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Today was busy busy, but we had lots of fun! In language arts we learned a new letter-Kk. We practiced writing it, talking about how the uppercase K has two arms that touch the ceiling, and the lower case k has one arm that touches the ceiling, but one that is too short to touch! We did actions to go along with this, and I think they got it! Their K handwriting today looked great. We also learned the sight word for. In stations we followed this sentence frame "This ____ is for me." We also painted a k picture-a kite! Finding the letters B and K in the newspaper and magazines For K, making a kite We practiced partners of numbers in math (i.e 5's partners are 3+2, 2+3, 1+4, 4+1). Students earned a 'smartpill' for finding partners of numbers (1 m&m. You would be suprised how motivated they suddendly got to earn that smartpill!) I tested students 1 on 1, and again Mrs. Debbie pulled individuals to work on their needs. Then we had 20 minutes of choice time before we headed home! Enjoy the weekend. Stay warm!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 18, 2013 at 11:34 AM 4 Comments
Today we worked with the letter B. We read a poem about the 4 seasons that was filled with B words. Students came up to the smartboard and highlighted them. Then we got into station work and finished up what we didn't get to yesterday. I worked with small groups to teach another math lesson (this works so much better as there are so many pieces to set up!) as well as tested students on language arts. Our new aid, Mrs. Debbie, pulled students to work on bad habits they may be forming with writing or to read to her.  We did a math activity where students worked on fast counting. They had to look at the picture and count the circles as quick as they could.  We finished with group language arts testing, a snack, and a story about a meatloaf monster!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 17, 2013 at 12:07 PM 4 Comments
Wow did we get a lot done today!! After intervention time we started language arts; a new unit! We worked with the consonant Bb and the sight word me. We worked to isolate the inital sound of words. Then we got into station work. There, the students practiced their handwriting of the letter B. Today this was a bit tideous, but they never complained! They did the jenga sight word station along with a syllable clapping activity and a B book. While stations were going on I pulled 2 students at a time to do our math lesson. We worked to show tens in teen numbers with pennies, a dime strip, and number tiles. I gave the students a number and they had to write and equation and use pennies to represent (i.e (15) "10 + 5= 15). We also talked about how you can change 10 pennies for 1 dime and it equals the same thing! We spent the last 15 minutes doing some second quarter testing. From the looks of it we all did great! We had a snack and juice, then headed home! Wow! What a day!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 16, 2013 at 11:33 AM 5 Comments
We had a busy Tuesday! Calendar After calendar and a few wake-up songs, we got right into math. We reviewed grouping items in 10 groups. Students came up to the smartboard and arranged shapes in a better order to make us quicker and more accurate counters. I showed them how its easier to get confused when we don't organize our work. We also kept working on teen numbers. Using flash cards, students completed this expression "10 + 2= 12, so 10 and 2 is 12," with each teen number. For language arts I briefly introduced the sight words where, for, me. We will ease into these more in the next 2 weeks, but we are beginning to test on them now so I wanted them to have a chance to learn them. Tomorrow we will also learn the word do. Again, these will be reinforced in the upcoming weeks. We started all new stations. The students were very excited about a new game I made called sight word jenga. Basically its just the jenga game with sight words tapped to each block, so when they pull them they have to say the sight word. They also worked on sentence writing, upper case and lower case letter matching, beginning sounds, and testing with me. They did a lot of one-on-one reading today as we had two extra adults in the room! Awesome!!   We finished our day by making a snowman out of marshmallows and pretzels! Fun!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 15, 2013 at 11:10 PM 4 Comments
Today we started off with community circle. The children passed around our teddy bear and shared their favorite part of the weekend. Then we had intervention time, where we reviewed all our sight words, sounds, letter names, and finally played a game of Buried Treasure.  In language arts we worked more with isolating middle sounds. Students were given a word and they had to tell me only the middle sound. This is a bit tricky to not say the beginning or ending sound along with it! They are getting much better. We reviewed rhyming words as well as beginning sounds. Then we worked with the it and at word families. Students finished up station work from last week while I pulled them aside to do our second quarter testing. They are being tested over sight words, letter names and sounds, name writing, phone number (although we don't pay attention to this since we don't teach it), and rhyming words. We will test of various other skills next week.  The 10 bug revisited us and reminded us that he is going to keep looking for us to group our math work into tens.  Working on a quick fast math sheet We worked more with writing sentences with detail, instead of just the simple sentences we are used to writing. Students did a much better job today with spacing, having their letters touch the top and bottom lines, and adding a picture with lots of detail. Way to go!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 14, 2013 at 5:21 PM 4 Comments
Today in language arts we reviewed middle sounds. I said a word (jug, ham, dot, fit, etc) and students had to respond with the middle sounds they heard. "Jug" "/u/!" Then we wrote a sentence using the sentence frame "Here is my ____." We started talking about adding details to our writing. "What more could we add to here is my dog? He is black? I like him? He runs fast?" We will start working on make our sentences longer.  In station work students worked on another self portrait. It is fun seeing their growth on these from the fall to now. I pulled students aside and we worked to tell, retell, and solve addition and subtraction story problems using our whiteboard ("7 girls played with balls. 2 boys joined. How many children are playing with the balls?" They had to write 7+2=9). I used blocks to show numbers at first, then they had to just listen and pick out the equation on their own. Pretty impressive work for kindergartners.  To celebrate filling our brownie tray, I brought in apple juice and we enjoyed some mini oreos. We then went outside for the last 25 minutes and played. They had a blast!!  Fun Friday tomorrow! *For those of you signed up for the hockey game-even if there is a late start and or no school tomorrow (doubtful, but just mentioning it), we will still be singing! *Also, if you ever see a photo of your child that you want emailed to you to have/print/whatever, I am more then happy to do that. Not a problem at all! Enjoy this beautiful day.
