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Today was a pretty good day.  In Daily 5, at the writing center, we worked on invitations.  At the word work center, we got to finish our rainbow writing of our spelling words.  Then, we wrote sentences using our high frequency words.  We had a lot of people move up for good behavior during Daily 5.  We had library and computer today.  In computer we played on a website called Cookies.  We LOVE this site!!  In science,  we did a worksheet where we had to compare how many cans people recycled.  We also got to review what we learned yesterday with the sub.  We taught Ms. Battaglia all we know about the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! Our day ended with math and groups.  Math was working more with graphs.  This time we didn't just compare two things- we compared three things!! Let's have a little bit better day of listening tomorrow afternoon.  See you on Friday!   
Posted by Guest  On Feb 06, 2014 at 2:19 PM 2 Comments
It was a fabulous day!  Reading was long today.  In reading, we read the story "One More Friend".  It taught us that we can always let others play with us and join in.  We practiced more with using he, she, it, and they.  We had music and PE.  In PE we played a game called "Everyone is it". In science we learned a little bit more about how we use natural resources like air, water, and land.  We wrapped up our day with math and groups.  In math we worked more with graphs.  We did a lot of comparing with our graphs.  Have a wonderful night!  Don't forget it is COLLEGE DAY tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 04, 2014 at 2:31 PM 2 Comments
Welcome back Macy!  Today we had an awesome day!  This morning we had reading.  In reading we did a high frequency word puzzle.  We read the story "A Perfect Lunch" and we worked on ir, er, and ur.  After reading we had music.  In music, we listened to songs from Frozen and danced.  In gym today  we played some tag games.  For science we did a weathering experiment.  We put three sugar cubes into a container and shook them for two minutes.  One minute for each partner.  For math we worked with graphing.  Some things had more and some had fewer.  We had to figure out how many more and how many fewer of something there was.  Our day ended with some sentence writing.  Have a good night and see you all tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Feb 03, 2014 at 2:22 PM 2 Comments
Today was a busy and fun day!  During reading we continued working on our benchmark test.  We had to read two stories to ourselves today.  We had library.  In library we watched the movie Scamper the Penguin.  After recess we went to computer.  In computer we played a website game called Cookies.  In science today we learned about weathering and erosion.  We know that these two things change land.  Math today was working on a practice math test with a partner.  We all did an awesome job working with our partners!  The real test is tomorrow, so there is no homework tonight!!  I'm excited to see you back here on Friday! So is Scribbles :)
Posted by Guest  On Jan 30, 2014 at 2:49 PM 4 Comments
We're finally back at school!  This morning for reading we did some review. We practiced our high frequency words with flashcards.  We practiced contractions.  We acted out in groups our vocabulary words.  This was fun!  We also practiced the main idea by listening to mini stories and picking out the main idea. Last, we colored Stevie the Melting Snowman and had to put him in melting order.  We started our middle of the year benchmark reading test.  We will do this a little bit each day until the end of the week.  In art today we made our own little monsters.  We read the story "Love Monster" and created our own unique monsters using only pencil and a black marker.  We had library and music.  After our specialists we had science.  In science today we did an experiment where we felt sand, clay, and humus.  We felt them when they were dry and when they were wet.  Our day ended with math.  In math we worked in small groups and figured out story problems that our classmates wrote. I am excited to see your beautiful faces tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 29, 2014 at 2:53 PM 2 Comments
It was a SUPER day!  We had daily five.  In daily five we got to do our rough draft of our personal narrative.  We did this at the writing center.  In word work, we had to put our spelling words in a chart.  Some words started with qu, some started with wh, some ended with t, and then we had to find all the words that had two vowels.  This was a little tricky!  After daily five, we went to library and we drew a picture of penguin Pete.  In computer we finished writing our little bird tale stories.  Some of us finished, some did not.  For science today we learned about clay, sand, and humus.  We also talked about rocks and natural resources.  Did you know that air is a natural resource?  At the end of the day we had math.  In math we were working on subtraction problems.  We learned the how to make a ten strategy to help us solve these problems.  We will need to keep practicing this strategy.  Have your child play his/her blue deck of cards this weekend!  See you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 23, 2014 at 2:53 PM 2 Comments
We had another good day!  In reading we read a biography about Tomas Rivera.  We worked more with I and me and we continued working on our sloppy copies for our personal narrative.  This afternoon we had science.  We learned about what makes up the Earth.  Did you know that Earth has more water than land?  After science we went to music and library.  We ended our day with math.  In math we worked a lot on finding the unknown partner in a story problem.  You will see some purple make-a-ten cards in your child's folder.  Have them play this game at home!  I hope you have a fun night.  I can't wait to see you on Thursday!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 22, 2014 at 3:00 PM 2 Comments
Today was a good day!  We had reading this morning.  In reading we are working on two sounds this week.  We are working on the "qu" and "wh" sounds.  We read two stories today.  They were "A Quiz for Brent" and "Quint and the Squids".  After lunch we had music, PE, and our last round of MAP testing!  WOO HOO!! Our day ended with math.  In math we worked on showing different coin amounts using the fewest coins possible.  Have a great night! See you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM 2 Comments
Today we had a good day!  For reading we had daily five.  It was a fun reading day!  At the word work center we had to build our spelling words with scrabble tiles.  Then, we had to add up how many points each word was worth.  At the writing center we continued writing our final draft of our sequencing story. Next, we had library.  In library we watched a movie about Martin Luther King Jr.  After lunch we had computer.  We are almost done with our little bird tales. In social studies we read a poem about Martin Luther King Jr. that we had to illustrate and we cut out our hand prints for a special project. Last, we had math.  In math we played a math game called Dime Detective.  This game helped us with finding partners of 100.  We had to hid some dimes and the detective had to figure out how many cents were hidden underneath the paper.  See your bright and shiny faces tomorrow! Don't forget tomorrow is an early release.
Posted by Guest  On Jan 16, 2014 at 2:50 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good- back to normal day!  This morning we had reading.  In reading today, we reread the story "Mark's Big Day", worked more with our high frequency words,  practiced writing holidays, and worked more on finishing up our sequencing stories!  Reading was very busy today but also very productive!  Everyone worked really hard. :)  In social studies today, we read a book about Martin Luther King, Jr. We talked a little bit about Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream.  Tomorrow we will be doing an activity with his "I have a dream..." speech.  Math was working with break aparts of 10 and break aparts of 100. We used a penny array and a break apart stick (popsicle stick) to help us see the equations!  Many of us noticed the pattern between a break apart of 10 and a break apart of 100 right away. (4 + 6 = 10 and 40 + 60 = 100)  We ended our day with an art lesson.  We learned about horizon lines and then created our own winter scene with a snowy horizon line. Everyone's turned out GREAT! Find a picture online showing a horizon line and see if your child can point it out!  Have a wonderful night. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 15, 2014 at 4:33 PM 2 Comments
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