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Words in SNOW! 
Today was a busy day!  We started right away with our math centers!  We worked with Mrs. Sweere on our activity sheet.  Miss C. reviewed with us and had us take a quiz.  The other centers were working with money and sticks/circles.  I don't know if it is the weather, but we had EXTRA energy today.  Thank goodness we were able to go outside and play.  After lunch, we worked on our handwriting and also talked more about the reason an author would write something.  In one of the passages we read today, the author wanted us to know what to do if there was a lost dog.  Another book was to teach us that all brothers and sisters go through arguments, but can always have fun.  After that, we had daily 5.  Word work today was searching through 'snow' to find our spelling and bonus words!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by On 16 January, 2014 at 3:35 PM  1 Comment

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