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Today was another packed day. We did unfinished work and intervention time where we learned the sight word give. We reviewed there and are. We talked about the /u/ sound. Then we went to Mrs. Knutson's room to practice for our graduation. Afterwards we finished our Unit 5 math test. Then we got started on stations. We went to science and wrote in our science journals about what we have learned. Science ends Friday! Then we got to play with Mrs. Boese's class for 10 minutes before returning and working on stations. Very busy day! *Incase there is some confusion: There are two performances of the graduation, but half day only does the AM preformance....9:00am on May 24th. You are free to take your child after. It usually lasts 45minutes to 1 hour.
Posted by Guest  On May 08, 2013 at 11:26 AM 4 Comments
Today we had another good day. We started with working on unfinished work, then had intervention time-one of our last for the year. We reviewed the sight word and and learned there. Some boys and girls have having trouble remembering are, there, where, and. Please review!! We also worked on the /u/ sound. To help remember and to use something I learned in visual phonics training, the children know to take one finger and sideways poke their tummy saying "/U/!" We learned the robust words hollow and scurry. We did sentence writing, letter u practice, a math review sheet, a rhyming card sorting game, and a -ig word family game during station time. Then we took our Unit 4 math test. So far it looks like we did great!! :) They always test so well and sit so quietly and patiently through the process. We circled up and did our brownie party show-and-tell. Then we had a popcorn snack (brownie party) and birthday treats! Wow! I hope they were hungry for lunch : ) We ended with a few minutes to play with their show and tell toys. **Field trip money! $10 **If your child has a summer birthday, they are welcome to celebrate it sometime before the school year ends. Let me know which day and I'll be sure to make it special. **June 3rd-Camp Skeeter day **June 4th-Beach Day! Wear something that can get wet (but not a swim suit) **I will be gone again this Friday!
Posted by Guest  On May 07, 2013 at 1:10 PM 15 Comments
Today was a very busy day! We started by learning a new game that I learned at the Minnesota Kindergarten Spring Conference Friday--Zoom! We sat in a circle and passed the "zoom!" around, until someone hit the "brakes" and it reversed. Along with being really fun, it works on eye contact and speaking in a group. Then we did intervention where we reviewed the word and. We also talked about the /u/ sound. We went to Mrs. Knutsons room for graduation practice. When we returned we learned another game called "Whats on my back?" The students sit in rows and I give the ones in the back a letter or number. They draw it on the persons back in front of them, all the way up to the front where that persons draws on a whiteboard. They had a blast!! Then we went to Science, came back and did a quick math lesson, and headed home! **Field trip money! $10 **Tomorrow for our brownie party we will be having a Show & Tell
Posted by Guest  On May 06, 2013 at 11:22 AM 4 Comments
Today we had intervention, graduation practice, then language arts. We learned the sight word and and the letter U. After our language arts lesson we did station work (a sight word tree, a new sentence writing frame, a Y worksheet, and a game), then a math lesson, and then our daily five. We ended with a snack and story! Tomorrow I am gone to a kindergarten conference. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Daily Five reading-to-self
Posted by Guest  On May 02, 2013 at 1:05 PM 4 Comments
Today we started with Community Circle. We talked about what we are excited for in May. I said when I was young on May day, I would deliver May Baskets to my neighbors by ringing their doorbells and leaving them a cup of popcorn and other goodies. So if your child is asking to ring doorbells and run away, I apologize : ) Today during intervention time we worked on phoneme segmentation, a review of the letter Z, and a review of the sight words are, they, she, and good. We recalled previous robust words such as exquisite, spontaneously, and versatile.  During station time we started with a graduation craft; super cute! Then the boys and girls worked on short math addition problems, a review of the sight word are, medial sounds, and a cross word of sight words.  In science we drew pictures of flowers and labeled their parts; flower, leaf, roots, and stem.  We ended up finishing up stations and having leftover birthday treats and goldfish.  **June 3rd Camp Sketter Day.  **June 4th Beach Day. You will need to send your child in clothes that could possibly get wet (but not a swim suit). Possibly a change of clothes too? More information to come!! **We could use a few snacks to get us through the end of the year--only if your family would like to!
