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Right when we got here we said The Pledge of Allegiance.  This is an important time of day.  Next, we had math.  In math we worked with the partners of 8.  Make an S and do not wait, go right back up to make an 8!  After we finished our activity sheet, we worked with MONEY!  We sorted our dimes and nickels.  We also stamped dimes and nickels and then worked as a team to write how much each was worth.  Everyone did fantastic.  Next, we took our spelling PRE-TEST!!! A lot of kids got 100% or were very close!  After that, we had social studies.  During social studies we learned about classrooms from the past.  In their classrooms they didn't have Cmart, lunchroom, more than one room, toys, and so much more.  Then, we made our very own chalkboards.  Check them out in our backpacks tonight.  After lunch, we took our FINAL MAP TEST!!  We did wonderful.  Then we learned about our new sound this week........I.  Then we had library.  Don't forget, Mondays are check out days.  After that, read a story.  Lindsey was our secret reader and did a fantastic job to earn everyone 5 cents.  Finally, we ended with correcting some of Miss C's sentences.  I can't wait to see you tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 23, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
When we started our day we started  by catching up on Word Work we had not completed.  The word work was rainbow writing.  Some kids enjoyed this time listening to books.  Then we voted on our classroom bully picture.  Congratulations Lindsey on a job well done!  Everyone's drawings were fabulous.  Hopefully, Lindsey wins the first grade round.  Next, we were totally surprised by a trip outside.  Then we had phy ed!! In phy ed we played capture the flag.  It was a blast.  After lunch, Noelle;s mom and brother, Isaac, came in.  SO CUTE!!! Then our third grade buddies stopped by to read with us.  Next, we took our language arts test!  We did great!  After that we had math.  DId you know that you can switch the numbers you add and you get the same answer?!! That's what we learned today.  Finally, we had our spelling test and ended our day with CMART!!! I can't wait to see you all MONDAY!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 20, 2013 at 3:06 PM 2 Comments
Today in math we worked with the partners of 7.  We are getting SO GOOD at partners.  We also practiced at our spots with lambs jumping over a fence.  Next, we got to go outside with Mr. Harker since we have been working so hard.  During social studies we talked about the past.  Then we created our timelines to bring home and work on with our families.  This timeline is going to show the past, present, and the future.  After lunch, we had language arts where we made word families and put sentences in the right order.  After music, we ended our day with the DAILY 5!   We also earned a PARTY today!  Tomorrow come in your jammies for some popcorn!! I can't wait to see you tomorrow for our second day of CMART!!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 19, 2013 at 3:06 PM 2 Comments
In math we talked about partners of 6.  Some of them are 3 + 3, 5+1, and 2+4!  We also learned a new term that is VERY important.  EQUAL!! 2=2, 3=3, 1,234=1,234  After math we had a special surprise during social studies.  Ms. Battaglia's class joined us!  We started with finding out what we know about the first Americans.  The things we knew were that they were alive, that they sang, that they were people, that they had a heart, and that they lived in our country.  Then Ms. Battaglia read to us about the American Indians and we learned that they painted in caves, danced the Eagle dance, wore cloths and feathers, that there were 1,000s of groups, ate fish, squash, and corn, and they have traditions like us.  We even got to watch an actual Eagle dance!  It was cool!!!  Next, we went to the computer lab to take our MAP test on math!  We did great!  After lunch, we read Noelle's favorite story and then we worked on our handwriting.  We are all getting WAY better at that!! Next, we had phy ed.  In phy ed we played freeze tag and rode scooters!  It was super cool.  After phy ed, we read a story about a little boy who just wanted to be left alone.  It was because of a big bad bully.  Ask your child what happened at the end of the story.  Then, we started our drawings for a school-wide contest on a NO BULLY ZONE t-shirt.  We will finish them tomorrow.  Finally, we ended our day with the Daily 5!  Ask me what my favorite center was today.  It was a great day!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 18, 2013 at 3:05 PM 2 Comments
Today we started with math like always!  We worked with stair steppers!! We talked about one more and one less.  Try them out at home tonight!  We got to bring our own stair steppers home!!!!! Then we had social studies where we talked about timelines.  Together we made our schedule for our specialists.  You can keep this on your fridge to remind you when Library check in is and when we have our other specialists.  After that, we had music.  In music, we drew grandma's feather bed/  Then we shared it.  After lunch, we went to the computer lab again.  We did great on our MAP tests.  Then Noelle shared her poster and her show and tell.  We loved the bunny that she brought today.  Ask me about Noelle at home tonight!  She's pretty awesome!!!  Then we had library.  We read a story and talked about bullies and being nice.  Finally, we ended with language arts.  First, we got envelopes with words in them that we had to make sentences out of.  Some teams worked much better than others.  Then, we learned about our new high frequency words, in, no, and too!  Finally, we ended with sorting our spelling words.  It was a great and busy day!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 17, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
