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We started our day on the ipads making picture for Max's birthday!  Happy Birthday Max!  Then we had our calendar!  After that, we did a little bit of math where we added up coins, made hard patterns, and did the Cupid Shuffle!  We are getting really good at left and right.  Next, we had our Minnesota day!   Today we reviewed what different things in Minnesota was.  Have your child quiz you tonight!  We all looked GREAT in our Minnesota gear!  After lunch, we wrapped up fire safety.  Look for a fire truck in your child's backpack.  Then after our last day of rollerskating, we celebrated Max's birthday! Thank you to Max and his parents for bringing delicious cupcakes!  After that, we painted pumpkins.  Miss C did not have any orange or green paint so we had to mix it up!  Ask me what colors make orange and what colors make green.  Finally, we ended with Cmart and free play!  Next Monday and Tuesday  Miss C will not be here, so there will not be any posts on our blog.  I can't wait to see you all on Wednesday! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 16, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
When we arrived today we got what the ipads.  Today didn't go as smoothly as yesterday, but we aren't going to give up.  We are persistent and know this will work!!  During the movie today Miss C. told us to draw three pumpkins, two bats, yourself trick-or-treating, and a spooky moon.  Then we had our calendar.  After that, we had math.  Today, math was better to learn as a whole group.  So we played a quilt game.  Look for it in our folders!! It's a lot of fun.  We started sharing our maps today.  Lindsey's was AWESOME and AMAZING!!  Stella's has TONS of roads!  Alyssa's has a lot of green grass.  Ethan's has a bike and four wheeler trail.  Briar's has a bunch of twisty roads.  Joelle's is so colorful.  Elijah's has a lot of homes.  John's has a lot of hotels!  I can't wait for you to see them when they come home next week.  During lunch we had to stay in and we watched Boo Busters!  We loved it.  Then, we had fire safety.  Today we talked about things to STAY AWAY FROM!  For example: matches, cigarettes (for other reasons too), fire place, candles, and anything hot.  After library today. we studied MN!   It was a lot of fun.  Ask your child which device they worked with.  We then looked up the MN state bird, tree, flag, and flower!!  We made books with what we found!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 15, 2013 at 3:07 PM 2 Comments
Right when we walked in, we had math with iPads!  We worked with our critical friend and got the website that has our class lessons.  The website is Sophia.org.  The login  for each student is their first initial and last name and their password is either their home phone number or their mom's cell phone number.  Just so we can practice these all the time.  :)  For it being our first day on the ipads we did awesome!  Miss C was so impressed.  After that we did our calendar.  Then, we had math centers.  They were a lot of fun.  Some sad news that we got today was that Gavin moved and won't be back to our classroom.  We sure will miss Gavin!  After math we worked on our maps.  Some of us came and completed our social studies test in a small group with Miss C.  The rest of us will take it tomorrow.  After lunch, we finished up our maps and then had phy ed with Mrs. Vessel Johnson just so we could get another day of roller skating in.  Then we learned about fire safety.  Remember to send back your meeting place.  Tonight, I want all dads or moms to set off the fire alarm so that we know what it sounds like.  Also, make sure you check the batteries.  After that, we learned about Minnesota!  It's such a fun week!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 14, 2013 at 3:07 PM 2 Comments
Today we started with math.  Miss C. was not on the smartboard today because we used a lot of coins.  We worked with nickels and pennies.  We are really getting good at adding our money.  Then, we went right into social studies.  All during social studies we worked on our maps!  They are looking fabulous!  Right before lunch we had phy ed.  We are still rollerskating and it was on the wood floor today.  We felt extra fast.  After lunch, we took our spelling test and did great.  Then, we had a change.  Our thid grade buddies were on a field trip so instead we went with second grade buddies in Ms. Voigt's class.  It was cool to see some of our classmate's kindergarten teacher.  After that we read our book Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots.  It sure is getting creepy.  After music, we had art.  In art we made leaf prints.  Finally, we ended our day with Cmart.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I can't wait to see you all on Monday!  P.S.  Kudos to Brock, our handyman, for fixing our pencil sharpener! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 11, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
Today we started with math.  Math was back to normal.  Miss C was teaching on the smartboard AND walking around the classroom.  Something we had noticed when we walked into the classroom was there was a question mark by stack and pack and we wondered if Miss C was going to make us sleepover.  Crazy Miss C!  Back to math, today we learned about and easier way to do the count on method.  We just put the dots above the second number and count on.  It is so much faster.  THEN......we worked on our MAPS!! Ask your child what the name of their town is.  Today, we added roads to our maps.  Some of us named our roads Dog Dr., Street Dr., Thompson Rd., Bryce St., and Elijah St.  They are looking FABULOUS!!  After lunch, we read more in our book titled Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots.  It's getting really creepy!  YIKES!  Then we learned about adding 'ed' and 'ing' to words.  It was great.  Then, after music we had daily five.  Word work today was writing words with dot art.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 10, 2013 at 3:07 PM 2 Comments
