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Today was the best day!  We are finally back into our routine.  I was gone for a few days because I was home sick.  We had reading and Daily 5 right away this morning.  For word work we drew a picture and we hid our spelling words in it.  At the writing center, we drew a picture of a real or make-believe animal and we asked our animal three questions.  Some of our questions were silly!  We have been doing a great job with our writing.  We have all grown so much!  We watched a movie about the Book Fair in Library today.  After lunch, we had computer.  Then, it was time for science.  We are learning all about the human body.  We all have our own groups.  We worked in our groups today and drew pictures of the important things that dealt with our specific system.  Ask your child which system they are in.  Our systems are Circulatory, Skeletal, Respiratory, Nervous, Digestive, and the Muscular systems.  We are having so much fun learning about our body.  Next week, each group will teach the class about their system.  I can't wait to hear what they have learned.  We ended our day with math.  For math we played a card game where we had to find the unknown partner.  This game will be coming home tonight in your child's folder.  Have them play it at least once.  I'll see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 07, 2013 at 2:28 PM 2 Comments
Today we had the best day!  We ran right into Reading.  For Reading, we retold the story "Little Red Hen Gets Help", we practiced ed and ing endings on words, and we worked more on our high frequency words and telling sentences.  After reading we had Art!  To start our lesson, we read a book called "Where the Wild Things Are". We made our own WILD things.  They are turning out to be soo cool and soo wild!  This afternoon, we had PE and music.  When we got back, we had visitors.  We had our 3rd grade buddies!! We took our Unit 3 social studies test and played a subtraction math card game.  Our day ended with B-Mart and Free Choice!  I hope you all have a WILD weekend!  See you back here Monday morning!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 01, 2013 at 2:23 PM 2 Comments
Happy Halloween! Today was a really fun day!  This morning we had our normal routine.  We had language arts and library.  For language arts today, we learned about intial l blends (pan to plan, sip to slip, etc).  We also worked more with exclamatory sentences, practiced our high frequency words and vocabulary, and reread the story "Little Red Hen Gets Help".  For math we took our unit 2 test.  This afternoon, we had computer and then it was time for some Halloween fun!  We did Halloween activities/centers in each of the first grade classrooms. It was a lot of fun!  Ask your child what he/she did in each of the classrooms.  While we were back in our room, we played Halloween Bingo, made ghost suckers, decorated a pumpkin cookie, and got many cool treats!  I almost forgot, we had a Halloween parade in the hallway today too!  We got to parade through and let all of the 2nd and 3rd graders see our costumes. We also got to see all of the neat/scary costumes that the 2nd and 3rd graders had on!  I hope everyone has a great time trick-or-treating tonight.  Stay safe!!  See you all back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 31, 2013 at 4:01 PM 2 Comments
Today we had a good day!  We had reading this morning.  We also had a special visitor today, Mr. Harker.  He stopped in to see just how awesome we have been doing in first grade!  We practiced our high frequency words on the smartboard.  Then, we wrote short e words on our whiteboards with a partner.  Some partners got up to eight short e words in one minute.  That's incredible!  We worked on comparing/contrasting things.  When we compare and contrast things we are looking for ways that they are alike and different. Language Arts ended with us reading the story "Little Red Hen Gets Help" and doing a retelling sheet.  We had to draw pictures of what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story.  After reading this story we learned that we should always be good helpers.  Nobody appreciates when others refuse to help!  This afternoon, we had music and PE.  After snack today we played a review game for social studies.  Everyone did a great job and I think we are ready for our test!  Math today was also review.  We took a practice test all together.  You will see this come home today in your child's folder.  Have a super night!  I am hoping for no more snow...  See you in the morning!  
