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Today was a pretty good day!  In reading we read the story "On Saturday" from our storytown book.  We were in a circle reading using the microphone.  Our reading improves everyday!  We practiced more with the -er and -est endings.  We also wrote a poem all together about horses.  We realized how hard it is to write a rhyming poem, but WE DID IT!  :)  For science today we wrote in our journals the steps we took to plant our seeds yesterday.  We also drew a picture of the steps.  This afternoon we had music and PE.  We got a compliment from Mrs. Staples on how well we did at listening and playing our instruments!  In math we worked on using coins again.  Today we showed an amount using different ways to make that amount.  Have a wonderful night!  See your happy faces tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 01, 2014 at 2:31 PM 103 Comments
Welcome back!  It feels good to be back at school.  It was a nice, but rainy day.  This morning we wrote in our journals about what we did over spring break.  For reading today, we worked on the long o sound with the spelling pattern o_e.  We took our spelling pre-test,  read a story called "Hang on, Rose!", and talked about writing a poem.  Sometimes poems rhyme but they don't have to.  We had music and PE today.  In science today we checked our cups to see how many beetles we had.  Every single person had at least one beetle.  We drew an adult beetle in our journals and labeled it.  Did you know that beetles have three parts:  head, thorax, abdomen.   The last thing we did for science today was planting two brassica seeds into a cup. We will have to check them tomorrow to see if any are growing yet. Math was working more with dimes, nickels, and pennies.  We do a nice job showing a certain amount with these coins.  We need to remember with our new strategy that if we circle five pennies it is traded in for one nickel. Our day ended with us sharing about our spring breaks!  See you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 31, 2014 at 2:33 PM 2 Comments
It was a really fun day today!  For reading we had daily 5.  At the word work center, we finished writing our spelling words and stamping them out.  At the writing center, we finished writing about a memory we had.  We did read to self, listening to reading, and we met with the teacher and read too.  We had library and computer today.  In computer,  we wrote about spring things and watched a video about spring.  Art today was being the illustrator to a page of a book.  Ms. Battaglia read a page of a book to us.  We didn't get to see the picture because we had to be the illustrator of what we heard her read.  In that illustration- Ms. Battaglia will be looking for three very specific things.  In math we took a practice test.  We did it with a partner.  I hope we are ready for the real test tomorrow!  I hope to see your hardworking faces tomorrow!  Don't forget to wear your Bully-Free T-Shirts tomorrow!!!!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 20, 2014 at 2:40 PM 11 Comments
March 19th, 2014.  For Daily 4 today we had the word work center, the writing center, the meet with the teacher center, and the decodable reader center.  In word work, we worked on writing our spelling words and stamping them!  At the writing center,  we started writing about a memory we have had in our life.  Science today was observing our mealworms or pupae.  In our science journals we made a prediction for what our pupae will turn into.  I bet some of you are correct!  We had music and library this afternoon.  In math,  we worked on the days of the week,  the months of the year, and the four seasons.  We looked at a calendar and answered a bunch of questions about it!  Our day ended with groups and us being i_e word detectives!  I'll see your smiling faces tomorrow- I hope!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 19, 2014 at 2:29 PM 13 Comments
Today was a good day!  We had reading this morning.   We read the story "We're Going on a Picnic".  In this story the problem was that some animals were eating the food out of their basket without them knowing. Their solution was to pick more food for their picnic. Another thing that we did during reading time was practiced spelling a bunch of i_e words on our whiteboards. After reading we had science.  In science, we drew in our science journals.  We drew what our pupa would look like up close under a magnifying glass and we drew our mealworms habitat.  We had music and PE this afternoon.  In math, we played a CUCKOO clock game. Then, we worked on making a circle graph and a picture graph.  We also made a schedule of our day today.  Math time ended with us working on telling time at our tables.  We ended our day with groups.  We all had to read a story and find out what the problem and solution were in the story we chose.  See you all tomorrow!  
