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This week we are reviewing for our theme 2 test. The boys and girls worked really hard all morning! After lunch we did a quick social studies lesson followed by PE and library. Then we did a math lesson on comparison problems. Afterwards, we enjoyed birthday cupcakes and the movie "Gnome and Juliet," as part of our PJ day! Movie time! *Next Wednesday the 27th is an early out!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 18, 2013 at 2:45 PM 5 Comments
Fun Friday! We enjoyed doing fun friday game centers. We also took AR quizes in the computer lab over recent books we have finished. After lunch we went to music followed by a math lesson on comparison story problems. We had time to work on math before we took 25 minutes to build stamina in our silent reading. We had computer and then got to do Friday Art! We are working on disguising turkeys to prevent them from being eaten for Thanksgiving! Have a fabulous weekend! PJ DAY ON MONDAY! Sight Word Charades (acting out 'bulky') Headbanz Game Read-to-Someone
Posted by Guest  On Nov 15, 2013 at 2:06 PM 5 Comments
Today we had our weekly language arts testing. We started with our spelling test and then did our vocabulary and comprehension testing. The boys and girls did really well this week on comprehension (that is our hardest area). After testing we finished up language arts centers. The boys and girls are having fun writing about being turkeys. We are working on revising our work and making final drafts. After centers we had lunch and then music. After music we earned our 25 minutes in turtle time, which was cashed in for a PJ party!! The PJ party will take place this coming Monday the 18th. We had PE and then a math lesson on story problems and venn diagrams. Have a great night!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 14, 2013 at 3:23 PM 5 Comments
Stamina Building Math Centers-Story problems Star Student Chair-stamina building Today we did our normal morning routine followed by calendar. After calendar we did our daily math warm up and then got into our language arts smartboard work. We reviewed our robust words for the week (brisk, strutted, gobbled, paced, request, negotiate, compromise, and improve), as well as our sight words. We talked about writing juicy sentences and adding details to our work. I hung up 4 different writings and we stared them with a 1, 2, 3, 4. We are aiming to make all our writing 4's! During center time we pretended we were turkeys as thanksgiving is quickly approaching. What are we going to do? Should we hide? Should we write a letter to the president telling him to make a different bird the tradiational thanksgiving dinner? We laid down, and visualized what we should write about. We then got with a friend and discussed before setting off to work. We are going to write a rough draft, then conference with the teacher, before making a final draft. After lunch we did a math lesson on story problems and venn diagrams. We then had 20 minutes to work on stamina building before we headed off to computer. After computer we had snack as we worked to finish unfinished work. We are trying very hard to get 25 turtle time points (we didn't have free time Friday, instead we carried those minutes over to start this week) in order to have a PJ party! We went to PE at 2:15 and then packed and stacked and headed for home! *I've started coaching basketball so I may be posting some posts during my prep before the end of the day in order to rush off to that :) *Remember that Wednesday Nov 27th is an early out day. No school the 28th and 29th.
Posted by Guest  On Nov 13, 2013 at 3:25 PM 6 Comments
Today went by fast. In language arts we reviewed sight words and robust words. Then we read the book "Click, Clack, Moo," as a whole class. We broke into center time and the boys and girls did a good job listening to reading, working on writing, word work, read to self, and work with teacher. After lunch we went straight to PE. We had a little time before music, in which we did our monthly handwriting journals. After music we had a break for snack which the boys and girls used to do unfinished work. Then we had a review math lesson on equation chains and story problems. We talked about odd and even numbers, and the math centers focused themselves around this. The end of the day consisted of RTI time and a few pages of a science book called "First Big Book of Why." See you tonight and Thursday night for conferences!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 12, 2013 at 4:00 PM 5 Comments
Today was a productive day. We started week 9 for language arts. This week we are working with the long o sound, as seen in /oa/ and /ow/. We did a pre-test in spelling. The boys and girls also filled out a report card of where they see themselves. After lunch we had social studies. We learned the vocab words culture, tradition, and custom. We had PE and library. Then we did math. There we learned about comparison story problems. We talked about really looking at what a problem is asking you. We had math centers, RTI, story, and home! Conferences tomorrow and Thursday!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 11, 2013 at 2:56 PM 5 Comments
We had a good Friday! We finished up our lesson 8 center work and lessons. Then we had time before lunch for some fun friday group games ("What's on my Back," and "Silent Ball.") After lunch we had music followed by a math lesson on make-a-ten and equation chains. We had computer followed by a choice by the kids to carry over their turtle time in hopes of earning 25  minutes for a PJ party, and instead working on a conference art project. Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 08, 2013 at 3:29 PM 5 Comments
Today was a productive day. We did our language arts lesson intermixed with week 8 testing. We took our spelling test as well. After that we did a few things on the smartboard before getting into new daily 5 centers. Here, they listened to a story and had to pick out 4 facts from it. They worked on writing by doing a "Who Am I?" mystery story. They did word work by choosing words from the word wall to write in creative ways (rainbow write, leave out the vowels, etc). After lunch we took our Unit 2 social studies test. We are now ready to start our next unit on government. We had Music and PE today. After PE we took a break for snack and got some unfinished work done. Then we did math. We are starting Unit 3. This unit focuses on solving change plus and change minus story problems. We work on solving collection and comparison story problems, and we solve story problems with extra or hidden information. We had RTI time and then we packed and stacked! Enjoy your evenings.
Posted by Guest  On Nov 07, 2013 at 2:58 PM 5 Comments
Today (and yesterday! I got locked out of blogging), went really well. We did language arts and daily five centers followed by a little social studies in the morning. The boys and girls made a crafty project of themselves at home, on their street, in MN, in the u.s, in the world, etc. It turned out really well. After lunch we got right into math. We took our unit 2 test followed by some time to finish up odds and ends. Then we had computer and snack. We finished the day with PE. Enjoy the sunshine!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 06, 2013 at 2:24 PM 5 Comments
We had a great morning yesterday. We started lesson 8 in language arts. We took a pre-spelling test and everyone did wonderful on -ar blend. We introduced new vocab and read the story 'The Great Ball Game." We did our daily 5 centers, writing a letter to our star student and working on ABC order as well as plurals. For the afternoon sub the boys and girls did great reviewing cm and measurement!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 05, 2013 at 12:15 PM 5 Comments
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