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Today was a beautiful day!  We had a great day in the classroom.  We started our day with Daily 5.  We are getting really good at the read to self center.  Everyone has been reading the entire time!  At the writing center today, we drew a picture of ourselves doing something.  We will be adding sentences to our pictures tomorrow.  At the word work center, we played BOGGLE with our spelling words.  Some of the words were a little tricky to find.  We had music and library.  In math today we learned about break aparts of 10 and we also learned about groups of 5 and extra ones.  There is a letter coming home today explaining our math a little bit more.  We ended our day with social studies.  We learned about how people communicated in the past and today.   Did you know that the telephone was invented 100 years ago?  We hope you all have a happy night, see you bright and shiny tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 25, 2013 at 2:58 PM 2 Comments
Happy Tuesday!  This morning we had language arts.  We continued working on the short i sound today. We built short i words with a partner, we read the story "Big Rigs" in a big circle, we wrote sentences about ourselves swimming.  We even got to play a really fun game called PIG!  This helps us practice our high frequency words.  Ask your child how to play the game.  We had music and PE.  In math today we learned more about patterns and break-aparts of 9.  Again, we got to play melon monster!  This time our monster could eat up to 9 watermelons!! Our day ended with a practice fire drill and social studies.  We learned about inventions and transportation.  We know that everything continues to change in our world.  Have a wonderful night!  Enjoy this beautiful weather.  I am excited to see you tomorrow!     
Posted by Guest  On Sep 24, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
It was a fun day!  This morning, we took the last part of our MAP testing.  Yay!!  We are done with our beginning of the year MAP tests for reading and math!  For language arts we started working on the short i sound.  We also worked on the naming part in sentences.  Have your child tell you a sentence tonight and also the naming part of that sentence.  Writing this week, we will be working on writing sentences about me.  We had music and gym today.  For math we learned all about break-aparts of 8.  We even got to play Melon Monster.  It was a fun game!  Our day ended with social studies.  We learned about school in the past.  We learned that children used to go to school in ONE room filled with kids from every grade.  We also learned that they used to write with feather pens and chalkboards.  Tomorrow we will be doing a fun art project dealing with school in the past.  I hope everyone has a good night.  Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!  I can't wait to see all of your smiling faces tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 23, 2013 at 3:00 PM 2 Comments
We had a GREAT pajama party today!  It was the best day ever!!  This morning we took two tests.  We had our spelling test and we took our weekly reading test.  Everyone did a nice job on these!  Before lunch, we got extra outside time with Mr. Harker.  This afternoon, we had gym and music.  Then, we read a story called "Pat Can Help" and we highlighted all the short a words.  Almost every word got highlighted!  Math today was learning all about the switch partners for 7.  We learned that the total stays the same even though the numbers switched.  Our day ended with fun Friday!  We got to have free choice and shop at B-Mart!  Some of us got some really cool stuff, while others decided to save up.  I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.  I am eager to see you on Monday morning!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 20, 2013 at 2:32 PM 2 Comments
We had a good, rainy day! Even though the weather wasn't great today...our class was!  We had daily five again.  Everyone seems to have their own favorite center to go to.  At word work this week, we rainbow wrote our spelling words.  At the writing center, we drew a picture of our favorite animal doing something.  We then added a sentence to our picture. I hope we all remembered a capital letter and a period!  We had library this morning.  We got to listen to a great story teaching us that bullying is rude.  This afternoon we had math.  Math today was all about break- aparts of 7!  Social studies was learning about the pilgrims and how their lives are similar and different to ours.  We got to see pictures of the pilgrims houses, their clothing, and how they made their food.  We brought home timelines today.  You have until Oct. 7th to work on your timeline at home!  I am very excited to see them. :)  Also, today something special happened.  We have been so good in class lately, that we earned ourselves a pajama/popcorn party!!!!!!  Don't forget to wear your jammies tomorrow.  Have a wonderful night! See you on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 19, 2013 at 3:21 PM 2 Comments
