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Today we had a nice day!  In reading we learned about our sound for the week.  We are working on the long a sound with spelling it either -ai or -ay.   We partner read the story "Kids Play!".  That story was about kids playing all over the world.  For grammar and writing this week, we are focusing on using our five senses:  see, feel, taste, hear, and smell.  In music we learned about Gustav the mole.  After recess we had PE.  Once we were back from PE we had science.  We talked about insects and what is means to observe something.  We also got our science journals all ready for when our mealworms arrive.  We are all pretty excited to see these insects!  We hope they come tomorrow!  Math today was working on doubles.  A double fact is when you add the same number together!  Our day ended with seeing who could be the best detective.  We searched books that we have read for -ai and -ay words.  The person with the most words got a special prize!  See you tomorrow, have a super night!   
Posted by Guest  On Mar 03, 2014 at 2:26 PM 4 Comments
Today we had daily five.  In daily five, we worked on finding our spelling words on a friend's word search.  We also worked on describing things at the writing center.  It is fun to see us working so independently during daily five.  We had library today and computer.  After computer we finished our theme 4 reading test.  In math we learned about lots of new shapes.  Some of the shapes we learned about were:  cube, cone, rectangular prism,  sphere,  and cylinder.  We did a fun sorting rule sheet to figure out which shapes fit the rule and which ones didn't.  We wrapped up our day with groups and reading our decodable reader.  Remember tomorrow is Olympic Day and PJ day!  Go CANADA!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 27, 2014 at 2:30 PM 4 Comments
It was a super day!  Today in reading we learned about the contractions 've and 're.  We did something a little bit different today.  We did Daily 3.  We went to the word work center, the writing center, and the read to someone center.  In the word work center we made our own word search using our spelling words. In the writing center we described a thing using color, size, and shape.  After lunch and recess, we had music and library.  Math today was taking our Unit 6 test.  I hope we took our time and checked over our work!  I'll see you tomorrow.  Have a super night!  Don't forget to bring back your reading log if you haven't. 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 26, 2014 at 2:22 PM 9 Comments
We had a good day!  Today in reading we read the story "Little Rabbit's Tale".  This story was about a rabbit who thought the sky was falling, but it was just an apple that fell on his head. We each got to read a few sentences into the microphone.  Our reading is getting to be really good!  We worked on describing things using color, size, and shape.  As a class, we wrote up a description of a CD player.  After lunch and recess, we went to music and PE.  Check your child's folder tonight for our field trip permission slip and for our jump rope for heart permission slip.  Math today was working on our pre-test with a partner.  We got to check our answers after with a marker.   I think we are ready for the test tomorrow!  Our day ended with being long e detectives.  I will see you all tomorrow!  Make sure you keep reading....two more days until your reading logs are due back! :)
Posted by Guest  On Feb 25, 2014 at 2:30 PM 2 Comments
Today was a pretty good day.  Our morning was jam packed with reading!  We had to change our storytown books.  We are now on Theme 5.  Today, we read the story called "Beaver's Green Treat".  The sound that we are working on all week long is the long e sound.  We are practicing writing this sound with -ee and -ea.  We took our spelling test that we missed last week and we started our Theme 4 test.  This afternoon we had PE where we learned all about Jump Rope for HEART!  Then, we got to go outside with Mr. Harker for an extra recess.  In math we learned about some new shapes: the hexagon, the trapezoid, and the parallelogram. Our day ended with some spelling practice and finish up our thank you letters.  Let's have a little bit better listening day tomorrow.  I can't wait to see you in the morning! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 24, 2014 at 2:35 PM 62 Comments
It was a nice day!  This morning for reading we did something extra special.  We got in a circle and read a story called "Snow Surprise".  The extra special part was that everyone got to read a little bit of the story into a microphone.  We worked more on building -oa and -ow words.  We also practiced more with troublesome homophones (missed or mist).  This afternoon we had math.  Math today was working more with measuring in inches.  In social studies we got to watch some videos about the Olympics.  We saw ice dancing, the skeleton, and the opening ceremony fireworks.  See your smiling faces on Thursday!  Nice job remembering to wear orange today! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 19, 2014 at 2:34 PM 2 Comments
Today we had a good day!  Many of us moved up on the behavior chart!  YAY!  In reading, we learned our sound for the week.  We are working on the long o sound spelled with -oa and -ow.  We read the story "Shadow in the Snow",  worked on troublesome homophones (sea or see), and practiced writing a thank you letter.  This afternoon we had music and PE.  Then, we had math.  We worked on measuring in inches.  We even made our very own ruler to take home!  Our day ended with learning about the Olympics.  Something very cool that we learned was that there are 19 athletes from Minnesota participating in the Olympics!  Did you know the Olympics only happen every four years?  This Friday we will be participating in our very own Olympics and our class is Team Canada!  Have a super night!  Don't forget to wear orange tomorrow for class color day.  Can't wait to see you back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 18, 2014 at 2:33 PM 4 Comments
Today we had a good day!  Many of us moved up on the behavior chart!  YAY!  In reading, we learned our sound for the week.  We are working on the long o sound spelled with -oa and -ow.  We read the story "Shadow in the Snow",  worked on troublesome homophones (sea or see), and practiced writing a thank you letter.  This afternoon we had music and PE.  Then, we had math.  We worked on measuring in inches.  We even made our very own ruler to take home!  Our day ended with learning about the Olympics.  Something very cool that we learned was that there are 19 athletes from Minnesota participating in the Olympics!  Did you know the Olympics only happen every four years?  This Friday we will be participating in our very own Olympics and our class is Team Canada!  Have a super night!  Don't forget to wear orange tomorrow for class color day.  Can't wait to see you back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 18, 2014 at 2:32 PM 2 Comments
Today was a productive day!  This morning we had Daily 5.  During Daily 5, we listened to stories on CD, did read to self,  met and read a book with the teacher,  worked on writing a friendly letter at the writing center, and wrote silly sentences with our spelling words at the word work center.  After lunch, it was finally warm enough for us to go outside and play for recess!  Yay!  We had music and library this afternoon.  For math we worked more with more and fewer comparisons.  This can be tricky for some of us.  Try to encourage your child to ask himself/herself first if the question is asking for more or fewer. Then, if it's asking for more remember to ADD and if it's fewer remember to take away (SUBTRACT)!  We ended our day with decorating our Valentine boxes!  The kids had a blast doing this and the boxes turned out great! We have many creative minds in our class. :)  Have a wonderful night!  Thanks to all of the families who came to conferences last night.  I look forward to seeing the rest of you tomorrow night! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 12, 2014 at 4:05 PM 2 Comments
Today we had a pretty good day!  For reading we read the story "Jungle Fun".  We learned the five parts to a friendly letter.  They are: heading, greeting, body, closing, and name.  The sound we are working on all week long is... -le.  Right before lunch we went to music.  We played a game in music class.  After recess, we had gym.  We played under and over tag and toilet tag.  For science we learned about what a geologist is and we played a fun review game with buzzers.  Our day wrapped up with math and groups.  For math, we worked in groups on creating a graph of our names.  Every single person had to say something different about the graph.  It was neat hearing all the things that we came up with.  I hope you have  a great night.  Don't forget conferences are this week!  See you bright and shiny! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 10, 2014 at 2:35 PM 57 Comments
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