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This week we are doing a recap of lesson 11, as we missed so much school last week! We did a review of new sight words. We worked on word endings and brainstormed words that end in -each, -unch, etc. Then we did center work where we wrote a letter to Santa, wrote about favorite winter activities, met with teacher, read to self, and read to someone. It was a productive center day. After lunch we finished our government social studies unit. We had a few minutes to work on unfinished (or play spot it or headbanz) before going to PE followed immediately by library. We took a break for snack and title, then did a math lesson. We are almost done with this unit! Test to come soon. Needed: Metal hangers--any size but the little ones are better. Currently we have zero so any are appreciated! :) :) Book orders due tomorrow! Cereal Boxes please Spirit of giving items ...thank you so much for all you do! Memory sight word game during meet with teacher
Posted by Guest  On Dec 09, 2013 at 2:21 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good day getting back  into the swing of things! We started with some sharing of what we've been up to over our snow days. Then we did language arts--we will continue with lesson 11 into next week with our testing and spelling tests next Thursday. After lunch we had inside recess. We watched "The Mouse and the Motorcycle." Then we went to music followed by math. We are working with story problems. After math we had title/snack time. We worked on finishing up odds and ends. Then we went to computer. After computer we did a writing exercise and unfinished work. *Reminders* -spirit of giving canned foods -cereal boxes whenever you finish them -book orders due Tuesday so we can get them by Christmas! ---Monday, December 16 at 6:30 pm Holiday Concert! Have fun and safe weekends!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 06, 2013 at 3:09 PM 7 Comments
Today was a quick day! At 10:15 we worked on a santa creative writing until lunch at 10:45. After recess we went to PE and then continued our writing for 30 minutes until music. Next we did a quick math game before language arts center time. We finished the day with 10 minutes to catch up on unfinished work. *Book orders are coming home today. They are due December 10th--in time for Christmas! :) *Spirit of Giving canned goods and cereal boxes are wanted :) *Hope you are staying dry in this abundant amount of snow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 03, 2013 at 2:47 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good day getting back into our routine after the long weekend. We started lesson 11 of language arts. We learned the robust words fellow, executive, filthy, and kin. We also took a pre-spelling test. For center work we wrote a friendly letter to our star student, listened to reading and took notes during the story, as well as writing our vocabulary words in a sentence. We stamina built for 29 minutes! Woohoo! After lunch we did a social studies lesson on government. We talked about the branches of government and what they do. Then we had PE followed by library. We took a snack break then got into math. In math we reviewed doubles plus one and doubles minus one. Then we worked to create and solve story problems. We talked about story problems with collection of information, comparison story problems, and hidden information problems. We also worked with two-step story problems. This last one is quite tricky for us. We ended the day with a santa writing activity that will lead into a fun craft! Stamina Building **Remember spirit of giving--canned foods for our class *Cereal boxes when you go through them! Thank you!! :)
Posted by Guest  On Dec 02, 2013 at 2:36 PM 14 Comments
We had a fast and fun morning! We finished up our odds and ends and then did a math lesson on doubles plus one and doubles minus one.  After math we did a Thanksgiving reader's theater. Then we went down to the gyms/hallways and did the annual turkey trout! The boys and girls enjoyed running around the school for 20 minutes. We came back and did a little work before watching more of "Gnomeo & Juliet." Lunch, a bit more of the movie, and home! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Readers Theater Turkey Trout!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 27, 2013 at 10:49 AM 5 Comments
Working on Venn Diagrams We had a good day today! We started with a thanksgiving story that taught us how and why the pilgrims came to America. Then we did a writing about what we are thankful for. After that we got together with our table groups and filled out a venn diagram about how thanksgiving is different/the same as long ago. After our writing time we finished up our centers for the week. Then we read another thanksgiving story, EEK style with a partner. After lunch we went right to free choice time in PE. Then we had social studies. We learned about democracy. We had music followed by snack break. Then we did math, math centers, RTI, and pack and stack! **Cereal Boxes please :)
Posted by Guest  On Nov 26, 2013 at 2:32 PM 5 Comments
Today was a fast day. We will be doing review lessons in language arts. We did a turkey writing during center time as well as continued to work with friendly letters. Today they got to choose anyone to write too. After centers we did Art. We made Thanksgiving placemats. Then we went to lunch. After lunch we did social studies. We are learning about the government. We talked about citizens, laws, and local/state/national governments. We went to PE followed by library. Then we did a math lesson. We are learning about story problems with too little or too much information. We ended the day with math centers and RTI. *Cereal boxes please! :)
Posted by Guest  On Nov 25, 2013 at 2:12 PM 5 Comments
Today we started with working on unfinished work. Then we did our language arts review followed by a theme spelling test. After that we did our last theme assessment, this one on phonics and spelling. We finished up centers and went to lunch. After lunch we headed right to music. We are having fun preparing for the holiday concert. Then we had a mini lesson on writing Friendly Letters. We choose anyone we wanted to write to. We went to PE and then had a break for snack. We enjoy catching up on unfinished work, reading to self, or reading to someone while we chow down. After snack we did math followed by RTI. **Bully tee shirts tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 21, 2013 at 1:43 PM 5 Comments
We had a good day today continuing to review our theme 2 unit. We had new centers where we worked on a paper using our senses about Thanksgiving Dinner. We also practiced our sight words pyramid style. After lunch we did a math lesson on using a table to solve story problems. We worked with small groups to solve story problems and practice our math/teacher talk. Then we did a review lesson on traditions/immigrants/cultures for social studies. After computer we enjoyed birthday cupcakes during snack. Below is the evidence of the level of enjoyment: Luckily we ended the day with PE! ;) **Bully tee shirts on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 20, 2013 at 2:32 PM 6 Comments
Today we had a busy day, as we were doing a lot of testing for our language arts theme 2 curriculum. This was a review over everything we have learned this month. I've checked half of the tests and so far it looks like we've done a great job! Comprehension is still a weak area for us. I sent these tests home today-look over them so you can see the types of questions that are expected of our 2nd graders :) We did center work and then headed to lunch followed by PE. We played a fun witch game in PE. Then we did another portion of our language arts tests before going to music to work on our holiday program. After music we had title and snack. Then we did a math lesson that was working on counting on to make a ten to solve addition and subtraction problems. We also worked on solving a variety of story problems. We did math centers were we played a parachute drop game that worked on teen total facts, as well as the remembering side of our homework. We ended the day with unfinished work. REMINDERS: This Friday is a Bully Free Day. A.k.a wear Jacob's bullying teeshirt! :)
Posted by Guest  On Nov 19, 2013 at 2:47 PM 5 Comments
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