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Today we got right to work with our language arts. We reviewed the letters f and g. We sorted pictures according to their beginning and ending sounds. Then we worked through three different stations: handwriting of here and this, "My Ff Book," and a dice adding game. I was really impressed with how well everyone read their F book! I worked one on one with some students during this time to read a book called "This Rig." After this Mrs. Mary read us The Mitten. Then we made our own mittens, deciding what animal we wanted to be crawling into it. We will finish these tomorrow and I will post a picture! We reviewed 5 groups in math, and reinforced that all numbers (and letters!) are made from top to bottom (ceiling to floor).
Posted by Guest  On Dec 19, 2012 at 11:23 AM 4 Comments
Today we started off with our unit 2 math test. WOW! You should have seen how great the boys and girls tested. They all sat perfectly still for the 20 minute testing time and followed directions wonderfully. Such a change from the unit 1 tests at the beginning of the year. I was soo happy/impressed that I gave them all glitter balls.  In language arts we reviewed the word this and here. We worked more with the /f/ sound, listening for it at the beginning and ends of words. Then we learned our robust vocabulary for the week: ask your child what productive and scrumptious mean (I cannot believe the vocab we are learning at age 5 and 6, and how much they absorb it!!) We finished up our stations and did a math activity where we talked about 'keys.'
Posted by Guest  On Dec 18, 2012 at 11:19 AM 4 Comments
Happy Monday! Today we learned a new sight word; This. We talked about how it is tricky because it doesn't start with the /t/ sound. This is something we just have to memorize! We worked on using it in a sentence. Then we learned the letter F. We brainstormed worked that started with f. We also were careful not to say /fa/ for the f sound, but simply /f/. For station work the children did a handwriting practice activity of the letter f, a here book that included a word search, a color by sight word activity, as well as a station where small groups worked on reading a story with me. They were such independent workers today that I was very impressed! We are working very hard to get 3 more brownies to fill our tray so we can have a party on Friday before break! :)
Posted by Guest  On Dec 17, 2012 at 2:07 PM 6 Comments
Today we worked alot with our math curriculum. Our objectives were to build concepts of numbers 1-10; we used a math chart we were working with to look for patterns we saw. Then we worked to explore -1 relationship between numbers; "How can you make 10 be the same as 9? (take away 1). This led to talking about the subtraction sign. Then we practiced counting forward and backward by completing a dot activity. As a group we took the dog picture and placed our finger on 1, then counted forwards to 10 followed by backwards to one. In language arts we reviewed the word here. The boys and girls have been having a bit more difficulty remember this word from one day to another, so practice at home if you have a chance! :) We also reviewed G.  For practice, the children did an activity where they followed the sentence frame "Here is my ....." They are doing a much better job writing neatly on the lines! We also worked on writing 6's and 4's, and if they students finished early they decorated a christmas tree with dot paint.  We had time to watch a 10min verison of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and have some choice time (if you are seeing lots of popsicle sticks coming home, that was from their chose craft time :) )  Have a wonderful weekend!!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 14, 2012 at 5:16 PM 5 Comments
Today we started by doing a quick calendar and then a review handwriting 10's sheet. Then we headed to the theater to watch the kindergarten 12 Bells Program. My class enjoyed it very much. We came back and did a mini language arts lesson. We reviewed here and g. Then we brainstormed sentences that have the word here in them. Students thought of a sentence they could write, and then wrote it remembering spaces and how letters touch the ceiling and floor. We also worked on highlighting sight words we know in a poem. While they were working on their sentence and a ABC dot to dot tree activity, I pulled them to finish a snowmen craft. They turned out great! We had leftover birthday snacks and got ready to go home. Looking forward to Fun Friday!!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 13, 2012 at 12:22 PM 4 Comments
