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Happy Friday!   We spent the morning working on finishing our theme 4 testing and then we did math in the morning for a change. We talked about all the different kinds of graphs we know about. We then chose a topic and took a survey, recording the information we found in a bar or picture graph.   We had lunch and music, then did a little more math before getting started on a St. Patty's Day craft. We had computer, cashed in our turtle time, and ate our snacks!   Surveying our classmates Playing "Words on my Mind" Art Time! Reminders: Tuesday is our field trip to Junie B Jones! Please bring your permission slip and $5!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 07, 2014 at 2:01 PM 8 Comments
Busy day in the classroom today!   We met for our morning meeting and then did some more theme 4 testing. After that we did a language arts lesson and reviewed parts of a book (index, glossary, table of contents). We reviewed adjectives and our robust words. Then we did a quick spelling activity before taking a spelling test.   Grandma Marge came in to read with us today before we went to lunch. Then we had music where we got to listen to a band! We did a quick science lesson on parts of plants before heading to PE.   After PE we took a break for snack and then took our time math test before getting into the next unit!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 06, 2014 at 1:53 PM 23 Comments
Today our morning went by really fast! We caught up on unfinished work and did some more of our theme 4 testing. We then did a short time review lesson, before having lunch and recess. Important Notes Going Home: Info about our field trip next Tuesday-please bring $5...we will cover the rest with our funds Picture forms for picture day next Wednesday. We take ours at 11:45, right after recess (sorry! only time that was left)
Posted by Guest  On Mar 05, 2014 at 1:01 PM 7 Comments
Hope you had a good Monday! We were busy. We started our Theme 4 language arts testing. We did two big comprehension stories as well as a vocab test. Then we did our theme 4 day 1 language arts lesson. We did daily 5 centers followed by indoor recess. After lunch we started Science!! The boys and girls were very excited! We started talking about plants. Then we did an experiment with celery. We stuck it in a jar and are going to monitor what happens to it over the next few days. We finished the day with a math lesson on time and calendars, had RTI, and home!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 03, 2014 at 2:44 PM 7 Comments
Today we started off by going to the cafeteria and celebrating the conclusion of "I love to Read" month. The surprise party was revealed...a movie in the theater! So tomorrow will consist of Olympic day in the morning, and movie in the afternoon! :) We did our lesson 19 testing followed by centers. Had lunch, music, and PE. We did a math lesson, again on clocks, and then made 'Belgium' flags for our Olympics tomorrow. Note: If you can start collecting newspapers (not the glossy ads), we will be needing a ton of these for our Easter baskets. They need to be cut in one inch strips (like the holiday wreaths we made). Bring them in as you get them, or all at once is okay too. THANKS!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 27, 2014 at 2:48 PM 8 Comments
Today was a busy busy Wednesday! We started with our unfinished work at our seats. Then we met for sharing, calendar, and our language arts lesson. We reviewed -er and -est endings. Then we practiced our spelling words. We did a lesson on biographies. We then wrote our own autobiographies! This was fun. We had lunch and recess followed by a math lesson on clocks. We broke into small groups and quized each other with clocks. Then we learned a new subtraction card game, much like war. We went to computer, had snack, PE, and home!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 26, 2014 at 2:09 PM 11 Comments
Good day today! We worked on language arts lesson 19, and in math we reviewed clocks. Reminders: Friday is Olympic day in the AM, and PJ day all day! Come in PE clothes, and change into PJ's if its more comfy. :)
Posted by Guest  On Feb 25, 2014 at 4:11 PM 5 Comments
Happy Monday! We had a busy day catching up on things we missed from last Friday. We took a spelling pretest for Lesson 19. Then we did a language arts lesson, learning about -er and -est endings. We learned the the adjective changes to er when you describe 2 people, and est when it is 3 or more. (fast, faster, fastest). We did our daily 5 centers before we headed to lunch. After lunch we took Unit 5 math test. We had PE followed by library. Then we started Ch. 6 of Math. In this unit we are learning about time. Today we worked to describe analog and digital clocks. We talked about AM and PM, and told time to the hour. We ended the day with RTI!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 24, 2014 at 2:51 PM 5 Comments
Busy day today trying to get odds and ends done incase of bad weather cancellations tomorrow. We did our Lesson 18 spelling tests, weekly testing, and new daily 5 centers. We finished up a sheet of "100 words I know" from Friday's 100th day of school. We wrote a letter to our star student Cooper, and did some AR testing on the computer. We had recess followed by music and then a quick social studies lesson on banks and savings accounts. Then we went to PE where we prepared for the Olympic day tomorrow! We had a quick snack (silent, because we didn't do a super awesome job at specialists). Then we did a math lesson (almost time for Unit 5 test!). We ended the day with some math centers and RTI. Drive safely today! Reminders: Yearbook $
Posted by Guest  On Feb 20, 2014 at 2:49 PM 5 Comments
Hi! I got a good sub report after being out sick yesterday. Good job kiddos :) Today we finished up some daily 5 centers we had from last week. Then we practiced this weeks spelling words (test tomorrow??) before doing a lesson on Chapter 18 of language arts. We finished up the morning with a venn diagram lesson, comparing and contrasting two books about dolphins. We had lunch followed by a math lesson on patterns. I choose boys and girls to stand in front of the room, and the students had to tell me what the pattern was (short sleeve, long sleeve.....boy boy girl girl, etc). Their homework is on patterns tonight-front and back! We then had computer followed by outside for PE. To wrap up the day I shared a diving video with them. They were pretty excited about that. Reminders: Year book $ Friday is Olympic day-dress in gym clothes to get sweaty in! :) Wishes-409 spray or Clorox wipes! It's germ season :)
Posted by Guest  On Feb 19, 2014 at 4:29 PM 5 Comments
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