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We had a very busy Friday. We did our morning meeting, math warm up, and then got into language arts centers. Our centers have been goofy this week as we've had no language arts lesson due to our testing. We went to lunch, had music, then did a math lesson. We worked on counting on, and using additon and subtraction rules to complete a function table. After that we got out our red math cards and practice quick addition and subtraction facts. We had another round of MAP testing in the computer lab, before coming back and starting Friday Art :) We are making scuba divers/snorklers to join our ocean classroom! We ended with free time for our turtle time minutes, then bus home! Working on their monthly journal-"In second grade I hope to..." Math flash cards Snorklers! Reminders: Pictures Friday, Sep 27th Turn in your $30 Activity Fee (thank you!!) We still could use 5 boxes of cereal to make our book boxes!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 20, 2013 at 3:28 PM 8 Comments
Today we had a better day. We started off with morning meeting, then did a large reading comprehension test. We took a brain break and played the game "Count Around," where whoever says ten is out. Then we finished our Beginning of the Year Reading Assessment! Yeah! We took the reading portion of our MAP tests in the computer lab before going to lunch.   After lunch we went straight to music. Then we did a gallery walk where we voted on two of our favorite bullying teeshirt designs. We did a quick social studies lesson-rural areas-before heading to PE.   After PE was Snack followed by math. In math we wrote down equations, rolled a dice, and tried to fill in the missing pieces (i.e. 8+n=10). We finished the day with read aloud-The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Posted by Guest  On Sep 19, 2013 at 3:53 PM 30 Comments
Today we had a great morning. We did two lengthy reading tests that the boys and girls did wonderful on. Then we did a few activites that the kids worked through at their own pace; they worked on a pen pal letter to their secret pals they will be writing to all year. They will meet them at the end of the year on a field trip! They also worked on coming up with words that begin with certain letters (depending which board they picked- i.e A-apple, ant, animal, etc). They had time to get unfinished work done before they could play a new math game called BUMP. After lunch they had indoor recess. Unfortunately, this did not go so well. I had several student reports of a very loud classroom with boys and girls not following the rules we had laid out. We talked about it as a class, and decided together what would be a fair consequence. They felt that having quiet snack today (instead of playing games or talking) along with taking away two turtle time minutes from everyone would be the most fair. We had a great math lesson where we learned about partner houses. We discussed doubles and fair shares (the same thing). We touched on how letters are sometimes used to stand for numbers ( 9+1 = m+n). Studies have shown that even young children can understand and use variables to show general expressions and equations. We had our first set of MAP testing in the computer lounge. Then we finished up math and did a worksheet activity before playing BUMP. In social studies, we reviewed urban, suburb, and rural. We talked more about communities. We ended the day with PE! (My pictures aren't loading today, so more tomorrow :) )
Posted by Guest  On Sep 18, 2013 at 3:28 PM 5 Comments
When time allows, I am going to have the students write a blog entry for that day. I will usually ask the star student first, then volunteers. Here is today's child's post... Today we had morning meeting then we took the reading test. Were tacking this test to see where were at right now. Then we did centers. My favorite center was the bullying one. We are having a contest to create a teeshirt design for our whole school to wear against bullying. Then we went to lunch. After lunch we had P.E. In social studies we learned about cities and grids. We had music after that. And then we had math. We learned about math mountains and we played a partner game. Today we had a great day. Miss Voigts class.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 17, 2013 at 2:47 PM 6 Comments
Today we had a good Monday. The boys and girls got assigned new weekly jobs, like teachers assistant and sanitary patrol. We started our turtle time over, trying to build up free time for Fun Friday. We did daily 5 centers; writing a letter to our new star student, doing a fluency test with me, reading-to-self, listening to a book on tap, and working on writing our word wall words. We started our "Beginning of the Year Benchmark" tests. They did pretty well for the first two portions.   After lunch we did more testing, had PE followed immediately by library, then settled in for a math lesson on partners of numbers. We built math mountains and used our white boards to find patterns.   We finished with a story starter "If I were an animal I'd be a..." to wrap up our testing for the day.   Get lots of rest and a good breakfast each day this week for our tests! :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 16, 2013 at 4:32 PM 5 Comments
Today was FUN FRIDAY! We started by having morning meeting where our star student shared her poster and we had a chance to ask her questions about herself. Then we presented her with the letters we wrote to her throughout the week. She has been enjoying sitting in the star student chair all week during reading time. After that we had our daily 5 centers, fun themed for fun friday! The boys and girls played sight word jenga, write-the-room, an Arthur's Reading Race reader's theater, read-to-self with some of my new books, and a word building board game with the teacher. It was a blast! After this we had lunch and music, followed by a review math lesson. Then we set up our room like a store. Half the boys and girls were buyers, the other half store owners. They were given various objects with a price tag on them. The buys had to go around with their toy money and buy things. They had so much fun. We built our stamina up to 7:33 today in read-to-self. Then we went to computer, followed by an assembly about pizza/food sales. We enjoyed spending our 15 turtle time minutes outside to end our week! Reminders: $30 for our activity fee due asap. Thanks so much for doing this! On student told me they couldn't see the pictures on the blog-make sure you click on the blog title to pull up the post. Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 13, 2013 at 3:18 PM 5 Comments