Posted by Guest  On Mar 18, 2014 at 2:29 PM 8 Comments
Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Today was a fun day in first grade!  This morning we did our regular routine.  In reading we were introduced to all the new concepts for the week.  Our sound this week is the long i sound.  We are practicing that sound with the i_e spelling pattern.  For grammar, we are working on using describing words that show feelings. For writing, we will all be writing about a memory we have had.  Ask your child what memory he/she will write about during Daily 5 this week.  He/she should already know since we made an idea web about it today! We had music this morning and PE this afternoon.  When we got back to our classroom from PE,  we realized we had a visitor.  We don't know who it was but we are assuming a leprechaun stopped by while we were away and left us some treats at our desks.  We sure are LUCKY!  With it being St. Patrick's Day, we graphed a cup full of lucky charms and made a leprechaun puppet.  They all turned out adorable!  Our day ended with math.  In math today we worked more on telling time to the half hour.  We focused a lot on saying this time two different ways.  For example, it can be 2:30 or half past 2.  Have a great night!  See all your smiling faces back here tomorrow. :)
Posted by Guest  On Mar 17, 2014 at 4:01 PM 2 Comments
It was a good day!  In reading today we had Daily 5.  At the word work center, we did rainbow roll-n-write with our spelling words.  The color that we had to write the word depended on what number we rolled on the dice. At the writing center, we worked as a group on writing a play.  We had library and computer today.  In science we observed our mealworms and pupae.  Some of us noticed that our cup had more pupae than it did before.  One group still has all mealworms.  We got to tape a real molt into our science journals.  How COOL!  For math,  we used circle graphs to answer questions.  This seemed to be much easier than yesterday's graphs using money.  Our day ended with writing thank you letters to all the amazing actors and actresses who were in the Junie B. Jones play.  I will be gone tomorrow.  I am hoping for an amazing report- just like yesterday afternoon!  Have a wonderful weekend.  Do something fun! See you back here on Monday!   
Posted by Guest  On Mar 13, 2014 at 2:29 PM 7 Comments
Today was a busy and productive day!  This morning we had language arts.  In language arts today, we learned more about our sound for the week.  We are working on the long a sound and we are working on the spelling pattern a_e. We read the story "The Missing Cake",  we worked on describing things by telling how many, and we read and practiced writing a play.  Science today was observing more of our mealworms.  We noticed that some of our mealworms are molting (shedding their skin).  Also, some of our mealworms have went into their next stage of life called a pupa. After lunch/recess, we had music and PE.  For math today we worked more on finding 1/2 of something and 1/4 of something.  We also had some more practice with fractions.  We all noticed that the bigger the number is on the bottom that really means the smaller the piece is.  For example, 1/3 is bigger than 1/4. Have a nice night! Remember that tomorrow is Spring Picture Day!  :)
Posted by Guest  On Mar 11, 2014 at 4:03 PM 5 Comments
Today was a very fun day!  We went on our first field trip this afternoon to the Junie B. Jones play at St. Scholastica.  It was a lot of fun and the play was awesome!!  We will have a chance to chat about the play and write some things about it tomorrow.  This morning before we headed off to St. Scholastica, we did some math and went to music.  In math today, we worked on finding halves and fourths of a dollar. It made it a lot easier when we brought up the quarter and discussed how many quarters there are in a dollar.  When your child is at home doing his/her math remind him/her that when you are trying to find a fourth of something, find half of the half!  (What is half of 12? 6.  What is half of 6? 3. So 3 is one fourth, because it is half of the half).  We will continue practicing this at school.  It is a hard concept.  I hope everyone has a nice night.  Get outside and enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather! :) See you in the morning!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 10, 2014 at 4:07 PM 7 Comments
We had a GREAT day!  We got to come to school in our jammies.  We had Daily 5 this morning.  At the word work center we finished our spelling scrabble.  At the writing center, we described a place.  We had library and computer.  In science today we got our MEALWORMS!  They were super cool!  They like to dig in their food.  We learned that the four things that mealworms need to live are:  air, water, space, and food!  Math today was learning about symmetry.  In order for something to be symmetrical it has to be exactly the same on both sides!  Our day ended with eating ice cream sundaes and watching a movie!  Have a great night.  See you back here on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 06, 2014 at 2:52 PM 2 Comments
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