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We had a pretty good day!  Today we zoomed right into reading.  Before daily five we worked on contractions.  We practiced contractions using the word will.  We got to be word doctors today and cut apart some words.  We made contractions.  If my words were we and will, it became we'll.  For the apostrophe we used band aids!  Daily five was continuing to work on dialogue and our spelling and high frequency words.  We had library and computer.  In computer, we are working on little bird tale stories about winter!  Science today was learning all about our lungs!  We need our lungs to BREATHE!  We saw pictures of what a healthy lung looks like and what a smoker's lung looked like.  If we don't take care of our lungs they could turn black. We don't want black lungs! They didn't look good.  Our day ended with math.  Math was working more with addition and subtraction story problems.  It was very easy for us today to find the answer to the story, but it was a little tricky for some of us when we wrote out the equation.  We need to remember that our answer to the story problem needs to MATCH the answer in our equation! See you tomorrow!  Don't forget to wear your anti-bully shirts for bully free Friday!  
Posted by Guest  On Nov 21, 2013 at 2:30 PM 6 Comments
It was a nice day!  This morning we had daily five. At the word work center we did something a little bit different.  We had three choices.  We could rainbow write our spelling words,  write them on the ipad, or we could play a spelling game on the SmartBoard.  It was awesome being able to play on the SmartBoard and the ipad. During the writing center, we played two games.  One was finding how a sentence ended. You had to pick either a question mark, a period, or an exclamation point!  The other game was finding the contraction when you put two words together.  When the games were over, we worked more on our dialogue pictures.  We went to music and library this afternoon.  For math, we played an addition and subtraction game.  We got to play by ourselves and then with a partner.  The three different sets of cards were red, yellow, and orange.  Our day ended with us working more on plot (beginning, middle, and end). See all of your beautiful faces tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 20, 2013 at 2:28 PM 7 Comments
Today we had a good day.  For reading today, we read the story "Soccer Song".  This story was about a girl who wasn't very good at soccer at first.  By the end of the story though she was a great goalie!  We built many -ng words on our whiteboards.  Then, since we are working on dialogue, we drew a picture and had two people talking to each other!  We had music and PE today.  In science class, we learned even more about the digestive system.  We got to watch a BrainPop video on this system. Two cool facts that we learned today are that we need to eat healthy in order to keep this system healthy and that our digestion starts with our saliva (spit). Our day ended with math.  In math today we used whiteboards to help us work more with addition and subtraction story problems.  It is kind of tricky for us to find out what they are asking sometimes.  Remember to read the WHOLE story problem before filling in your mountain! :)  See you all tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Nov 19, 2013 at 2:32 PM 15 Comments
We had a super day!  We had brand new jobs.  This morning we had reading. We started it out by reading "A Color of His Own".  This was a story about a chameleon having his own color.  We are working on the ng sound this week.  We read the story "Frog Gets His Song" to practice our ng sound. We also talked about dialogue.  We learned that dialogue is a fancy word for talking!  We had music right before lunch.  After recess, we ran around in the gym and did some relays.  Science today was learning more about the nervous and circulatory systems.  We also talked about ways to keep your hearts and brains healthy!  Two fun facts that we learned are: your brain weighs 3 pounds and your heart weighs 1 pound!  Our day ended with math and read to self.  Math was working more with unknown partners and unknown totals!  Have a wonderful Monday, see you back here on Tuesday! 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 18, 2013 at 2:49 PM 5 Comments
Today was a pretty good day!  We love to say this, but today we jumped right into Daily five.  For Daily five we finished stamping out our spelling words,  we listened to books on CDs, we met with Ms. Battaglia to read,  we read to ourselves, and we finished our Christmas Wish Lists.  We had library and computer today.  For science, three groups presented their posters on the human body.  We learned about the skeletal system,  the circulatory system, and the muscular system.  Everyone did a very nice job teaching the class about their system!  In math class, we wrote subtraction problems on our whiteboards.  We really are getting quite good at drawing math mountains and writing out the equation not only horizontally but vertically as well! See some of you tonight at conferences, but I'll see the rest of you tomorrow morning! Ask your child why we named this post "Hola! Me llamo..."
