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Qu and Wh 
Today was a great day back!  We are almost back into our normal routine of things.  We did have our third day of MAP testing today.  Today was the first day of math and we will finish it TOMORROW!  The kids have been working hard.  We also had our math centers today.  We do so well working in our groups.  I'm so proud of the kids on how hard they work all day, especially in math!  It's such a new concept, the way we learn with flipped, and everyone is doing great.  In language arts we learned about the sounds qu and wh.  It was a TOUGH pretest today!  These are definitely sounds that we are going to have to practice this week!  Finally, we started our personal narrative.  Some of the kids totally took of with their writing, some even finished!  We love to have time to just write, especially about ourselves.  I can't wait to see everyone TOMORROW!
Posted by On 21 January, 2014 at 3:27 PM  1 Comment

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