Today was a really good day for us. We started off with our spelling tests, which I just finished grading and they look great! Then we went right into our weekly reading tests. This consisted of vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, usage and mechanics,  hand writing, and word recognition. A lot of testing for 2nd graders but they did wonderful and sat very quietly throughout it all. These weekly test scores go into the grade book and get averaged for report cards. After this we did day 2 of centers. Then we had lunch and music, followed by a social studies lesson on neighborhoods. Then we went to PE and had snack. Today during snack the students had a chance to finish up unfinish work so they dont miss out on turtle time tomorrow (we have already earned 13 minutes of turtle time/choice time). In math we explored our secret code cards. We talked about teen numbers and how they are broken down into groups of ten's plus more ones. We showed teen numbers using our money strips. Then we talked about word names and matched them to teen numbers. We ended the day by learning two games called Graveyard (whenever I yell GRAVEYARD, whether during instruction or for fun, the boys and girls have to 'drop dead' until I say "Back to Life." This is something I will use if another teacher comes in to talk with me and we need compete silence for a minute. You can't talk if your in the graveyard!) and Whats in my Pocket (someone puts and object in their pocket and the boys and girls have to ask clues to solve the mystery). Looking forward to fun friday tomorrow! Read-to-someone center Math Lesson geo shapes exploration when finished with math assignment Read-to-self center Reminders: $30 activity fund Book orders due tomorrow! Cereal Boxes
Posted by Guest  On Sep 12, 2013 at 3:32 PM 5 Comments
Today we had a review day to prepare for our spelling test and weekly reading test, happening tomorrow. The boys and girls did a great job-I think their ready! :) During center time they worked with their spelling words, robust vocabulary, and sentence writing on their whiteboards. While they were with meet-with-teacher, they read a book at their fit reading level and then played the sight word game BAM. They love this game. We worked on our silent reading stamina building. We read for 6 minutes before another broke stamina! They earned turtle time minutes for doing so well. After lunch we did math. We worked with pennies, nickles, and dimes to show amounts of money. We will continue to build to this. In social studies we talked about maps and globes. The vocab words compass and key were introduced. For review, we did a group writing activity describing a picture of an urban area. We enjoyed going to computer and PE this afternoon. Math work-showing our work and grouping using sticks and circles We reviewed what CVC means (consonant vowel consonant)-and the boys and girls worked at their table spots to sort words. Read to self time Reminders- Book orders Friday-Orders from you earns me lots of points to order more 2nd grade level books! $30 for activity fund asap (Thank you!! Greatly appreciated!) School Pictures Friday Sep 27th
Posted by Guest  On Sep 11, 2013 at 3:26 PM 5 Comments
Today in Language Arts we worked with some new and old robust vocabulary-ignore, dangerous, style, passion, challenge, underestimate, proficient, and heed. We also reviewed sight words, and played a smartboard game about short a's. We did a D.O.L practice sheet, focusing on capitalization and punctuation.   We finished up our centers from yesterday. After lunch we went straight to PE, came back and did social studies. There, we talked about different kinds of groups-family groups, school groups, country groups, etc. We tied that to how different groups have different sets of rules. Meet-With-Teacher center Free reading when work was complete   After music we did more of our 3rd grade math assessment, followed by a math lesson on finding patterns when adding 0's and 1's. The boys and girls also learned how to earn a reward as a whole class--when everyone is on task they can get turtle time minutes. These minutes determine how much free time they get on Fun Friday. No math homework tonight!   Reminders:   Book Orders due Friday the 13th.   School Pictures are Friday, September 27   Still Needed: old socks, cereal boxes, and ink cartilages :) Thanks!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 10, 2013 at 3:24 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good Monday. We did our calendar and daily math warm-up, followed by our spelling pre-test. If a student got all 10 words right, they will test from the challenge words only on Thursday. The list is located in the blue packet that went home last week. After our spelling test we did our language arts lesson. We reviewed short a and i, and worked with our sight words and robust word vocabulary (located in your blue packet as well). We will have both our spelling tests and reading weekly lesson tests on Thursdays. Centers for the next two days were explained and boys and girls got to work working with their spelling words, writing a letter to our star student, reading to self/partner, and working with the teacher. They did pretty well, but we will continue working on staying on task while I am busy with small groups :) After lunch we started our Social Studies curriculum. We talked about where people live; urban, suburb, and rural areas. Then we had PE and Library, followed by 3rd grade math testing. We finished with a math lesson on comparison problems and started a class quilt for Art. Reminders: Book orders due this Friday! Bring in your old socks/cereal boxes! I still need about 10 cereal boxes. Friday Sep. 27th is school pictures. **If you have any used ink cartilages and would like to bring them to school, I can turn them in for money to buy things for our classroom! :) 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2013 at 3:28 PM 5 Comments
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