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Today we learned the sight word who. We worked on stretching out words with more and more syllables. During intervention time we enjoyed listening to Skippy Jon Jones on the smartboard. In math we worked with teen equation cards. (10 +1 =11...or 11=10+1). Understanding that the answer is not always on the right in an equation is central to algebraic understanding. Research shows that seeing equations with the answer in multiple ways helps children build new and more accurate concepts of equations in later years.  In science we got to water our plants and observe how much they have grown. We recorded our findings in our science journals.  We ended the day with our Daily 5. Our stamina is at about 7 minutes.  We worked with 10 blocks today to make teen numbers
Posted by Guest  On Apr 03, 2013 at 11:16 AM 4 Comments
Today was a fun last day leading into spring break. We did a few easter stations. I read aloud a skippyjon jones book, and we got to color some easter pictures. We went over to Mrs. Boese's class and had science; we watered our plants and started a science journal. There we recorded the growth we saw in our class garden and individual pots. Our radishes have started to grow! After science Mrs. Boese and I thought it would be fun to let the kids play together in her room. They had a blast playing with new friends. Enjoy your long break! I'll miss all the kiddos!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 22, 2013 at 2:26 PM 4 Comments
Today in language arts we worked on phoneme blending. We also reviewed the sight word want and the letter E. For station work, the boys and girls wrote off the sentence frame "I want to..." They also worked on forming 3 letter words, played a 'racing to trace' math writing game, and did an easter coloring activity.  We started a new unit in math. This one will work on applying addition and subtraction problems to real world situations, focusing on the grocery store. Today we analyzed a picture of the produce section of the store. We formed + and - problems using what we saw. "I had three bananas in my hand and my mom asked me to get 5 more. How many do I have now?"  Read to self time--They went 7 minutes today with no one talking or looking up from their books!! :) We did a recall information activity where the students read a book and wrote/drew a short book report on it. What did they read about, in the words or in the pictures? Then they partner read a book of their choice.  Working on book report Book report *Spring break starts Monday the 25th-29th! Enjoy your time!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 21, 2013 at 3:06 PM 4 Comments
Today we started with a math test. I asked 10 questions about "What is 1 bigger then..." (11, 18 , 19) and "What is one less then..." This was difficult for many to do. We will have to keep working on this. After that we did stations. We worked with our new sight word want, not to be confused with what! We practiced spelling it in several ways. We did a word hunt with easter words (an activity that is quite hard for most!) and played zap it and jenga. We had science today and planted our own seeds! Boys and girls could choose from sunflower, pea, corn, or pinto. We drew a picture or what we planted. We finished with working on unfinished work. Good day!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 20, 2013 at 11:30 AM 4 Comments
Today we had a busy day testing for our Q3 report cards. Mrs. Debbie and I both pulled students to test letter names and sounds, sight words, decodable words (sounding out words), and rhyming words. We also did our Unit 3 Math test (on partners, = and not equals, and patterns). Along with these the boys and girls had to write both the upper case and lower case alaphabet. The most common errors I saw were backwards j's, b's, d's, and g's. We reviewed the sight word we and the letter e. We also did some fun easter stations. We did a mini lesson on beginning, middle, and ending parts of stories. We read "Apple Trouble," and the boys and girls had to decide which part of the story they were going to draw. We had a snack of cheese and crackers left over from Ellie, and some cookies left over from Kyah. We are now all out of snacks, much to the childrens dismay :) Another busy day tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 19, 2013 at 11:23 AM 4 Comments
Today the boys and girls came in and worked on any unfinished work. Then Mrs. Boese's class joined us for intervention time. There, we learned the new sight word we and the letter Ee. After they left we did daily 5. We built our stamina up to 6 minutes today!! Next we did our stations, followed by Science in Mrs. Boese's room. We talked about seeds. What do they need to grow? Then we each took turns choosing a seed to plant in our class garden. Next, we watered our seeds to help them grow. When we returned to our room we did a math graphing exercise using lucky charms. Story and home!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 18, 2013 at 11:23 AM 4 Comments
Today the boys and girls walked into the classroom to quite the sight; all their chairs were knocked over, books spilled everywhere, and gold and green glitter on the tables. Leprechauns!! We quickly cleaned up and built some traps to catch him! Leprechaun trap! We did our intervention time and reviewed the sight words down and up. Then we walked Mrs. Boese's class back to their room, and low and behold when we got back, our room was a diaster again!! We quickly cleaned everything up once again and made plans to catch our leprechaun! We wrote a letter to him, asking him to please stop messing up our room. We asked what he was looking for, maybe a pot of gold? Then Mrs. Debbie went to see if she could find him. She found, near my mailbox, a tin of baked potatoes and a note that apologized for messing up our room. We enjoyed the warm potatoes with some butter, salt, and green sprinkles. We did a few more St. Patty's day activities involving reading and math, listened to a story, and had one last snack; a girl scout cookie from Kyah. Today is her last day before she moves to Superior. We wish her good luck!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 15, 2013 at 1:43 PM 4 Comments
Today we had fun talking about St. Patrick's day. We watched a book being read to us via youtube. Then we had an activity where we unscrambled letters to make words. All the letters formed together to spell a 'secret' word. If the kids could guess it, they got a sticker (it was rainbow). We read two more stories throughout the day about Leprechauns. The boys and girls had the chance to make their own leprechauns picture at the end of the day. The boys and girls also did an observation activity where they measured and predicted the length of a potato. Measuring the potato unscrambling letters to form words (they could make real or pretend words). Other things we worked on were the sight words down and up. We reviewed all sight words through the pancake flipping game. The boys and girls also played a dice addition game called Bump. Fun day! Tomorrow we have science and I hope we can all do a little 'baking' activity of potatoes.
Posted by Guest  On Mar 14, 2013 at 11:24 AM 4 Comments
Today was a bit of a crazy day. We started off with our class pictures. Then we did a language arts lesson, working on the new sight word down. The boys and girls also worked to decipher which word in a list given orally had a different middle sound. This is quite tricky for us (i.e bed, run, red).  We read a story and talked about how all books have a beginning, middle, and end.  Then we did our station work. There, we wrote about our favorite part of school. We also worked with our sight words down and up. I pulled students to do word work with me, building words from the -at and an word families ("Show me rat. Now change the r to an h. What word to you have?" -hat!)   Today we also started science. Because I feel that our boys and girls work really hard in our short time together and we are able to get through so much, we are trying out joining with Mrs. Boeses class two days a week for about 30-40 minutes to explore science together (something we otherwise would only touch on briefly in this last few months). Today we learned about seeds. The boys and girls paired up and had a container in front of them. There was mis. items in there; erasers, seeds, legos, etc. They explored them using magnifying glasses. They sorted them into seeds/not seeds. Then they pasted them onto a sheet with the same headings. They had a blast!! Next time we are making a class garden :) How fun!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 13, 2013 at 3:41 PM 7 Comments
Today was a busy busy day. We started our day finishing work at our seats. Then we did intervention time and reviewed all our sight words, letter sounds, and letter names. We also touched on math, counting backwards from 30. We are working at being able to do this without looking-closing our eyes!! For station work we did a sentence frame of "I have one....I have two..." This week is a review of the letter I, so we made iguanas and did a streching out page of i words. We did a quick beginning sounds sheet as well. This comes easy to most everyone now. In math we quickly reviewed grouping things in 5's and 10's. We did some twenty number flash cards, and talked about the = and not equals sign. We ended with some Daily 5 reading. Fun, quick morning!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 12, 2013 at 11:16 AM 4 Comments
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