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I can't believe how much I have missed blogging!  We have been so busy in our classroom and after school has been nuts!  We had a great week working on er, ir, and ur words!  It's was a tough spelling test this week but the kids did great!  We even brought our spelling words into math.  We searched through Valentine's Day books for words that have er, ir, and ur.  Then we graphed what we found!  It was a lot of fun!  We also worked hard on invitations for our Valentine's Day party!  Wow is this year flying by!  I can't wait to see everyone on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 07, 2014 at 2:56 PM 1 Comment
Today was a great day!  We started with reviewing for our math test that is tomorrow!  We work side by side with our critical friend on the pretest.  Then Miss C. was able to see what to review in the movie tonight!  It worked really well!  Putting two brains together works better than one!  Briar and Nolan were one of the hardest working teams!  Then, we took part of our Mid-Year Benchmark.  This morning was the part where we READ the story and answer the questions.  We really had to take our time and re-read if we had to.  I was very impressed with how they all did.  Keep up the hard work.  This afternoon was more testing with vocabulary, that we acted out, and then endings to words.  For a break, we watched this COOL movie of an elephant painting a picture!  It was amazing to see how well she created the picture.  Then, we played a new ball tossing game.  It's fun to work as a team!  Finally, we ended with more exploration of hummus, sand, and clay.  We got PRETTY DIRTY at the end of the day!  I will be gone for a track conference tomorrow, but the kids are in great hands. Mrs. Pufall will be here.  Just a heads up, there is a movie tonight, just the review, and then there will be a movie this weekend!  Have a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to see you all on MONDAY!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 30, 2014 at 3:37 PM 1 Comment
Today we started off with writing. Some of us had to finish up our personal narrative.  This was a story about us.  I can't wait to show you them at conferences.  In math we had short centers.  They were POP!, working with money, books, and counting on by 10s.  For example, if I start at 25, then it's 35,45,55,65,75,85,95.  After lunch, we had language arts.  Today we reviewed some of our sounds and then we took part of our middle of the year benchmarks.  At the end of the day, we explored rocks!  It was so cool.  You should have seen the mess from all of the fun!  Brock even made a spark from two of the rocks.  Briar made a diamond.  Isaac and John broke up a rock into tiny little pieces.  Joe worked on a rock the entire time and not one piece broke off.  Some of ours were really hard to break and some really easy.  We had a lot of sand in our room after we were done.  We had to wear glasses.  I  can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 29, 2014 at 3:02 PM 1 Comment
Today was our last day of MAP testing.  It was at the very end of the day!  The kids worked so hard.  I look forward to sharing their data with you at conferences.  Speaking of conferences, I sent home the conference sheet today.  Please sign and return them as soon as possible!  If things need to be switched around, it's easier to know sooner more than later.  Today, was a great day.  Our math centers were awesome today!  The kids were so focused and working hard.  Math is definitely getting more challenging, so keep up with those movies.  :)  Language arts was fun today!  We worked with qu, wh, and our new high frequency words.  We sure have learned a lot this year already!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 22, 2014 at 3:27 PM 1 Comment
Today was a great day back!  We are almost back into our normal routine of things.  We did have our third day of MAP testing today.  Today was the first day of math and we will finish it TOMORROW!  The kids have been working hard.  We also had our math centers today.  We do so well working in our groups.  I'm so proud of the kids on how hard they work all day, especially in math!  It's such a new concept, the way we learn with flipped, and everyone is doing great.  In language arts we learned about the sounds qu and wh.  It was a TOUGH pretest today!  These are definitely sounds that we are going to have to practice this week!  Finally, we started our personal narrative.  Some of the kids totally took of with their writing, some even finished!  We love to have time to just write, especially about ourselves.  I can't wait to see everyone TOMORROW!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 21, 2014 at 3:27 PM 1 Comment
Today was a busy day!  We started right away with our math centers!  We worked with Mrs. Sweere on our activity sheet.  Miss C. reviewed with us and had us take a quiz.  The other centers were working with money and sticks/circles.  I don't know if it is the weather, but we had EXTRA energy today.  Thank goodness we were able to go outside and play.  After lunch, we worked on our handwriting and also talked more about the reason an author would write something.  In one of the passages we read today, the author wanted us to know what to do if there was a lost dog.  Another book was to teach us that all brothers and sisters go through arguments, but can always have fun.  After that, we had daily 5.  Word work today was searching through 'snow' to find our spelling and bonus words!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 16, 2014 at 3:35 PM 1 Comment
This morning we started off a little different.  We all sat together on the carpet and talked about what really did happen yesterday at school.  Instead of kids telling other kids, I wanted to have the discussion with all of them and get the facts straight so that the kids were not scared.  We talked about what a bomb threat means and that there was not a real bomb.  We discussed how Esko is a very safe school to be at and that it is EXTRA safe today (explaining the police in the halls).  We also talked about the consequences the person will have who did this.  It was a very good discussion and the kids did very well!  I am so proud of all of them and how well they listened yesterday.  It was definitely a frightening experience at first, but with reassurance of friends and teachers, everyone did great!  Next, we watched the movie from last night in math.  Since everyone had a crazy day yesterday, I figured that not many kids watched the movie.  Then we played a math game.  After that, we watched a GREAT moving on Martin Luther King but kids with blue eyes had to sit in the hallway.  This was hard for everyone!  I think the brown eyed kids were more upset that their friends were being left out.  In the afternoon, our third grade buddies helped us write our own I have a Dream speech.  Finally, we ended our day with art!  We painted a horizon line.  Below I have the link to the movie/song we played all day in class.  The kids love it!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQy1o6JVPIQ
Posted by Guest  On Jan 15, 2014 at 3:30 PM 1 Comment
Today was a great Monday back!  We started with math where we explored the 100s grid some more.  We found different patterns both horizontally and vertically.  Then we put numbers in order from least to greatest.  Some of us had to learn a new strategy to help put numbers in order.  Next, we read a story about Martin Luther King Jr.  Ask your child if he fought with his fists?  Then, we worked on our new sound of the week.... AR!  The pretest showed me that most of this class did not know that sound yet!  We took extra time working on it.  In the afternoon, the kids were gone most of the time.  They had specialists and MAP testing.  Please reinforce at home that taking your time on the test is good!  Some of the kids are rushing.  :/  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 13, 2014 at 3:49 PM 1 Comment
Can you believe that we have already been here for 78 days of school already?!!  Time has flew by this year!  We've been having so much fun and working hard.  This morning we started right away with our spelling test.  The kids did great for it only being a 3 days week!  After that, we had math centers where we worked with the numbers in a 100s grid. After lunch, Ethan's mom was here!  She's so nice! At the end of the day we had art and Cmart.  What a great day!  I can't wait to see you all on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 10, 2014 at 3:42 PM 1 Comment
Today was our first day of MAP testing.  This is the test that the kids take on the computer for reading and math.  There are two days of reading and two days of math.  The rest of the days we test, you will find on the Friday letter tomorrow.  The first day of reading went well.  Most of the kids really took their time and did their best work!  I was such a proud teacher!  In math, we had a fun day buying and selling items from the Woodridge Store.  We worked with our critical friends solving how much money two items would be and then figuring out the money you had to give to make that amount.  It was a lot of fun!  In language arts, we continued to work on the sound ch.  Ethan did a wonderful job reading his story to us, then we talked about what happened first, next, and last.  Finally, we worked on our sequential writing that we started yesterday.  They are looking GREAT!   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.  Don't forget that there is a spelling test tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 09, 2014 at 3:44 PM 1 Comment
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