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Today was a great Monday back!  We started with our math games.  I could not believe some of the great games.  For example: Briar's Brainy Board Game, Elijah's Exercise Addition, Joelle's Push Button, the Lindgren's adding and subtracting multiply, and SO MANY MORE!! Then we did adding and subtracting flash cards.  We really need to watch the SIGN!!!! Make sure we are adding when we are suppose to add and subtracting when we are suppose to subtract.  Then we ended math with the Cupid Shuffle.  For science today we learned about the respiratory system.  Ask your child what the main organ is.  After lunch we had phy ed.  Mr. Stos was gone today so guess who our gym teachers were.,.....MISS C AND MISS BATTAGLIA!!  It was a lot of fun and relay running!  Next, we watched a movie on Timmy the Tooth, then we had a new version of PIG today called Turkey!  After library, we learned about our new sound 'ng'.  Finally, we ended with making words go from singular to plural.  I hope you all have a great day and a big THANK YOU to our high school helper Morgan for bringing cupcakes for her birthday.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.
Posted by Guest  On Nov 18, 2013 at 3:03 PM 1 Comment
When we came today we had our math centers.  They were a new card game, mega math, math with Miss C., puzzles, and math mountains.  After math we had science.  Today, we learned more about the skeletal system and the muscular system.  They work together to move our bodies.  We also thought of different ways to keep the muscular and skeletal systems healthy.  After lunch we had had third grade buddies.  Then we played sparkle!  Joelle was our big winner.  Then we took our spelling test.  After music we had a fun art project.  We had to glue all of these little pieced together to make corn in a basket or you might think it looks like a pumpkin.  Then we ended our day with Cmart.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  I can't wait to see you on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 15, 2013 at 3:01 PM 1 Comment
Today we started with math right away.  It was so much fun to have Ceci's grandma in our class.  She helped us with patterns that are growing.  Check out our folders tonight to see what we did with her.  We also practiced making word problems with figures.  Miss C also had us take a quick quiz that we all did fabulous on!  Next, we had science.  We had the skeletal and circulatory systems share their posters and then we watched a short movie on each.  The circulatory system's main organ is the heart.  The skeletal system's main thing is the skeleton.  In music, we practiced our Christmas songs.  They are turning out great!  After lunch we were WOWED by Max reading the book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.  He did an amazing job!  You should have heard his expression.  Then, we finished our lesson 8 test and moved on to reading a book with a lot of u's in it.  Then we wrote details about that book!  There were a lot of details about JUNK!  :)  Next, we practiced our new high frequency words by playing flash cards.  After that we had library.  In library we watched a movie and some of us shopped at the book fair.  After that, we read another story with our high frequency words.  We also learned our new vocabulary and writing skill.  Finally, we ended our day with writing details about a story!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 12, 2013 at 1:33 PM 1 Comment
Today we started with our spelling pretest right away!  The kids did great with the new sound u.  Next, we went into math.  Math was a lot of fun we cut out new flash cards with subtraction on them.  Tonight, have your mom and dad go against each other.  Let's see who knows their subtraction better.  Then we played a Veterans Day math game.  One of the games you had to add, the other you subtracted.  Next, we talked about Veterans Day!  Some words we use to describe Veterans are......brave, army, serve, marines, hero, remember....we even found out that there are veterans in our school.  Then we called and thanked two veterans!  It was a lot of fun.  Look for our quilt in the hallway, thanking the veterans.  We made it with the help of Mrs. Boese's kindergarteners.  After lunch, we finished up our quilt then we worked on our new sound u.  Don't forget that it is the book fair this week if you want to send money to have your kiddos go buy some new books.  Also, don't forget about CONFERENCES this week!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 11, 2013 at 3:08 PM 1 Comment
Today we started out our day reading the book Llama, Llama Misses Mama.  Some of us are missing our moms at school so this was a great book to read as a class!  Then, we went right into science.  We finished our science poster for the human body.  We will be teaching the class about our system next Tuesday (Monday we will be doing the Veteran's Day celebration).  Then, we worked on math.  Since math was so challenging, today was really easy!  We all FLEW through the subtraction word problems.   It's amazing to see how much they have grown in math!  Keep up the hard work.  This weekend movie will be a lot of fun.  Watch it as soon as possible.  Then we had phy ed where we played capture the flag.   Some of us need to practice not sliding.  We had a few injured capturers at the end of class.  This afternoon was great.  We read with our third grade buddies, and played the game sparkle.  Then we took our spelling test.  Next, we finished a movie that we had started on our inside say this week.  It is called The Mouse and the Mayflower.  Finally, we ended with Cmart!  I can't wait to see you all on MONDAY!  Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 08, 2013 at 2:56 PM 1 Comment