Today we had a very very busy day. We started by doing a lower case/upper case letter matching activity. Then the boys and girls worked more with additon story problems as well as reviewing patters (simple and growing). After math in language arts we learned the new sight word here. We also learned the letter G/g, and the sound /g/. The boys and girls completed an acitivty practicing the proper way to make a g, and writing the word here. We worked on isolating the ending sounds of words. I said a word and the children told me the sound they heard at the end. In order to be able to go and watch the other kindergarten classes holiday program tomorrow, we did another math lesson. In this one, the boys and girls worked to mathematize and enact family experiences for additon, subtraction, and partners (I told them stories like, "Colton was on a walk. His brother ran ahead, and his mother walked behind. How many total people were on the walk?" We also acted these stories out, which was really fun for the kids :) ) Then we talked about partners in math. What partners make up 5? (3 and 2; 1 and 4). What partners makes up 6? (3 and 3; 4 and 2; 5 and 1). Then the students went on a number hunt to create awarness of numbers around them. They wrote the numbers 1-10 on a paper, then walked around and circled the number when they found it. They had fun doing this! I pushed them really hard today and I heard lots of "I'm tired!" towards the end. :) I'm really proud of them for working so hard and getting so much accomplished today. Looking forward to a more relaxed day tomorrow :)
Posted by Guest  On Dec 12, 2012 at 11:23 AM 4 Comments
Today we finished up odds and ends. In language arts we continued to isolate beginning sounds. We reviewed rhyming words, as well as the sight word come and the letter/sound /i/. We practiced reading the book Come In, then the students did it elbow-elbow-knee-knee with a buddy. We wrapped up our station work and some students got started on a gingerbread girl craft. In math we worked more with additon story problems. The children took turns saying a story, and the other had to draw 'the facts' on their whiteboard to help them solve (i.e Last night I ate 3 pizzas. Then this morning I ate 2. How many pizzas did I eat in all)?
Posted by Guest  On Dec 11, 2012 at 11:30 AM 4 Comments
Today in Language Arts we worked on phoneme isolation with words initial sound. We sang a song to the tune of "The Farmer and the Dell," with verses like this:  Big, Bug, and ball, Big, Bug, and ball, /b/ is at the beginning of  big, bug, and ball. ...switching out with words like pan, pit and pill, or fat, fit, and farm. They had fun doing this! Next we reviewed our sight words, especially the new one come as well as the letter and sound I. The children had new stations that included working with the letter i through handwritting and identification, sight word work using whiteboards, pattern review, and a reindeer craft activity.  In math we learned this song, 1 small rabbit having fun, Now I see another one. 1 plus 1 is two. Two small rabbits having fun, now I see another one. 2 plus 1 is 3.  (and so on...) We practiced coming up with additon storys, then played a math game on thinkcentral to go along with this. The students enjoyed a quick cracker snack, then headed for home! We have  lots of sick kids out in the school, so be extra healthy at home this week!  Our "To make a grinch grin..." project!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 10, 2012 at 1:33 PM 6 Comments
Today we did our intervention time, played buried treasure, did a quick review of growing patterns, re-read Snowmen at Night, then had our holiday station party! The kids had a blast working through 8 craft stations.
Posted by Guest  On Dec 07, 2012 at 5:58 PM 4 Comments
Today we worked more with the word come and the /i/ sound. We brainstormed words that start with /i/, then glued them to an igloo. We practiced writing uppercase as well as lowercase i's, remembering to always go top to bottom, left to right. The students had two activites to complete and if they got those done, they had a santa puzzel they could cut out and put together. Others choose to practice their sight words on their whiteboards.   We finished our grinch writing crafts! The students had a blast putting these together. For the faces they did 'tear art,' ripping each piece of paper. They look wonderful!   Then we talked about our holiday station party tomorrow. (Instead of doing a holiday party right before break, the KG team has always done it this Friday). I showed the students some of the craft options they will have to choose from. They are all very excited for this Fun Friday tomorrow!  
Posted by Guest  On Dec 06, 2012 at 8:04 PM 4 Comments
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