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Happy to Be Back! 

This morning we started off a little different.  We all sat together on the carpet and talked about what really did happen yesterday at school.  Instead of kids telling other kids, I wanted to have the discussion with all of them and get the facts straight so that the kids were not scared.  We talked about what a bomb threat means and that there was not a real bomb.  We discussed how Esko is a very safe school to be at and that it is EXTRA safe today (explaining the police in the halls).  We also talked about the consequences the person will have who did this.  It was a very good discussion and the kids did very well!  I am so proud of all of them and how well they listened yesterday.  It was definitely a frightening experience at first, but with reassurance of friends and teachers, everyone did great!  Next, we watched the movie from last night in math.  Since everyone had a crazy day yesterday, I figured that not many kids watched the movie.  Then we played a math game.  After that, we watched a GREAT moving on Martin Luther King but kids with blue eyes had to sit in the hallway.  This was hard for everyone!  I think the brown eyed kids were more upset that their friends were being left out.  In the afternoon, our third grade buddies helped us write our own I have a Dream speech.  Finally, we ended our day with art!  We painted a horizon line.  Below I have the link to the movie/song we played all day in class.  The kids love it!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!


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