Today we had a fun day!  Right away this morning we went to the computer lab to do our first round of math testing.  It was hard for most of us.  When we got back from MAP testing, we went to Miss C's classroom to do social studies with her class.  We learned that American Indians were the first people in North America.  They did a special dance called the Eagle Dance to greet visitors that came.  We watched a video of an American Indian doing the Eagle Dance.  Ask your child tonight to show you what the Eagle Dance looks like.  We had inside recess today because it was rainy!   We watched Johnny Appleseed, the movie.  This afternoon we had music and library.  We got to check out TWO books! Then, we had Daily 5 centers.  We worked on our spelling, reading, and writing sentences.  Our day ended with math.  In math today we learned about break-aparts of 6.  We are all getting SO good at break-aparts!  Have a nice night!  Hopefully the rain goes away.  See you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 18, 2013 at 3:06 PM 2 Comments
We had a great day!  This morning we had language arts and our second round of MAP testing.  We are all done with the reading portion of our MAP testing. For language arts today, we read the story "The Van" as a whole group and with a partner.  In this story, the van couldn't move because it was too heavy.  They solved the problem by pulling a wagon full of their stuff.  We played a fun envelope game.  During this game we had to put sentences in the correct order.  All of the words were scrambled up and we had to make them make sense!  Everyone did an awesome job at this and worked great together.  We had music and gym this afternoon.  In music, we got to share our pictures. Our pictures were of a listening map.  Gym today was tons of fun.  We got to ride around on scooters!  For social studies today, we started out with some review from yesterday.  We got in a big circle and shared what we would like to be in the future.  Then, we learned about a timeline.  We made a class timeline for our week at school and all of the specialists that we go to each day.  Our day ended with math.  It was working with stair steps 1-10.  We learned all about 1 more and 1 less. Have a fantastic night!  Go out and enjoy the weather, see you tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 17, 2013 at 2:59 PM 2 Comments
It's MONDAY!  This morning we jumped right into reading.  We are working on the short a sound again this week.  We practiced writing short a words on our whiteboards with a partner.  We read the story "Sad, Sad Dan" and we learned more about sentences.  Then, we started working on our beginning of the year reading benchmark test.  We had music in the morning and gym in the afternoon.  In social studies we learned all about the past, present, and future.  Some of us had a lot of fun drawing what we think we are going to look like in the future!  After social studies, we went to our first round of MAP testing.  Some parts were easy and some questions were hard.  Math today we learned about break-aparts of 5.  We practiced this using little "lambs" today.  Our day ended with some spelling practice.  I hope everyone has a great night.  I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 16, 2013 at 2:55 PM 2 Comments
Today was a very fun day!  We played a fun spelling game this morning before taking our spelling test.  It was called SPARKLE! Ask your child how we played the game.  After our spelling test, we read the story "Miss Nelson is Missing".  Viola Swamp is the substitute teacher in the story.  Everyone thought Viola Swamp was SOO mean.  For art class, we then made our own Viola Swamp.  They turned out GREAT and will be displayed in the hallway this week!  This afternoon we had gym and music.  Then it was time for 3rd grade reading buddies.  We love getting to see our 3rd grade buddies each week and reading with them. Math today was working with the number 5 and break- aparts for 5.  Everyone did a nice job with this!  Our day ended with free choice and the grand opening of B-Mart! :)  We were all so excited to shop at our classroom store. Many of us got really cool stuff and others decided to save their money. Have a great weekend!  I look forward to seeing you back here on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 13, 2013 at 4:18 PM 2 Comments
Today was another great day!  This morning we had Daily 5 again.  Our favorite centers so far seem to be read to self and listening to reading.  It's fun using headphones and a CD player.  It is also pretty fun having someone read a book to us.  We practiced building our spelling words with beads and pipe cleaners.  We also worked on adding labels and a sentence to our pictures at the work on writing center.  We had library this morning too.  We got to listen to a good book and learn all about the rules of the library.  After recess, we had computer class.  In computer, we played on Bailey's Book House.  We love going to computer class!  Math today was learning about break apart numbers for 4.  Using counters and break apart sticks "popsicle sticks" seemed to really help us!  For social studies we learned all about moving.  We now know that a long time ago people used to move using wagons, but today we use big moving trucks.  Our day ended with handwriting.  Our handwriting is looking better and better every day! :)  Have a great night!  I am looking forward to seeing you on FRIDAY!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 12, 2013 at 3:00 PM 2 Comments
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