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It was a super day!  Today in reading we learned about the contractions 've and 're.  We did something a little bit different today.  We did Daily 3.  We went to the word work center, the writing center, and the read to someone center.  In the word work center we made our own word search using our spelling words. In the writing center we described a thing using color, size, and shape.  After lunch and recess, we had music and library.  Math today was taking our Unit 6 test.  I hope we took our time and checked over our work!  I'll see you tomorrow.  Have a super night!  Don't forget to bring back your reading log if you haven't. 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 26, 2014 at 2:22 PM 9 Comments
Today was a busy busy Wednesday! We started with our unfinished work at our seats. Then we met for sharing, calendar, and our language arts lesson. We reviewed -er and -est endings. Then we practiced our spelling words. We did a lesson on biographies. We then wrote our own autobiographies! This was fun. We had lunch and recess followed by a math lesson on clocks. We broke into small groups and quized each other with clocks. Then we learned a new subtraction card game, much like war. We went to computer, had snack, PE, and home!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 26, 2014 at 2:09 PM 11 Comments
Yet again, we had to stay in for recess today!  What a bummer.  I feel so bad for these kids.  They just want to get outside and play!  So, this afternoon we had a bit of a dance party.  Layla's dad was here to enjoy the fun.  It got our brains moving to get ready for our afternoon of describing beanie babies!  It was so much fun to take a beanie baby and write as many describing words about it as possible!  These beanie babies are going to be on the shelves of Cmart starting this FRIDAY!  The kids are so excited!  This Friday we are also going to have our OLYMPICS!  If you are still able to come and help out, please let me know as soon as possible.  Just a reminder that we will be sharing our superhero tomorrow!  I can't wait to see you all then!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 25, 2014 at 4:13 PM 6 Comments
Good day today! We worked on language arts lesson 19, and in math we reviewed clocks. Reminders: Friday is Olympic day in the AM, and PJ day all day! Come in PE clothes, and change into PJ's if its more comfy. :)
Posted by Guest  On Feb 25, 2014 at 4:11 PM 5 Comments
We had a good day!  Today in reading we read the story "Little Rabbit's Tale".  This story was about a rabbit who thought the sky was falling, but it was just an apple that fell on his head. We each got to read a few sentences into the microphone.  Our reading is getting to be really good!  We worked on describing things using color, size, and shape.  As a class, we wrote up a description of a CD player.  After lunch and recess, we went to music and PE.  Check your child's folder tonight for our field trip permission slip and for our jump rope for heart permission slip.  Math today was working on our pre-test with a partner.  We got to check our answers after with a marker.   I think we are ready for the test tomorrow!  Our day ended with being long e detectives.  I will see you all tomorrow!  Make sure you keep reading....two more days until your reading logs are due back! :)
Posted by Guest  On Feb 25, 2014 at 2:30 PM 2 Comments
We had a great day back!  Due to the snow day, we were not able to take our spelling pretest.  Just so  you are aware!  We did take our spelling test from Friday then.  The kids did great!  Then we reviewed for our chapter six math test!  I am amazed at how well they understand word problems!  Finally, we ended our morning with the start of our Theme Four Language Arts test!  This afternoon we had fun exploring the sound ee, learning about Jump Rope for heart, and finishing our letters to our kindergarten teachers.  They are so cute!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 24, 2014 at 2:57 PM 1 Comment
Happy Monday! We had a busy day catching up on things we missed from last Friday. We took a spelling pretest for Lesson 19. Then we did a language arts lesson, learning about -er and -est endings. We learned the the adjective changes to er when you describe 2 people, and est when it is 3 or more. (fast, faster, fastest). We did our daily 5 centers before we headed to lunch. After lunch we took Unit 5 math test. We had PE followed by library. Then we started Ch. 6 of Math. In this unit we are learning about time. Today we worked to describe analog and digital clocks. We talked about AM and PM, and told time to the hour. We ended the day with RTI!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 24, 2014 at 2:51 PM 5 Comments
Today was a pretty good day.  Our morning was jam packed with reading!  We had to change our storytown books.  We are now on Theme 5.  Today, we read the story called "Beaver's Green Treat".  The sound that we are working on all week long is the long e sound.  We are practicing writing this sound with -ee and -ea.  We took our spelling test that we missed last week and we started our Theme 4 test.  This afternoon we had PE where we learned all about Jump Rope for HEART!  Then, we got to go outside with Mr. Harker for an extra recess.  In math we learned about some new shapes: the hexagon, the trapezoid, and the parallelogram. Our day ended with some spelling practice and finish up our thank you letters.  Let's have a little bit better listening day tomorrow.  I can't wait to see you in the morning! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 24, 2014 at 2:35 PM 62 Comments
Busy day today trying to get odds and ends done incase of bad weather cancellations tomorrow. We did our Lesson 18 spelling tests, weekly testing, and new daily 5 centers. We finished up a sheet of "100 words I know" from Friday's 100th day of school. We wrote a letter to our star student Cooper, and did some AR testing on the computer. We had recess followed by music and then a quick social studies lesson on banks and savings accounts. Then we went to PE where we prepared for the Olympic day tomorrow! We had a quick snack (silent, because we didn't do a super awesome job at specialists). Then we did a math lesson (almost time for Unit 5 test!). We ended the day with some math centers and RTI. Drive safely today! Reminders: Yearbook $
Posted by Guest  On Feb 20, 2014 at 2:49 PM 5 Comments
Hi! I got a good sub report after being out sick yesterday. Good job kiddos :) Today we finished up some daily 5 centers we had from last week. Then we practiced this weeks spelling words (test tomorrow??) before doing a lesson on Chapter 18 of language arts. We finished up the morning with a venn diagram lesson, comparing and contrasting two books about dolphins. We had lunch followed by a math lesson on patterns. I choose boys and girls to stand in front of the room, and the students had to tell me what the pattern was (short sleeve, long sleeve.....boy boy girl girl, etc). Their homework is on patterns tonight-front and back! We then had computer followed by outside for PE. To wrap up the day I shared a diving video with them. They were pretty excited about that. Reminders: Year book $ Friday is Olympic day-dress in gym clothes to get sweaty in! :) Wishes-409 spray or Clorox wipes! It's germ season :)
Posted by Guest  On Feb 19, 2014 at 4:29 PM 5 Comments
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