Posted by Guest  On Nov 14, 2013 at 2:29 PM 5 Comments
We had a great morning!  I had a sub this afternoon, but our morning went really well. We were very productive! For language arts we read our decodable reader all together. Then, we highlighted the short u words and partner read the story.  After that we had Daily 5!  Since we are working on lists this week, we wrote a Christmas Wish List at the writing center.  At the word work center, we practiced writing our spelling words and stamping them. I love watching how independent everyone has gotten during Daily 5.  Everyone knows what their job is and what is expected of them.  It is amazing to see!  From the notes that the sub left for me, it seems that we had a great afternoon as well.  I am excited to see you all back here tomorrow!  Have a nice night.    
Posted by Guest  On Nov 13, 2013 at 5:11 PM 2 Comments
We had a good day!  We have almost earned 30 tallies for a party!  Today for reading, we practiced our sight word flashcards.  We read a story called "Plant's Can't Jump!".  Four things that we learned from reading this story are:  plants can eat bugs,  bugs can eat plants, roots go down and stems go up,  and plants can grow just like us!  This story was full of fun facts about plants.  We practiced short u words and we made a list of movies and nouns.  It was cool making lists!  We had music and PE after recess.  We have been busy practicing our songs for our concert.  We are sounding GREAT!  For science we finished our posters on our specific system.  We are ready to teach our class all about each system in our human body! Math today was working more with subtraction story problems.  We even threw in nickels and pennies.  One thing that I noticed today was that we need to remember what we started with when we go to write our subtraction equations.  Tonight is conference night!  I am very excited to see many of you and your families!  See you bright and early tomorrow for another great day! 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 12, 2013 at 2:30 PM 2 Comments
We are proud to be Americans!  Today was a wonderful Monday!  We had language arts right away this morning.  This week we are working on the short u sound.  Ask your child how he/she remembers what sound the short u makes.  We read the story "A Nut Falls" which helped us practice the short u sound.  We are continuing to work on nouns this week, but now we are focusing on animals and things.  We had music and PE.  Since today is Veteran's Day we read the book "Boo Boo Bears Mission" and we talked about Veterans.  We also made a little Veteran's book.  We are very PROUD of all of our Veteran's. Our day ended with math.  We worked more with math mountains and subtraction story problems.  We are getting quite good at these!  Have a great night.  See you tomorrow!  Don't forget, some of you have conferences!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 11, 2013 at 2:34 PM 3 Comments
We are proud to be Americans!  Today was a wonderful Monday!  We had language arts right away this morning.  This week we are working on the short u sound.  Ask your child how he/she remembers what sound the short u makes.  We read the story "A Nut Falls" which helped us practice the short u sound.  We are continuing to work on nouns this week, but now we are focusing on animals and things.  We had music and PE.  Since today is Veteran's Day we read the book "Boo Boo Bears Mission" and we talked about Veterans.  We also made a little Veteran's book.  We are very PROUD of all of our Veteran's. Our day ended with math.  We worked more with math mountains and subtraction story problems.  We are getting quite good at these!  Have a great night.  See you tomorrow!  Don't forget, some of you have conferences!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 11, 2013 at 2:33 PM 7 Comments
Happy Friday!  Today was a busy, but very productive day!  This morning we had language arts.  We reviewed our vocabulary words and practiced filling in sentences with our high frequency words from this week.  Then, we took our weekly lesson's test.  After our test, we finished up our thankful writing piece.  You will get to see these displayed in the hallway at conferences!  This afternoon, we had PE, music, and 3rd grade reading buddies!  Math today was working more with story problems and unknown partners.  The more we practiced these, the better we are getting!  Our day ended with B-Mart and free choice time.  Today flew by!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I can't wait to see you back here on Monday morning!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 08, 2013 at 4:07 PM 2 Comments
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