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Today right away we all did our morning routine without any reminders!  Then, we did our calendar.  It was time for reading next.  It was our first day doing Daily 5.  We did awesome! We even earned tally marks.  Our daily 5 centers are:  read to self,  listening to reading,  meet with the teacher,  word work, and work on writing.  Daily 5 was tons of fun!  This afternoon,  we had music and library.  Some of us got to check out another book.  Social studies today was learning about a community and leaders.  We ended our day with math.  Math today was all the numbers 3 and 4.  Homework again tonight, don't forget!  See you all back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 11, 2013 at 3:01 PM 2 Comments
Today everybody was happy!  We did our calendar this morning.  Then it was time for reading.  We worked on sound boxes with a partner.  We practiced short a words on our whiteboards.  As a class and with a partner we read the story, "Let's Tap".  It was about teaching people to tap dance. We got to do another Daily 5 center- Read to Someone.  We did an excellent job.  We all remembered to EEKK up....which means elbow, elbow, knee to knee.  We also practiced drawing pictures and adding labels.  Lunch time came quickly today.  After recess, we had music and gym.  For math today,  we worked on numbers 0, 1, and 2.  We also worked on making patterns.  Tonight is the first night of math homework.  We ended our day with social studies.  We learned about maps.  We even got to make a map out of shapes at our tables.  Everyone did a very nice job working as a team.  Goodbye!  I am excited to see your bright and shiny faces tomorrow morning!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 10, 2013 at 2:58 PM 3 Comments
Today was a good day!  We started our first grade reading series.  We got to look through our Storytown books and see the stories we will read.  We practiced the short a sound.  We even built short a words on our whiteboards.  We learned about labels.  Sometimes our pictures make it hard to tell what we are drawing, so we add a label.  We had music and gym.  For social studies, we learned about families.  We drew a picture of our own families and we added labels. Our day ended with finishing up our math test.  It was kinda hard.  Have a great day!  I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2013 at 2:44 PM 2 Comments
Today was a happy day!  It's FRIDAY!  Right away we did our morning greeting.  Today was the first day that someone remembered all of our classmates names.  We all got to share our summer pictures.  Some of our pictures were easy to guess, but some were hard.  Then, we got with a friend and retold the story "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly".  After lunch and recess we went to gym and music. FINALLY, it was time to meet our 3rd grade reading buddies.  We are buddies this year with Mrs. Hallsten's class.  It was fun to meet a new friend.  We can't wait to see our buddies next week.  When we got back,  we took a really hard math test.  A few of the problems were easy, but most of them were hard.  This test was to see what we knew about math.  Our day ended going outside to play for choice time.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  See you back here on Monday.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 06, 2013 at 2:20 PM 2 Comments
Today was yet another fun filled day!  Right away this morning we all remembered to check in with our magnets.  Then,  we jumped into doing sound boxes.  We all did a really nice job at not peeking at each other's papers.  We read the story "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly".  We even got to make our own old lady.  We put all the stuff that she ate into a plastic bag- "her belly".  We had outside time for library and then it was lunch time.  Right after recess we went to computer class.  This afternoon for math we played Yahtzee with a friend.  Some of us won the game quickly, but other it took a while. Our day ended with BINGO! Some got some Bingo's, some did not.  We still all got a piece of candy for having good behavior.  Enjoy your night. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 05, 2013 at 3:00 PM 12 Comments
Day 2 was great!  Today the students came in right away and surprised me by how much they remembered to do for our morning routine.  This morning, we did a bus art project.  We tied in what we learned yesterday about bus safety by writing three rules on the windows of our buses. You will see your child's bus in his/her folder tonight.  Once we finished up our bus, we read the story "Chrysanthemum". We had a good talk about why we shouldn't call other people names.  We also had a fun talk about how names are all unique and special.  Some of us even shared who we were named after.  We made a graph on the SmartBoard using our names.  Names that had five letters won! Today we were introduced to one of our Daily 5 centers- Read to Self.  We picked a book, found a spot to sit, and we read for five whole minutes without any talking and everyone reading!  It was AMAZING!  Their challenge was to see if they could make it five whole minutes and they did! :) This afternoon, we had music and library. We ended our day with math centers. I hope you all have a great night!  I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow!        
Posted by Guest  On Sep 04, 2013 at 4:32 PM 2 Comments
Welcome back to another school year!  I am so excited to be back!  Today was a fun and extremely busy day.  This morning, we talked about bus safety and we even got to go out on a real bus to talk about how to be safe while riding the bus. When we got back, we did some language arts review to see what we remembered from kindergarten.  After recess, we had music and phy ed.  Then, we worked on a heart project.  We drew things on a heart that we love.  This will help us when we do writer's workshop this year.  The day definitely flew by!  I am eager to see you all back here tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Sep 03, 2013 at 3:53 PM 2 Comments
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