Posted by Guest  On May 01, 2013 at 1:26 PM 4 Comments
Today we spent intervention time reviewing sight words, medial sounds, past math concepts, and story elements such as 'setting.' Then we went and joined the other KG classes to practice for graduation. They did a great job for their first practice! Some songs include "Ollie the Otter," "He's my dad," "One Voice," and "America." After that we came back and got ready for stations. We did writing, reading, and math. Jenn pulled small groups to read while I worked with another small group with showing numbers 1-100 using base ten blocks and cubes (pushing 1st grade material :) ) We ended the day with a math lesson, making graduation invites, and having a birthday cupcake snack from Finn!! We learned a new subtraction game called "Shake and Share." Cubes help us subtract. Shake and Share
Posted by Guest  On Apr 30, 2013 at 12:19 PM 4 Comments
Wow what a beautiful day today! We were able to make it outside for the last 15 minutes. Gorgeous! We reviewed the sight words good and are today. We also learned the letter Z and talked about the sound it makes. We read two "Pete the Cat books" that the boys and girls really enjoyed. We had science today and got to examine a bunch of leaves! (thanks so much for bringing them in) We used magnifying glasses and looked at all the colors that you wouldn't normally see. We examined the lines in leaves and how that spreads water to them. Then we drew a picture of our leaf, being sure to include as much detail as we could! Get outside today if you can! :)
Posted by Guest  On Apr 29, 2013 at 11:23 AM 4 Comments
Today the boys and girls started off by finishing up unfinished work. If they have this done first thing, they can draw on their white boards or do dot paint (they have been really into dot pain lately, so i'm sure you have seen an abundance coming home :) ) During intervention we reviewed the sight words good, are, and they. We isolated beginning sounds. We worked on rhyming, spelling, and learned the letter Y. For stations we wrote about what we are going to do this weekend (be outside hopefully)! We did a counting by 5's sheet, which is more like 1st grade work :) We went to science and observed our celery food colored pants. We were amazed how they had turned red! We then watched a magic school bus movie about plants and how they soak up their food, water, and other nutrients. We came back and had choice time! Then snack and story! Enjoy the beautiful SPRING weather :)
Posted by Guest  On Apr 26, 2013 at 11:28 AM 4 Comments
Today we did a bunch of math and language arts review before we headed to science. There, we talked about plant and what they use their roots for. We concluded that the roots help carry nutrients and food to the leaves. We did an experiment where we took celery and put red food coloring in it. We predicted what will happen to the food coloring. The boys and girls colored a celery picture to show their prediction. We had a bit of time at the end of the day to play ABC bingo. Then we read a story and headed home! I said a word and the boys and girls had to cover up the beginning sound of that word. **The last day of school will now be June 7th for students.
Posted by Guest  On Apr 25, 2013 at 11:26 AM 4 Comments
Happy Wednesday! Already the middle of the week-it has flown! Today we worked with our sight word good, with the -et and -at word families, and with Math Mountains. The boys and girls did a word search for -at words--I couldn't believe how focused and engaged they were at finding all the hidden words! During our math time after reviewing Math Mountains, we worked with 20 numbers. We used 10 and 1 blocks to show a given number; 24...needs 2 ten blocks and 4 ones blocks. We also talked about the vocabulary word fewer and how it means less then. We had time for another art project, and this time made a spring picture using tear art--only ripping paper! They are turning out really good. We will finish tomorrow. Reading sight words to three friends Playing a Math Mountain game during center time -at word family cross word *Remmeber: school April 29th now to make up snow days! *Bring field trip money whenever you can get it to me!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 24, 2013 at 11:25 AM 4 Comments
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