Posted by Guest  On Jan 10, 2013 at 1:05 PM 4 Comments
What a busy day we had! I really pushed the kids and they did wonderful. We started with another practice of the national anthem. Some students wanted to try singing it by themselves, and I couldn't believe how many brave souls there were to get up in front of the class and try! Wow. Then we went into language arts. We reviewed middle sounds in words--much better job today! Then we finished up stations. I pulled small groups to work through our math lesson together. Warm-up sight word game For math, we used a counting mat to build concepts of partners and numbers through 6 (5+1=6. 3+3=6). Then as a whole group we worked more on this on the whiteboard together. Groups of students stood in front of the class and we separated them into partners, a more visual/real life example for those types of learners.  Partner of 5.....2+3 Next we revisited handwriting of 3's and spacing in sentences. I noticed we had taken a small step back in this area after break, but they picked back up on it quickly today. Afterwards the boys and girls completed a book while I pulled individuals to read to me. Great job! Story, cheese-it snack, and home!  We filled our brownie tray today too...so extra free time on Friday!!  **Please let me know if you did not receive the blue informational sheet on the hockey game for this coming Friday (for those of you that signed up last month). I can surely send home another one!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 09, 2013 at 1:07 PM 4 Comments
Today we started our day by going to Mrs. Knutson's room and working on the national anthem. It amazes me how quickly this age of students learn things, especially with all the extensive vocabulary in this song. Great job! We then did our calendar and daily math warm up. We started language arts with a review of our sight words, letter names, and letter sounds. Then we got into new stations. Here, the students did a sentence writing activity, a "Roll a Word," using our sight words, a ABC paint formation station, and a review of the letter I. I pulled students to work on math stories ("I had 5 friend over for dinner. 2 went home sick. How many were left?" --using cubes. The boys and girls created their own for me to solve), and Ella's mom pulled students to read with her. They did a great job working through stations today! Then we worked on math. We reviewed coins, how we distinguish them from others and how much they are worth. We used the 20 pennies the boys and girls brought in, putting them on our math mats. Then the "10 Bug" knocked and came into our room to visit. This bug told the boys and girls that he was very good at counting, but got confused when trying to count the children's pennies. He told them that what helps him count fast is when they organize their pennies in groups of 10. "Groups of 5 are okay too!" Next, dime stripes were introduced. Students were to recognize how 10 pennies (on one side of the strip) = a dime (on the other side of the strip). We will be working with 10 groups (last unit was 5 groups) very often this month.  We practiced the national anthem one more time, had snack, and headed for home!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 08, 2013 at 5:41 PM 4 Comments
Hello! It's good to be back : ) I'm not sure if this was from my tan or what, but one boy asked me if I had been in Africa. :)   We had a great day today. We started by going to Mrs. Knutson's room and practicing the national anthem for the hockey game on Friday. Then we came back and worked on our language arts. We began with the song "The Farmer and the Dell," then worked on isolating sound in words. This was a little tricky for us to hear, and we will keep practicing.  We got into station work. Our stations today included a sentence writing of "I go to the ________", a write the room, a work building, an octopus ABC dot paint game, and a math number review activity. We worked really hard, despite lots of boys and girls saying how tired they were.    In math the children were given a park picture. We looked at the picture and created story problems to go along with it ("There were two balloons tied to the bench. One flew away. How many are left?"  We had time for a snack, story, and a few songs. 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 07, 2013 at 4:56 PM 5 Comments
Today was a fun day! We did our calendar and then a review lesson in language arts. We followed the sentence frame "This is my ___" and did a writing assignment. Then we finished up unfinished work while some students did a dice adding game. After this we read the book "Llama, Llama, Holidrama." The children enjoyed listening to the rhyming melody of the book.  Then we started watching Polar Express. We also got to enjoy some yummy ice cream treats!! Lucky us :) :)  Looking forward to a mini holiday party tomorrow and finishing the Polar Express--this time with Mrs. Boese's class.   Handprint reindeer we did the other day!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 20, 2012 at 10:44 AM 4 Comments
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