We started with math.  In math we worked more with the number 5!  We had lambs (Kids) jump over a fence to show us how we break apart 5.  Then we practiced writing all of the partners of 5.  Finally, we took a quick quiz that was REALLY HARD!!!  Just kidding!  It was a piece of CAKE!  We also learned a new dance in math that teaches us left and right.  This dance is called the "Cupid Shuffle".  Have your child show you their MOVES tonight!!  Then, we had social studies.  In social studies we talked about past, present, and future.  Some of us want to be cops when we grow up.  Then we took our spelling pre-test.  Check it out in our folders tonight.  After lunch we went to the computer lab to take our MAP tests.  We did great! Next we played a new game called.... PIG!! Have your child tell you about it tonight.  Isaac says it was super fun playing with Nolan!  Then we had library.   After that we read a story and practiced working with sentences.  To end our day, we danced our dance for our high school friends Alex and Kaylee!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 16, 2013 at 3:03 PM 2 Comments
Today we started with math!  The special number we learned about was the  number 5!  STRAIGHT DOWN, COME AROUND......GIVE THAT DUDE A HAT!!!!  LOVE IT!! Next, we read the story Miss Nelson is Missing!!!  VIOLA SWAMP IS ONE SCARY TEACKER!  Then, we made our very own Viola Swamp ladies.  They are out in our hallway.  Check them out when you get a chance.  THEY ARE HUGE!!!!  Next, we had phy ed!  In phy ed we played freeze tag and circle tag!  It was awesome!  Then we had lunch.  After lunch we went and met our new 3rd grade buddies.  Ask me who mine is.  Next we took our spelling test!  We all did great!  Then we had music where we watched brain pop and colored a grandma's feather bed.  Then we learned about anew fundraiser we are doing.  Check out our folders!  Finally, we OPENED CMART!!!!! IT WAS A BLAST!!! I can't wait to see you all on MONDAY!!!!  Have a wonderful weekend!   
Posted by Guest  On Sep 13, 2013 at 3:03 PM 2 Comments
We started today with math.  Today we learned about partners.  Partners of 4 are 2 and 2, 3 and, 1 and 3.  Check our folder for a letter that explains more.  We did great with this.  We even got a special surprise from Miss C....our very own BREAK APART PENCIL!  Then, we had social studies.  We learned about moving.  We even have someone in our class who moved from China.  Ask me who that friend is.  Next, we broke up into groups and made posters of people moving now and back then.  They were great!  Before lunch we had computer.  In computer we went Bailey's Book House and worked with letters and made a friend on the computer!  After lunch we read a story No Sleep for the Sheep!  It was so funny! Then we learned how to add a magic letter to words to make it a new word!  THAT LETTER WAS>..................Ss!  Cat - Cats!  Then we read MAX CAT!! You can read it at home tonight! Then we had music.  In music we colored and sang some songs.  Finally we ended our day with the Daily 5!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow when CMART OPENS!!!! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 12, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
Today we started out saying The Pledge of Allegiance extra proud!  We talked about how September 11th is a day that we are EXTRA proud to be an American.  (That was all that was said about today.)  Then we went into math.   In math, we learned about number 3 and number 4.  Around the tree, around the tree....that's how you make the number 3!  Boom, Boom, STRAIGHT DOWN!  Next, we talked about communities, leaders, and their rules.  We then started talking about our own communities that we are going to be making.  Ask your child what their community name is!  Before lunch we had music.  After lunch we worked on handwriting!  Our handwriting is getting better and better. :)  I sent home a packet of how we write in first grade.  This is just to have at home as a resource.  Next, we had phy. ed.   In phy ed. we jogged, skipped, and galloped.  It was a lot of fun!  Finally we ended our day with the DAILY FIVE!!! Ask your child what their favorite center was!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow!  2 DAYS UNTIL CMART OPENS!!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 11, 2013 at 3:28 PM 17 Comments
Today we started MATH today!  We worked on the numbers 0, 1, and 2.  We also practiced patterns!  Maybe we can make some patterns at home tonight.  Check our folder for our homework!  It needs to come back ,completed on both sides, tomorrow.  Math was a lot of fun!  Next, we had social studies.  We worked with maps.  We took a picture of a playground and we worked as a team to make a map of it on our tables!  The blue table worked the best together but everyone did a great job.  Right before lunch we had music.  Mrs. Staples was gone but we had fun with Mrs. B.  After lunch we read a story about Molly Lou Melon.  Ask me if Molly Lou was proud or not.  Then we worked more with the sound 'a'.  Next we had, library.  We love Mrs. Peterson.  BRING BACK THOSE BOOKS!!!  Finally, we ended our day with reading the story Let's Tap!  It was a great story and we did wonderful reading it.  We finally finished our second grade math test too!  OOFTA.....that was tough!  I can't wait too see you tomorrow!!!! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 10, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
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