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What a great day back....other than the weather.  We re-read the story In Like a Lion, and we all agreed that it is STILL like a LION out there!!  Hopefully it is over soon.  In math today we worked on money.  We drew pictures of dimes, nickels, and pennies and then we practiced counting them.  Science was SUPER exciting.  Not only did our mealworms turn into beetles, but we planted seeds!  So many life cycles going on in our classroom.  Ask me about the song "Head, Thorax, Abdomen"!  This afternoon we worked on the o_e sound.  It's SO easy for us since it's the same rule as the a_e and I_e.  Finally, we ended our day writing about our spring break adventures.  WOW!  Some of us had QUITE A BLAST!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Mar 31, 2014 at 3:20 PM 1 Comment
What a GREAT day!  We only had about half our class here but it was still a blast!  LET's CHEER ON THOSE LADY ESKOMOS TONIGHT!!!  Have a wonderful break!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 21, 2014 at 3:20 PM 1 Comment
All I want to start out with is how much I have enjoyed the FLIPPED CLASSROOM!  I never expected that we would FLIP all year long, but we have and we are going to continue to the end.  Math has been taken to the next level in our class and we have so much fun every single day!  Today was had a blast singing songs, playing games, and doing our five minute drill.  Who knew learning could be so much fun.  We continue to observe our mealworms and watch for changes!  It's amazing the transformations!  This afternoon Lindsey read her story!  It was about a fox that had cold feet.  Ask your child what happened.  We are spoiled this week with only five new high frequency words, but we are still working hard at them.  Finally, we ended our day working on the Daily Five.  Our writing this week is describing a memory.  I can't wait to read them!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Mar 19, 2014 at 3:22 PM 1 Comment
We started our day out working on math centers in time and fractions.  This is a tough chapter, but we are working hard and I'm definitely seeing improvements!  After that, we observed our mealworms.  Some have died and some have changed into BEETLES!!! It has been a lot of fun looking at these mealworms and watching them change!  This afternoon we did an activity where Miss C. read a part of a story and we had to illustrate it.  Then we created a web of a memory we have.  At the end of the day we played this new blanket game!   Ask your child about it!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!   DRIVE SAFE! 
Posted by Guest  On Mar 18, 2014 at 3:25 PM 7 Comments
Today was a great day!  We started with observing our mealworms and writing in our science journals about them.  They are changing so much!  After that, we had math!  At one center we were keeping tally of what we spin.  At another center, we took tally on colors of cubes in a bag.  At the second center we worked on our doubles facts and fractions.  With Miss C. we took a quick quiz and worked on circle graphs.  Math went into the afternoon today.  For language arts we read another story about trolls that wanted to ruin a Christmas Eve.  We had to solve the problem.  Then, we worked on our writing and grammar.  We are working on using numbers in our writing.  Then Miss C. asked us what we need to improve on.  It was amazing how much some of us want to learn.  We talked about how we will never stop learning.  Then we ended our day working hard on writing, spelling words, and reading in the daily 5!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.
Posted by Guest  On Mar 13, 2014 at 2:59 PM 1 Comment
We had a great day!  This morning we had centers again.  They were a lot like yesterday!  We are doing great with fractions!  It's amazing how fast they learn.  Then we looked at our mealworms some more.  It is so fun listening to everyone giggle when they are observing their mealworm.  We also read about animals and plants in different habitats today.  This afternoon was a lot of fun!  We read a play about a hamster.  The expression I heard when they were reading the play was unbelievable!  The kids picked with the best expression were Max, Nolan, and Layla!  We also had a great time saying CHEESE today as well!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Mar 12, 2014 at 3:05 PM 1 Comment
Today was such a great day!  We had a lot of fun during math centers.  We played UNO with Ceci's grandma, played a fraction pizza game, and practiced our doubles.  We realized that the bigger the bottom number on a fraction gets, the smaller in size it is.  Then, we observed our mealworms.  Ask your child what is happening to their mealworms.  It is so cool!  This afternoon we worked on our sound, our new high frequency words, and wrote a thank you note to St. Scholastica.  The play there yesterday was great!  We had so much fun!  Then, we earned a party with tally marks so we ended our day outside, enjoying this great weather!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Mar 11, 2014 at 2:35 PM 17 Comments
Today was a great Friday!  Miss C. was excited to be back.  We started our day taking our spelling test.   This was by far the best spelling test this year.  The kids have come so far.  Then we had math where we worked with halves and fourths.  After that, we were introduced to our mealworms!  Some of us were a little hesitant in holding the mealworms, but most of us held at least one.  They are not slimy at all!  They are actually hairy.  They tickled!  We LOVE science.  After lunch, we met with our third grade buddies.  Then we started our language arts assessment.  After snack and music, Mrs. Pfister came since she is Nolan's mom!  We had so many questions for her!  Then, we finished up our assessment and had Cmart for the rest of our day!  I can't wait to see you all on Monday for the Junie B. Jones play! 
Posted by Guest  On Mar 07, 2014 at 3:28 PM 1 Comment
This was a very exciting day because we finally got to go outside for recess.  It was a blast.  Don't forget to be sending all of their winter clothing.  We started our day with math centers.  One of the favorite centers was the pizza game.  In this center we worked with fractions.  It was a lot of fun.  We also made flash cards for our doubles facts.  We are going to have those memorized in no time.  Tonight's movie is a youtube video that you have to watch three times.  After math, we started a new unit in science.  We are going to be working with mealworms.  Today we got our journal all ready for it.  I'm excited for what's to come.  (A lot of creepy crawlers.)  Then, after lunch we reviewed the ay and ai sound, then learned about our new high frequency words.  They are really COOL!  At the end of the day, Officer Steve was here to listen to our expression.  He was amazed by our reading.  Finally, we ended with writing as a clas about the Edge.  What a great day.   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!  DON'T FORGET, TOMORROW IS WACKY WEDNESDAY!!!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 04, 2014 at 3:02 PM 3 Comments
We had a great Monday back!  The kids and I started the day with learning about doubling a number!  We are going to be practicing our doubles A LOT this week!  Tomorrow in  centers they are going to make their own flash cards to practice.  Then, we went into art.  Today for art, we made a lion and a lamb.  It was a fun activity that went with a book.  If you are not aware, March is the month that is known to come in like a 'lion' and leave like a 'lamb.  Your child can explain this to you more.  This afternoon we had a blast reading Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Seuss.  To celebrate his birthday, we are going to have Wacky Wednesday this Wednesday!  Be creative with this!  We also learned about our new sound -ai- and -ay.  The reading in this class is amazing!  I LOVE EVERY MINUTE!  Then, we ended our day with eating a Hershey kiss and writing about it.  It sounds really simple but it took a long time to eat that Hershey kiss since Miss C. had us describe EVERYTHING about it.  It was a lot of fun!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Mar 03, 2014 at 3:24 PM 4 Comments
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