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What a great day!  Our entire morning was dedicated to the OLYMPICS!!  We had so much fun pushing each other in 'bobsleds' and down the 'luge'.  Some kids were really nervous, but when they got out there, they had so much fun.  A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Vesel-Jonson and CJ for all of their hard work.  This afternoon, we had our surprise movie in the theater.  We watched "Super Buddies" with all of the first and second graders!  The puppies were so cute.  Finally, we took our spelling test, which you won't get back until MONDAY since we didn't have time to take it until the end of the day.  Then we ended with Cmart!  I can't wait to see you all on MONDAY!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 28, 2014 at 3:10 PM 3 Comments
We had such a fun day today.  We started with our assembly to end I Love to Read month where Stella won a prize and we all found out the surprise for tomorrow....a MOVIE in the theater!  Then, when we got back for math, we took our first 5 minute addition challenge!  There are 100 addition problems and we try and see how many we can get in 5 minutes!  The kids did great!  After that, we finished our theme test.  This afternoon was a blast.  We learned about contractions with have and are.  I've, You've, We're, They're.....the list goes on.  At snack, we celebrated Nolan's 7th birthday with SUPER 7 SUNDAES!  It was a lot of fun and delicious!  Finally, we ended our day with the Daily 5!  I can't wait to see everyone for an exciting day tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 27, 2014 at 3:36 PM 3 Comments
Today was probably my most favorite day this year, so far.  It was so much fun watching the kids share their superhero with the class!  Some kids really showed their creative side, but overall I was impressed by how much they have learned about their special friend.  Everyone had a HUGE smile on their face today because of this simple little activity.  I loved every minute of it.  Then we talked about a superhero that was only in first grade, Ruby Bridges.  I read a story that explained what she went through and the upset people she had to face.  At the end of the story, some of the kids needed a moment to take it all in.  I actually thought a few were going to tear up after hearing what this little girl had to endure.  It really touched them.  This afternoon we worked more on our sounds and high frequency words.  We also did an activity that was about cause and effect.  Miss C. put some silly pictures on the smartboard, for example a guy with a really bad sunburn, and we had to talk about what caused it.  It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of laughs out of it.  At the end of our day, we ended with the daily 5.  We are writing more about our beanie babies.  They are turning out AMAZING.  We also created a word search with our spelling words.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.
Posted by Guest  On Feb 26, 2014 at 3:40 PM 3 Comments
Yet again, we had to stay in for recess today!  What a bummer.  I feel so bad for these kids.  They just want to get outside and play!  So, this afternoon we had a bit of a dance party.  Layla's dad was here to enjoy the fun.  It got our brains moving to get ready for our afternoon of describing beanie babies!  It was so much fun to take a beanie baby and write as many describing words about it as possible!  These beanie babies are going to be on the shelves of Cmart starting this FRIDAY!  The kids are so excited!  This Friday we are also going to have our OLYMPICS!  If you are still able to come and help out, please let me know as soon as possible.  Just a reminder that we will be sharing our superhero tomorrow!  I can't wait to see you all then!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 25, 2014 at 4:13 PM 6 Comments
We had a great day back!  Due to the snow day, we were not able to take our spelling pretest.  Just so  you are aware!  We did take our spelling test from Friday then.  The kids did great!  Then we reviewed for our chapter six math test!  I am amazed at how well they understand word problems!  Finally, we ended our morning with the start of our Theme Four Language Arts test!  This afternoon we had fun exploring the sound ee, learning about Jump Rope for heart, and finishing our letters to our kindergarten teachers.  They are so cute!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 24, 2014 at 2:57 PM 1 Comment
We have been working really hard on the sound -oa-, -ow!  We are getting much better at spotting it in a word and being able to sound the word out better!  We have even noticed it more in words all around us.  We also practiced our high frequency words over and over again today!  You can never practice those too much!  In math, we worked on measuring things some more.   We practiced lining up the end of the ruler or the 'zero' with the end of whatever we are measuring.  Some of us wanted to start at the ONE!  After math, we watched different events from the Olympics.  One that was really interesting to the kids was the curling!  At the end of the day, we started a thank you letter to our kindergarten teacher!  I can't wait to see how they turn out!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 19, 2014 at 3:41 PM 2 Comments
Today was a great day back!   We started out with our centers in math.  We had fun measuring different things and working with our alligators come more.  After math, we talked about the OLYMPICS!  Our team is Mexico, so we made flags to carry into the gym on Friday!  They look great!  Next, we took our pre-test in spelling.  You will see the Friday test from last week in their folder and their pre-test from today!  I was not here on Friday to correct those.  Sorry for any confusion.  After lunch, we worked on our new sound.... oa, ow!  We read a story with this new sound and created a bunch of words!  After lunch, we learned about our new high frequency words and also about homophones!  By, BUY, and BYE!!!  Finally, we ended talking about our thank you letters we are going to be writing to our kindergarten teachers.  :)  It was a fabulous day!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 18, 2014 at 3:05 PM 1 Comment
Posted by Guest  On Feb 13, 2014 at 7:26 PM 1 Comment
Just a few reminders!  Tonight we have conferences.  Please make sure you are here at your scheduled time and remember we only have 15 minutes.  Also, there will be NO MOVIES for math tonight and Thursday, due to conferences!  I don't want kids getting home late from school and then having to watch a movie.  We need our rest, especially with so many not feeling so great!  Finally, if you have ANY shoe boxes that you could donate, we need FIVE more!  We will be making our mailboxes tomorrow!  THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 11, 2014 at 1:09 PM 1 Comment
Today was the first day of a very exciting week!  Not only is Friday Valentine's Day, it's also our 100th day of school!  It's going to be a blast.  It was so nice to have Layla's mom, Ashley, today in math centers.  She helped us graph our names and compare.  Then we worked on greater than and less than with Miss C.  One of the other centers was using alligators to show the bigger number!  The centers were a lot of fun.  For science we talked more about natural resources!  After lunch we worked with our new sound -le.  This is a tricky sound to work with.  It's really helping kids to cover the le with their finger, sound out the beginning without it and then add it.  Finally, we celebrated Collin's birthday which was yesterday!  Thank you for the delicious cookies Collin and Happy Birthday!!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 10, 2014 at 3:30 PM 1 Comment
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