This morning, Miss C, Aleah, and Ethan partook in the WALK TO SCHOOL day!  We walked in a little bit late and walked in on QUITE the surprise.  When Miss C walked in all of the students were sitting on the carpet ready to learn and they had already said The Pledge of Allegiance as a class.  That was AMAZING!!!  It really makes a teacher's day when her class can continue even when she is not there.  WOW!!! Then., we got to go to the theater.  There we got to see a Police dog named Raja.  She was beautiful and very smart.  She can smell out drugs!  It was crazy how she found the 'drugs' in the piano.  What a smart dog.  Then we went outside and got to look in an ambulance, a police car, and in a fire truck.  It was so much fun!  They even gave us coloring books that we got to color in before we went to music.  WOW!  What a great morning.  This afternoon we had math/  We learned about the count on method.  It's way FASTER then counting all of the numbers.  Then we had our math centers.  They were reading math books, playing cards, smartboard games, and working with Miss C.  During snack today, we celebrated Gavin's birthday!  Happy 7th Birthday Gavin!!!  Then, finally we ended our day with language arts.  We started a new story today titled Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots.  It was so good, that we begged Miss C. to read another chapter!!  I think there is something fishy about their new teacher, Mrs. Jeepers.  You should see the stories we have started to write about Halloween!  It is so much fun!  We get to keep adding to them tomorrow!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 09, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
This morning we came in and we were REALLY excited to meet the hero!!  We had math first though.  During math, we worked on story problems that we would solve.  During centers we watched our classmates videos of story problems and then we had to solve them.  Ask me what I did with Miss C. at her table.  We also played cards with a friend at a center.  During social studies, we started our maps.  Today we just made the title and key!  They are going to be great!  After lunch, we finished up our key and THEN.......  THE HERO CAME!!  His name is Officer Steve Estey and he is from the Virginia Police Department.  He saved a little girl's life.  Ask me about it.  Today he was presented an award in Hermantown with his crew for being such heroes.  WATCH THE NEWS (Channel 6) tonight and you will see our hero!  He is awesome!  He even brought bags for us with tons of fun inside of them.  Thank you Officer Steve.    During library there was a fire drill!  Mrs. Peterson said that we did great!  After that, we were really sleepy.  Half the class looked like they could go to bed, SO we went outside and EXERCISED!! We skipped, we galloped, we sprinted, and we walked.  It sure helped because when we came back we completed EVERYTHING!  We even started a story about a ghost pumpkin head.   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!  Don't forget to WATCH THE NEWS!!!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 08, 2013 at 3:06 PM 2 Comments
This morning we came in and we were REALLY excited to meet the hero!!  We had math first though.  During math, we worked on story problems that we would solve.  During centers we watched our classmates videos of story problems and then we had to solve them.  Ask me what I did with Miss C. at her table.  We also played cards with a friend at a center.  During social studies, we started our maps.  Today we just made the title and key!  They are going to be great!  After lunch, we finished up our key and THEN.......  THE HERO CAME!!  His name is Officer Steve Estey and he is from the Virginia Police Department.  He saved a little girl's life.  Ask me about it.  Today he was presented an award in Hermantown with his crew for being such heroes.  WATCH THE NEWS (Channel 6) tonight and you will see our hero!  He is awesome!  He even brought bags for us with tons of fun inside of them.  Thank you Officer Steve.    During library there was a fire drill!  Mrs. Peterson said that we did great!  After that, we were really sleepy.  Half the class looked like they could go to bed, SO we went outside and EXERCISED!! We skipped, we galloped, we sprinted, and we walked.  It sure helped because when we came back we completed EVERYTHING!  We even started a story about a ghost pumpkin head.   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!  Don't forget to WATCH THE NEWS!!!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 08, 2013 at 3:05 PM 2 Comments
Today, during calendar we earned our 30th tally mark.  This means that we earned a party.  We then voted on whether we wanted a hero to come to our room or just watch a movie.  EVERY single student wanted the HERO to come.  This hero is a police officer in Virginia who him and his crew saved a family from a burning house.  He saved the little girl himself.  We can't wait to meet him tomorrow.  After that, we had math.  Math is so much fun.  Here is how our days always go.  First, we watch Miss C. on the smartboard teach us the lesson.  Then we complete our activity sheet.  Next, we have our whole group activity which today was making patterns.  Finally, we end with centers.  Todays centers were AWESOME!! Ask me what my favorite one was.  After that we took our spelling pre-test.  We really know the sound 'o'.  Next, we had social studies.  We made our continent, the state, and the country.  Did you know that we live in Minnesota, AND in The United States of America. AND in North America.  WOW!! We didn't know that, or realize that before today.  After lunch, we played.......PIG!!! We love that game!  In library today, we had to check out one book that mom and dad can read and the other book that we could read!!  Keep on reading and logging your minutes.  Finally, we ended our day working with the letter o, and our new writing this week!  I can't wait to see you all and the HERO tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Oct 07, 2013 at 3:01 PM 2 Comments
We started our day and doing math!  We had our normal ROUTINE with the morning message, calendar, schedule, stick, and greeting..  THEN, we got to math.  Math was centers, and two Miss C's.  We watched one of the Miss C's teach on the smartboard while the other Miss C. walked around the room in REAL LIFE!!!  It is SO crazy!  One of our math centers we got to record our friends telling math story problems.  Most of us told stories about pumpkins!  They are awesome!  Then, we had social studies where we labeled our paintings with lakes, plains, rivers, and mountains.  Check them out in the hallway.  THEN, we had ROLLERSKATING!!!  IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! We are still learning the basics, but each day we will get better and better.  After lunch we had third grade buddies.  We all love seeing our buddies.  Then, we took our spelling and language arts test.  Finally, we ended our day with a good old shopping trip Cmart.  Some of the boys even tore a fan apart!  What a bunch of handymen!  :)  I can't wait to see you all on Monday! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 04, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
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