers. In writing, we wrote a story starter of..."If I were a teacher I would..." In word work we wrote the room followed by a domino vocab game. In listen to reading we got to listen to Skippy Jon Jones! We went to lunch and came back and got ready for the end of the day. Enjoy your afternoon! Tomorrow: After speaking with other second grade teachers, it is preferred that you have your child BRING their costume to school and change after lunch. The costume should not take long to assemble :)
Posted by Guest  On Oct 30, 2013 at 12:23 PM 5 Comments
Yesterday we had a great day. We were very busy! We started with a language arts lesson where we learned about summaries. When writing a summary, you need to only include the MAIN parts-none of the juicy details! I read aloud a story and then the boys and girls took some time to formulate a good summary. They did fantastic! I was so proud of the time they put into their summary and using good handwriting. We did our centers and had lunch and PE. Then we did a social studies lesson where we talked about globes and maps. After we went to music we did a math lesson on centimeters and shapes. Then we measured various objects around the room. We will continue to work on this-manipulating the rulers to draw straight lines when measuring objects :) TOMORROW: Oct 31- We will be having our fall festival party in the PM. Students may either wear their costumes to school (probably less of a hassel) or change into them later. We will do fall centers with the other classes in the PM. We will also participate in a parade around school tomorrow afternoon.
Posted by Guest  On Oct 30, 2013 at 7:36 AM 5 Comments
Good Monday! Today we had a great morning. We started lesson 7 in language arts. We reviewed previous vocab, learned new vocab (sight and robust) and reviewed ed/ing endings. We read aloud the story "Gus and Grandpa," as a large group before breaking into centers. During centers we wrote a letter to our star student. We did 'word work' by writing our new sight words, but leaving out the vowels! We also read to self, read to someone, and listened to "Gus and Grandpa" on cd. After centers we took our spelling pre-test. The boys and girls checked these and they should be coming home today to start practicing! After lunch we had social studies. There, we talked about natural resources and synthetic resources. Ask your child to explain those vocab words to you :) We had PE and right after library. We took a break for snack, followed by math. In unit 2 we will be working with measurement. Today a centimeter ruler was introduced. We explored the ruler by examining the marks and what they meant. We did some practice pages that gave us practice with this. We ended with RTI small group time and finishing up odds and ends. REMINDERS: Wednesday is an early out! Thursday is our fall festival party. You may bring your halloween costume but also a change of clothes. We will be doing fall games in the afternoon as well as a parade around the school in our costumes.  Snack break! Read-to-self Whose behind the camera? My teacher assistant for the week is allowed to be our class historian if they have all their projects/unfinished work done! :)
Posted by Guest  On Oct 28, 2013 at 3:35 PM 6 Comments
Class Blog! Today we started with the morning meeting. Then we did Fun Friday Centers. With meet the teacher we painted our pumpkins for fall festival. We learned a new board game called Skateboard Rally. We also played a new game our class got called "What's on my mind." We also did a center where we did our spelling words forwards and backwards! After center time we went to lunch and played on the playground. Then we went to music. After music we had a class bathroom break. We took a language arts test, and then we did math centers. We went to computer, and then we got to do our turtle time! We ended the day with this class blog.
Posted by Guest  On Oct 25, 2013 at 2:56 PM 5 Comments
This morning we went to mrs.Harms class to talk about fire safety.Then we went in to morning meeting.Then it was center time. my favorite was silly sentences.Then we ate lunch in the cafeteria. Then we went outside to play football.Then it was music time.It was a lot of fun.Then math time started we learned about lots of staff and we took a math test.Then p.e. started in the gym and played with paddle and balls.Then it was time to go home. From Ryan and the class.
Posted by Guest  On Oct 24, 2013 at 2:56 PM 6 Comments
Today was a fast day. We started with working on unfinished work at our seats. Then we did calendar followed by language arts. After playing some vocabulary games on the smartboard, we got into our table groups and had 2 minutes to brainstorm as many nouns as we could think of. Then we reviewed sentence structure-naming and telling parts of sentences. We had new centers today. For vocab practice, we came up with 'silly sentences' using our words for the week. These were pretty entertaining to read :) Like every Wednesday, we tested for our AR quizes in the computer lab. These quizes are always over their leveled reader for the week, as well as any other book that is in their FIT level. We came back and had 10 minutes to do unfinished work before lunch. After lunch we went right into math. There we wrapped up Unit 1 by working to invent strategies to add three numbers. We then reviewed key concepts from the past unit as we prepare to take our unit 1 test at the end of this week. We had computer, snack, PE, story, and home!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 23, 2013 at 2:45 PM 5 Comments
We had a good Tuesday today. We started out by working at our seats to get unfinished work done. Then we met on the carpet for calendar and our daily math warmup. After that we got into language arts. On the smartboard we played some review sight word games with soccer balls. Then we got into a large circle and read our theme story for the week called "Winners Never Quit," by Mia Hamm. We talked about autobiographies. We also worked with nouns, introducing singular and plural forms and the rules that correspond (if it ends in x, s, ch, or sh, add es). After lunch we went right to PE, then we had social studies. The vocab word "region" was introduced. We talked about how regions are areas that have some shared natural or human feature. Then we went to Music. After our snack break we had Math. We are worked with comparing two numbers using the greater than/less than symbol. To end the day we did math stations and RTI before we read "The Mouse and the Motorcycle." **Picture retakes on Friday!! Book orders due Friday!!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 22, 2013 at 5:01 PM 5 Comments
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a good MEA break. Today we started Lesson 6 in Language Arts. We are working with the long i sound-ie and igh. We took a pre-spelling test as well as did a writing composition test (finishing up from last week). Then we had a lesson on new sight words, robust vocabulary, and finding long i sounds in sentences. In center work we did a fall favorites writing, we practiced our spelling words by drawing a picture and hiding them inside the picture, as well as our usual meet-with-teacher, listen to reading, and read to self. After lunch we had social studies. There we reviewed landforms. Then we talked about climate and weather. We went to PE and then straight to library. We came back and had snack followed by math. In math we played a parachute game where we practiced our math facts. Then we talked about 'squiggles,' and how they are part of the larger number in an equation 12=6+6 (6+6 are squiggles). We ended the day with some pen pal writing work, math games, and RTI time.
Posted by Guest  On Oct 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM 5 Comments
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