In math today we worked on taking away or subtracting.  We are doing great with it.  Carli was even gone yesterday but knoew to watch the movie.  So she was right with us today when she got back!  THAT WAS AWESOME!  Our centers today were working with Miss C., working on challenging patterns, mega math, working with Bryce's mom and making subtraction word problems on the iphones.  Today in science we learned about the human body.  We started our posters of our systems.  you should see the circulatory's poster!  All of the posters are looking great!  Then, we had music where we learned all of our Christmas songs,.  They are really funny according to Ethan.  Next, we worked on nouns.  We made some pretty silly stories about Justin Bieber and Mr. Potato Head.  Mr. Harker even had quite the adventure.  We also practiced adding the letter s to the beginning of words.  Finally, we ended our day with the daily five.  Tonight's movie is a little more challenging.  I walk the kids through all of the problems.  Just try them out!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 07, 2013 at 2:08 PM 1 Comment
In math today we worked on taking away or subtracting.  We are doing great with it.  Carli was even gone yesterday but knoew to watch the movie.  So she was right with us today when she got back!  THAT WAS AWESOME!  Our centers today were working with Miss C., working on challenging patterns, mega math, working with Bryce's mom and making subtraction word problems on the iphones.  Today in science we learned about the human body.  We started our posters of our systems.  you should see the circulatory's poster!  All of the posters are looking great!  Then, we had music where we learned all of our Christmas songs,.  They are really funny according to Ethan.  Next, we worked on nouns.  We made some pretty silly stories about Justin Bieber and Mr. Potato Head.  Mr. Harker even had quite the adventure.  We also practiced adding the letter s to the beginning of words.  Finally, we ended our day with the daily five.  Tonight's movie is a little more challenging.  I walk the kids through all of the problems.  Just try them out!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 07, 2013 at 2:08 PM 1 Comment
In math today we worked on taking away or subtracting.  We are doing great with it.  Carli was even gone yesterday but knoew to watch the movie.  So she was right with us today when she got back!  THAT WAS AWESOME!  Our centers today were working with Miss C., working on challenging patterns, mega math, working with Bryce's mom and making subtraction word problems on the iphones.  Today in science we learned about the human body.  We started our posters of our systems.  you should see the circulatory's poster!  All of the posters are looking great!  Then, we had music where we learned all of our Christmas songs,.  They are really funny according to Ethan.  Next, we worked on nouns.  We made some pretty silly stories about Justin Bieber and Mr. Potato Head.  Mr. Harker even had quite the adventure.  We also practiced adding the letter s to the beginning of words.  Finally, we ended our day with the daily five.  Tonight's movie is a little more challenging.  I walk the kids through all of the problems.  Just try them out!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 07, 2013 at 2:08 PM 1 Comment
Today during math centers we had Bryce's mom here to help.  She read us the story problems that we made last night when we watched our movie.  Tonight you will watch 3.6.  Our other centers were practice with math mountains, mega math, and making word problems on the iphone.  Next, during science we worked on our human body some more.  We tried to watch brain pop movies but it didn't work.  We are going to try again tomorrow.  Instead, we continued to look through books.  Next, we had music where we watched the rest of a whale movie.  It was an awesome movie.  Then, we practiced some songs for our Christmas program!  After lunch, we had recess where Brock, Michael, Max, Nolan, John, Isaac, and Ethan had a great game with Brock's football.  Thanks for bringing it Brock!  Then we learned about Michael and made his WORDLE.  Next, we read Cookie's Week and Cookie did not have a great week.  It was pretty rough!  Then we practiced our high frequency words and then we wrote sentences about details.  Then we finished our book about sea monsters riding motorcycles.  In phy ed we started cup stacking.  It is challenging but a lot of fun.  After that, we practiced nouns.  Miss C would ask us for certain nouns and then we would read a story with those nouns in them.  (Kind of like madlibs)  Then one of our sentences was we are going camping in the bathroom.  We ended our day with the Daily 5!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow to read the book about the Haunted Hotel!  We are loving mysteries!  Don't forget to watch movie 3.6.
Posted by Guest  On Nov 06, 2013 at 2:03 PM 1 Comment
Today during science we had Miss Battaglia's class with us.  Miss C told us that we are going to split up into groups and learn about a certain system in the human body.  There are the skeletal, nervous, digestive, muscular, circulatory, and respiratory systems!    We then had a twenty minutes lockdown drill.  The kids did a great job, but have to work on staying quiet.  During math today, we practiced word problems with two kids making pancakes.  Then we cut out new cards to practice with at home.  After lunch, we made turkeys!  I can't wait for all the parents to see them at conferences next week!  After that, we practiced our new sound th and highlighted it in our books.  Look for that book in their bag tonight,  Then, we learned our new high frequency words.  Keep on practicing them at home!  Finally, we continued writing what we are thankful for.  Tonight, during your movie, find your own piece of paper to recycle to use while you watch tonight's video.  Great job on whispering to me what I did wrong last night!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 05, 2013 at 2:35 PM 1 Comment
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