Posted by Guest  On Oct 29, 2013 at 2:30 PM 2 Comments
Welcome back Madi!  We are so glad you are feeling better. This morning we jumped into reading right away. Our lesson started out by reading the story, "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat". This week we are working on the short e sound.  We read the story" Ten Eggs" that had many short e words in it.  For grammar this week we will be working on writing exclamatory sentences. For example, Get out of my room! After reading, we had music.  In music class today we sang and listened to Halloween songs! Then, this afternoon we had PE.  Social studies was pretty quick.  We learned about factories and workers.  In a factory, there are many workers doing many different jobs.  Math today was practicing more addition and subtraction story problems.  We are getting better and better each day at writing our equations horizontally and vertically.  We just need to remember to show our work!  Our day ended with coloring a picture of an event (picnic).  We will be doing the writing part tomorrow. Have a great Monday, see you on Tuesday!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 28, 2013 at 2:28 PM 2 Comments
We had a fun day!  This morning, we did our last center of daily five that we didn't get to yesterday. We played a quick game of SPARKLE before we took our spelling test.  Then, we had to review and take our Theme 1 & 2 reading test.  This test was kind of long, but I think we did a good job!  We had PE, music, and 3rd grade reading buddies.  Today the 3rd graders came down to our room! After reading buddies,  we had math.  Math today was learning how to write addition and subtraction problems horizontally and vertically.  We will continue practicing writing our equations vertically.  Our day ended with free choice and B-Mart.  I hope you have a really fun weekend.  See you all well rested on Monday! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 25, 2013 at 2:26 PM 2 Comments
We had a great day!  We again had daily five today.  At the word work center we got to use our spelling words and write silly sentences.  We continued writing about places at the writing center.  We had library in between some of our daily five centers.  This afternoon we had computer.  Social studies today was learning about how our food gets to the market.  We learned about how oranges get from the tree to the table.  We also looked at a map and used a compass to figure out which direction we were going.  Math was more subtraction, subtraction, subtraction!   We did a lot of proving today.  We had to see if the number sentence really was true or not.  I'm excited to see you on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 24, 2013 at 1:13 PM 2 Comments
Happy Wednesday!  Today was a busy day!  This morning we had daily five.  At the word work center we worked on writing our spelling words with red hot vowels and at the writing center we wrote sentences about a place.  I feel like I say this a lot, but it is amazing to me how much our handwriting and writing in general has grown already this year!  After daily five we had lunch.  This afternoon we went to music and library.  In social studies today, we learned about buying, trading, and saving.  We watched a short brain pop video on this as well.  Many of us already knew all about buying and saving our money because many of us use our B-Mart money to buy things, while others save it.  Math was working more with subtraction story problems.  Today we had to prove if the number sentence was true or not true.  Many of them were true and one was not true (10-4 = 5...not true!)  Our day ended with some writing work time.  Have a good night, see you on Thursday!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 23, 2013 at 3:51 PM 12 Comments
Happy Birthday Trevor!!  Our day started out with reading.  With a partner we built -all words on our whiteboards.  Some groups thought of seven -all words.  We read the story "All on the Map" on the smartboard and with a partner.  We practiced writing questions.  Our writing gets better every day!  Social studies today was learning about goods and services.  We know that a candy bar is a good.  We have to buy a good. We know that doctors do a service for us.  They help us get better.  After lunch, we had music and PE.  In PE we played freeze tag and practiced some hitting skills with a balloon.  Math was working more with subtraction.  We had to write equations.  I am amazed at how well we are catching on to subtraction and writing the equations.  Our day ended with a fun game of SPARKLE!  Have a wonderful night and see you back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 22, 2013 at 2:54 PM 2 Comments
It was a good day!  This morning we had reading.  The sound we are working on this week is the -all sound.  We read the story "A Tall, Tall Wall" and practiced reading many -all words.  We also made an -all flip book.  We will be working on asking questions this week and writing about places.  We had music before lunch.  After lunch we had PE.  Then, it was time for math.  We learned about subtraction, take away, and minus.  We did many story problems together on our math boards.  After math we had social studies.  We learned about things that we need and things that we want.  The three main things that we need to live are:  food, shelter, and clothing!  We had a fun day!  I'm excited to see you all back here tomorrow.  Don't forget to start dressing warmer.  It was sure cold today at recess...BRR!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 21, 2013 at 2:57 PM 2 Comments
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