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Today was a great day!  It was nice to be back to normal.  Miss C. was here and ready to go!  We started with math.  In math we played a fun game called 100 ants.  We would draw a card and add it to our total until we got to 100.  Noelle pulled the card that got us to the total 100.  There will be a movie tonight!  Look for movie 4.10.  Next, we had social studies.  We learned about being a good citizen.  There are rules out in our communities that are called laws.  Some of these laws are no speeding, no stealing.  These laws are made to help keep us safe.  After lunch, we reviewed our sound OR.  You should have heard the expression while kids were reading Sid's Score.  WOW!! It was amazing!  Then we had library.  After library we compared Mrs. Knutson and Miss Viola Swamp.  There are some similarities but many differences!!!  Then we practiced our comprehension in small groups.  Finally we ended our day writing a story about whatever we want.  Today, it was amazing to see how many kids got on Oscar.   Nolan was on Oscar within the first ten minutes of class!!  Wow!! I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 10, 2013 at 2:27 PM 1 Comment
I hope everyone has had a comfy/cozy couple of days!  Here in Duluth, it is ugly!  I have had to dig my jeep out twice and now there is a car stuck in front of it.  :/  The joys of Minnesota!  I just wanted to let everyone know about tomorrow.  I am pretty sure we will be at school once again! We are going to be re- teaching this weeks lessons next week in language arts.  Therefore there is NO SPELLING TEST TOMORROW!  It will be the spelling test next Friday, December 13th!  This way we have more time in class to practice the -or sound!  Also, our Healthy Celebration is going to have to wait and be on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th!  The kids have not been able to finish their books yet and I don't want them to be rushed with them.  So if you were planning on bringing in food, just wait until Monday!   Thank you everyone!!  Since I can't make a movie for math.....your homework.... get outside and enjoy why we live in Minnesota!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW!!!!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 05, 2013 at 8:18 AM 1 Comment
After we got to sleep in a bit, we came to school and read a book about snowmen that work.  Yesterday, we read a book about snowmen at night.  There were a lot of similarities and differences.  Then, we worked on our handwriting and the letter r.  All of our handwriting is getting much better.  After that is was already lunch!  We were barely in the classroom before we had to leave!  After recess, we read our new decodable book.  Look for it in our backpack tonight.  This is a story you can read and add to your minutes for your free pizza.  Then, we learned our new high frequency words!  One of them was animals, another was under, and another was fish!  Then we read a story that had them all in it.  It was a nonfiction story about land with a lot of ice.  Next, we had library.  After library we had math centers.  Joelle show and tell was extra special today.  She brought in her mom's baby Mrs. Claus.  It was so cute.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow....or maybe the next day. 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 03, 2013 at 3:01 PM 1 Comment
Today was very exciting when we arrived to class.  In our room we had new spots, a Christmas tree, December books, and Christmas decorations.  It was also very snowy outside.  Good thing we wore our snow pants and boots and mittens.  Since, we didn't have a movie this weekend, Miss C. taught us the traditional way in math.  We learned about grouping numbers to make a ten.  This makes our adding a little bit faster.  The movie tonight will help  you practice it some more.  In science we started our book that we are going to read to a kindergartener.  This book is about being healthy.  Don't forget to send back your slip on if you can contribute to our healthy celebration on Friday.  After lunch, we read a book about snowmen since it is so snowy outside.   Then we learned about our new sound.  It is OR!!  After that we read the story Sid Scores.  After library we had snack and then had interviews in class.  Ethan was Santa.  Briar was interviewing to be a teacher.  Ceci was interviewing to play for the MN Wild.  Joelle was interviewing to work at the Animal Shelter.  It was a lot of fun.  Finally, we ended with centers.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 02, 2013 at 2:31 PM 1 Comment
When we got here today, we had math.  In math, we practiced writing teen numbers using sticks and circles.  If we made the number 17 with sticks and circles there would be one stick and 7 circles.  Then, we went down to the gym and we had our turkey trot.  It was a lot of fun and a lot of work!  Ethan and Bryce were some stand out distance runners.  The rest of us were great sprinters!  Miss C even ran with us.  After that, we worked on our November writing.  Ask your child what they wrote about.  Finally, we ended our day with some cleaning!  It was a great day.  Just an FYI there is NO movie this weekend.  Enjoy the time with your family.  Have a great Thanksgiving and I can't wait to see you all on Monday. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 27, 2013 at 12:00 PM 1 Comment
