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Today we passed our valentines, did the 'heart' run in the hallways, shopped with our weekly earnings in the stores, had music and computer, opened our valentine's boxes, and had a BLAST! Bean bag toss Hair salon Store Have a fabulous long weekend with Monday off for President's day!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 14, 2014 at 1:31 PM 5 Comments
Busy day today! We did our lesson 17 spelling tests and weekly comprehension/vocabulary/sigh word testing before getting into all new centers. There, we wrote a descriptive paper about our favorite candy. We did a sight word game, and listened to "Pete the Cat" on the cd player. After centers we had lunch and music. Then we "Dropped Everything and Read." We had PE followed by snack and then a game of "I have, who has," math related. We took some time to build our stamina in read-to-self, before doing math center work on estimation and rounding. Conferences tonight, valentines parties and store shopping day tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 13, 2014 at 3:26 PM 5 Comments
Superhero day! I love to read month Good day today! We started off with our daily morning math. We did some practice review problems on our white board before moving into our language arts lesson. We continued to work with adjectives and pronouns. We did Daily 5 centers and headed to lunch. Then we did a math lesson on money and subtraction. We had computer, snack, and PE! Reminders: Yearbook $ No school Monday the 17th!! Next Wednesday the 19th is Class Color Day (purple) Wish list: 409/Clorox wipes.
Posted by Guest  On Feb 12, 2014 at 2:01 PM 4 Comments
Today went by really fast for us! Here is what we were up too.. We started the morning by sending the ski team off to state. Then we got together and wrote letters to our families to read during conferences. After that we had time for two rotations of daily 5 centers before heading to lunch. After lunch we had PE followed by social studies. We used our social studies time today to review vocabulary. Then we went to music. We took a quick 15 minutes for snack, then we did a math lesson on sequencing. They are catching on! We ended the day with "Drop everything and read!" as well as RTI. Have a great night! Reminders: Valentine Boxes Yearkbook $ Wed-Superhero day! Wish list: 409 spray and or clorex wipes. Thank you!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 11, 2014 at 3:24 PM 5 Comments
We had a productive Monday today. We started off with our spelling pre test for lesson 17. Then we did a little sharing time followed by our daily math warmup. We had a language arts lesson where we learned about the ea blend, as well as a review of adjectives and pronouns. We also talked about setting. We broke into our daily 5 centers. Then we had indoor recess followed by social studies. There, we talked about goods and services, as well as a review of producer and consumer. We had PE/Library, then a short break for snack. We had a math lesson on sequence. The objectives were to be able to count forward and backward, analyze relationships between numbers in sequences, and discuss patterns in a horizontal hundred grid. They did great! We ended the day with unfinished work and RTI. Reminders: Yearbook $ as soon as you get it Bring in your valentines boxes when they are completed Wednesday is superhero day! Classroom wish list-409 spray or sanitizer wipes :) Thank you!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 10, 2014 at 2:55 PM 5 Comments
Happy Friday! Today we finished up our daily 5 centers. We got started on a tear-art heart valentine that we are hanging up in the classroom to enjoy until Valentine's day. We had lunch followed by music, then we did a social studies lesson on producers, consumers, and income. We talked about things that are a necessity to buy, and things that are probably just for fun. I told them to be mindful of this when they go shopping with their families ;) We did a mini version of math centers before going to computer. Then we ended the day cashing in our 20 turtle time minutes for the week by finishing "Monsters University" and working on our heart crafts. Info: Supplies still needed for Feb 14th "Store" day (where we practice buying goods and talking about needs and wants when shopping): Dry Erase Markers, fun pencils, and individual wrapped snacks. Also, our classroom could use some more sanitary wipes and or 409 all purpose spray to keep our desks clean! Only if you are willing or able too. Much appreciated, thank you so much! :) Wed February 12th is Super Hero Day Wed February 19th is Class Color Day (purple!) Friday, February 28th is PJ Day Conferences are next Tuesday and Thursday! Looking forward to sharing our successes over these past few months. Enjoy your weekends! Indoor recess all week makes for some interesting 'movement' breaks. Gotta get those wiggles out somehow! Reading during Daily 5 Centers Listening to Reading-Pete the Cat
Posted by Guest  On Feb 07, 2014 at 2:01 PM 13 Comments
We had a great morning doing our lesson 16 reading testing. We worked some more on our research papers before reviewing robust vocabulary. We played 2 rounds of "Count to 10" before going to lunch. This afternoon for their sub they are working on two digit addition as well as money. They are finishing their research papers and going to music and PE.
Posted by Guest  On Feb 06, 2014 at 11:12 AM 5 Comments
Today was a busy Tuesday day for us. We started with a language arts lesson. We learned lots of new robust words, including lethargic, diversion, disturb, procrastinate, cozy, and bewildered. We practiced our spelling words on our white boards before getting into our Daily 5 centers. After centers we had some time to work on our research papers. We did a sloppy copy and are starting our final drafts. We had lunch, PE, and music. Then we did a math lesson on money. The boys and girls were given a 'newspaper food ad' and had to tell their partner what to shop for. They had to draw the correct amount of money needed for those items. We ended the day with RTI. Morning Calendar/Math Spelling word work
Posted by Guest  On Feb 04, 2014 at 2:15 PM 8 Comments
I was gone this morning, but I had a really nice sub report to come back to, saying that the students worked really hard! :) This afternoon we started writing our research papers. The boys and girls have been reading non fiction animal books. They are choosing an animal to write a report on. We had PE and library followed by snack break. Then we got into math. We reviewed last weeks lessons on two digit addition and the different methods for solving. Then we started talking about money. We ended the day with RTI!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 03, 2014 at 2:03 PM 5 Comments
Today we spent our morning testing for the mid year benchmark language arts tests. These combine the last several lessons of language arts. They are doing great! After testing time we played "What's on my back?" Then we did a mini lesson on research papers. We talked about how non fiction books tell us facts. They got to explore 20+ varieties of non fiction animal and science books. They will continue reading them, then pick their favorite and write a research paper on their animal of choice. We had lunch and OUTDOOR recess :). Then we went to music followed by some handwriting in the classroom. We had PE and snack. We finished the day with a review lesson on adding two digit numbers. Have a great evening!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 30, 2014 at 2:45 PM 5 Comments
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