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We started our day taking part of our second grade math test.  It was hard but we did great!  Then we went into social studies.  Today was talked about our families.  We learned that you can do jobs with your family, you can learn from your family, and your family can tell you stories.  Miss C. told us one of her favorite family stories.  It was about Fuzzy the duck.  Look in the photo gallery on our webpage and you will see Fuzzy.  Miss C's grandma use to feed Fuzzy in a high chair.  After this, we drew pictures of our family.  Next, we had our FIRST spelling pre-test.  This was just a practice test.  Some of us did get 100% so we do not have to take the test on Friday.  Way to go! Then., we had lunch.  After lunch we had phy ed.  It was a lot of fun.  Then we came back and learned about the letter......Aa.  We practiced the sound, writing it, and sounding it out in words.  Then, we had library.  DON'T FORGET YOUR BOOK TOMORROW!!!!!!!! Next, we read the story Tag!!  It was a great story.  Finally, we ended with reading some other stories and answering questions!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2013 at 3:00 PM 2 Comments
Today we started with talking about how we all miss our moms!  Even  Miss C misses her mom.  Next, we made our old ladies.  Then we retold the story with our critical friends.  While we were doing this our class pet came out.   His name is Woofster!  Ask us about him.  Tonight, you can have your child retell the story because they brought their story home.  After that we read a different school version, Joe's favorite, of there was an old lady.  Next we had Phy. Ed where we got a great report.  After lunch we worked on sound boxes.  Ask us about Ava, Isaac, Ethan, Owen, and the unicorn.  Then we had music with one of our favorites Mrs. Staples.  After music we learned about our store.  We will start earning  money on Monday and C-Mart opens on Friday!  Then. we started  SECOND GRADE math test!  We will take this test again at the end of the year to see how much we have grown!  Finally, we ended our day OUTSIDE!!! I can't wait to see everyone on MONDAY for John-Boy's BIRTHDAY!!  :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 06, 2013 at 2:40 PM 2 Comments
We started our day with learning who our critical friend is!  Ask me at home who my critical friend is!  Then we shared our heart with our critical friend.  Next, we did sound boxes.  Miss C. would tell us a letter or a sound and we would have to write it in the box and then we would sound out the word.  Ask me what we say for the letter A and the letter I.  After that we read a story about an old lady who swallowed a fly, a horse, a cow, a bird, a cat, a dog, a spider, and a goat.  Then we drew all of these things because tomorrow we will make an old lady who swallows them all.  Right before lunch we had computer.  Lunch was delicious!  After that we played YAHTZEE with our critical friend..  Then we had music.  After music we did the Daily 5! We hit 4 minutes today.  We keep getting better and better.  Finally, we ended our day with a practice spelling test!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 05, 2013 at 3:03 PM 2 Comments
Right when we got to school we put our folders in our pouches!  We did great at this!! Today we started the Daily 5!  We practiced read to self.  We would find a cozy place in the classroom with two books.  The books were not too hard.  Then we practiced reading them for one minute, then two minutes, and finally for three minutes.  We did a great job!   Next, we read the story Chrysanthemum! It was about a little girl name Chrysanthemum and people would make fun of her name!  In the end of the story she started to like her name anyway!  After that, we made a graph with our names and how many letters are in them.  Five had the most names!  Before lunch we had music with Mrs. Staples and after lunch we had math centers.  Next we had phy. ed. FINALLY, we ended our day with...........BINGO!!! It was a lot of fun!!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 04, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
We did a bunch of projects today!  One of the projects was a bus.  In the windows we wrote three safety rules for on the bus.  The other project was a heart.  On the heart we drew all of the things that we love.  We will use this heart for when we are writing.  We went on a bus today, but it didn't drive anywhere.  We learned about bus safety rules on there.  Today we had Library and Music.  Library was really fun because we got to bring home a BOOK!!!  Aleah and Briar shared two of their pictures from summer.  We started with a smiling game....ask me how to play it at home.  :)  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 03, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
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