Today was a fabulous day. We started with a game in math.  Miss C. would give a teen number and each team would have to draw it in circles and then also show it with the tens stick and ones.  Every one tied with 8 points at the end! What a great game!  Then we learned about germs and skin.  Miss C had a bunch of GERMS on her hands and then she touched different objects in the room and shook hands with different kids.  We saw how the germs spread.  Ask your child what the 'germs' were.  After lunch, we learned about taking care of our teeth.  Make sure you brush tonight!  Then, we went to the theater with the rest of the first grade and watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.  After, we had our own Thanksgiving feast.  It was delicious.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 26, 2013 at 3:02 PM 1 Comment
According to the class, today and maybe this whole week is awkward!  We did NOT have a spelling test today!  We did have math centers!! At math centers, we practiced making ten groups.  We are so good at counting by 10s.  Then we had science.  In science we worked on ears, nose, and eyes.  It was SO cool to see our partner's eyes when Miss C would turn off the lights.  Ask me what happened to their pupils.  After lunch we had Phy Ed.  Today, we played glob tag.  It was a lot of fun.  Then we had different language arts centers.  We used a lot of stamps and made words and sentences.  After library, we worked on some handwriting and then Miss C had a surprise for us.  We could either have free play and Cmart or watch Frosty the Snowman.  We chose free play.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.   
Posted by Guest  On Nov 25, 2013 at 3:04 PM 1 Comment
This morning we came to class and we were AMAZED by Elijah's picture board that he made.  We had to talk about it right away because it was so cool.  Then we had problems with our projector so we couldn't do the morning calendar.  Then we took our practice test on chapter three in math.  We did very well with it.  We are taking it home tonight to just look over for tomorrows real test.  After math, we had science where we talked about the digestive system.  We added a stomach, small intestines, and large intestines to our body.  They are looking really cool!  After lunch, we read Teeny Tiny.  It was about a teeny tiny woman who took a teeny tiny walk to a teeny tiny gate and went into a teeny tiny churchyard and found a teeny tiny bone.  Next, we became word surgeons.  Today we made contractions with the word will.  She'll, They'll, We'll.  Finally we ended our day with the Daily five.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 21, 2013 at 2:02 PM 1 Comment
This morning when we came into class we took a quick quiz.  We all did amazing!! Then, we started math.  Math was a little different today.  At first, we started with making patterns.  Some of us had to make ABCD patterns and other challenging patterns.  Then we looked at patterns that grow by 10's and 5's.  After that, we worked on a story problem together.  In science we worked on the nervous system.  We added a brain to our human body.  They are all looking really good.  After lunch, we read Elijah's Cruious George book.  It was so good!  Ask your child what George dreamt about.  Then, we had a secret reader when we read the story Soccer Song.  Ethan earned everyone 5 cents and himself 10.  Way to go Ethan!  Next, we worked on our packet where we practiced comprehension and our ng ending.  Finally, after phy ed we had the Daily five.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 20, 2013 at 1:56 PM 1 Comment
We had a great day!  One thing, we have had a lot of kids sick this week so we really need to make sure that we are washing our hands.  Another thing, we are practicing keeping our hands out of our mouths.  This helps us not get sick.  Math was a lot of fun today.  The centers were mega math, Ceci's grandma, working with Miss C, math mountains, and patterns.  We will have our chapter 3 test on Friday.  The movie tonight is about story problems with missing partners.  Then in science we talked about the circulatory system.  We added a heart to our human body.  After lunch, we learned about our new high frequency words.  They are: feet, head, school, use, your, arms, every, and way.  Then we read a story with those words in it.  The story was titled Soccer Song.  Ask your child what it was about.  Then we ended our day working on our grammar, handwriting, and vocabulary.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 19, 2013 at 2:29 PM 1 Comment
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