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Fun Friday! 
Today was such a great day!  The kids have been pretty excited for Christmas, so it has been kind of hard to focus, but today they were ready to learn!  We started our day learning about American heroes!  One that we dug deep into was Martin Luther King Jr.  We will be learning more about him in February.  Then, we had math.  Since we spent extra time on Martin Luther King Jr., math was a little bit shorter.  It's amazing to see how far they have come in math this year!!  Keep up the hard work.  At lunch, we were inside again, so we watched Charlie Brown's Christmas, one of my favorites!  Then we had third grade buddies!  We love our buds.  Next, we took our spelling test.  Max and Isaac were our Sparkle champs!  Then we spent the rest of the day working on a surprise and shopping at Cmart.  What a great day with a bunch of great kiddos.  I can't wait to see you all on Monday!
Posted by On 13 December, 2013 at 2:56 PM  1 Comment

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