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Today we reviewed our sight word you and letter o. We did a sentence frame of "You and I can...." The children are working really hard on their spacing (two fingers between each word!) and remembering a period or exclamation mark at the end. We had some fun stations today, a writing station, a math addition station, a heart making hands-on station, a SWAT! game to work on sight words, as well as one-on-one reading with either Mrs. Debbie, Ella's mom, or I. We did our Daily 5 reading, and I was so impressed that they could stay focused on their books for 2 minutes and 15 seconds! In math we worked on 'quick math.' I said a number and they had to hold up that many fingers as quick as possible. We also played "I have, who has," working on counting on from numbers as well as our verbal speaking skills. We had just enough time to make a quick valentine craft!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 05, 2013 at 11:21 AM 4 Comments
Today we had a great Monday! Everyone seemed well rested. In langague arts our objective was to identify a word that has a different beginning sound, within another group of words. I read 3 words and the students had to call out the one that did not start with the same sound as the first two. This was very easy when the two same words came first, but different when it was mixed up (ie. bat, ball, house =easy for us. bat, house, ball=harder). We then learned the letter O with the short vowel sound (octopus, olive). We also learned the sight word you. The boys and girls learned a new sight word game; Swat! Writing an exclamation sentence I introduced the exclamation mark to the boys and girls. We talked about how you can hear excitment when there is an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence. We also discussed how seeing that exclamation mark gives us clues as to how the author would sound when he or she was reading it. We wrote our own exclation sentences. In math we reviewed partners and teen numbers. We filled our brownie tray, so another brownie party is instore sometime this week!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 04, 2013 at 11:31 AM 4 Comments
Today during intervention time we did a large review of everything we have been learning recently. We practiced spelling all our sight words (we did this involving movement; for each letter they pretended to hit a baseball bat, or be a cheerleader, or be a chicken). We reviewed letter sounds and letter names. We worked on math, talking about teen numbers and finding one more or one less of a letter I called out. We practiced rhyming words together, and looked at a group of 3 words and found what was similar (beginning, middle, or ending sound).  I gave the students time to finished their unfinished work that has accumulated. Others practiced handwriting and then did a dot paint fun activity. We took MAP computer tests in language arts, and tomorrow we will take Math computer tests. They love being on the computers! Some of them are confused about using a mouse; they are to used to ipads! :) We read elbow elbow knee to with a partner. I let them read anywhere in the room today, as long as they could 'handle' it. And they did! We finished with a mini lesson about senses. Then we made snow globes that went along with a writing assignment: "If I lived in a snow globe, I would feel....I would see....I would hear...I would smell." They decorated with q-tip painting.
Posted by Guest  On Jan 31, 2013 at 12:31 PM 4 Comments
Today we worked alot with Math. Students were introduced to a Balance, or a Scale. We compared objects and worked to build vocabulary with the terms: heavy, heavier, light, lighter, up, and down. Then we made graphs that compared the weight of one object to the weight of another. Students came up to the balance with an object. Then we made a prediction as to which was heavier. We guessed how many cubes that object would weigh. We also did an activity where students pretended they were scales and had to hold their arms according to what they were holding (a feather in one hand, an elephant in another! etc). What a great/fun group of kids I have! :) We enjoyed Colton's birthday cupcakes and headed home!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 30, 2013 at 11:27 AM 4 Comments
We did something new today as part of the daily five program. I timed students as they read-to-self. We tried to see how long we could read for before we got too distracted (talked, looked around the room, etc). Today we made it 1 minute and 30 seconds. We will work to build our stamina and hopefully by the end of the year we can read for a large chunck of time! Today in Language Arts we learned the sight word do. We practiced spelling all our sight words using different actions, like movie star kisses for each letter, or cowboy lassos, or swimming strokes. The kids had fun, and I think absorbed it really well! Dice direction game during stations One on One work today was students reading to me or Mrs. Debbie We had time to play an 'opposites' memory game In math we reviewed partners, teen numbers, and coins (from way back!). We had a great day...very busy!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 29, 2013 at 12:17 PM 4 Comments
Today we had a good Monday! Everyone seemed well rested from their weekends. We did calendar and our daily math. Here, we reviewed partners of numbers (8....5+3....1+7). We also talked more about teen numbers. Children had to stand if I wrote a teen number on the board, and sit if it was not a teen number. They identify teen numbers by knowing they have a 1 in front of them, but that 100+ is not a teen number! In language arts we reviewed the sight word where. Children wrote sentences (we do lots of writing to prepare for 1st grade!) following the sentence frame "Where is the _____." I like seeing that the boys and girls are working to extend their sentences, aiming for a 'two thumbs up' kind of sentence :) Our unit theme in language arts right now is weather. We sang the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" poem. We read a book that talked about different kinds of storms, and told our own experiences with them. Then we got into station work. There we practiced me/for, made penguins using our footprints, and found B words to put on the b bus. They did a wonderful job staying on task today! Write the room-another station today Snack, Story, and home!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 28, 2013 at 11:27 AM 4 Comments
Today we did calendar and our daily math warm up. Our focus was teen numbers. We worked with teen displays, which follows the format of 11=10+1, 12=10+2....always grouping things in tens. We also reviewed partners of numbers (5....3+2 or 1+4) and talked about partner switching (4+1 or 1+4). We learned a new sight word today; where. We talked about how some words can't be stretched out, and you just have to know them. During station time we finished odds and ends-testing, unfinished stations, and unfinished work. We did a math review sheet, had choice time and a snack, and headed home! Exploring the starfall webiste during choice time Drama Center Enjoy a bit of a warmer weekend.
Posted by Guest  On Jan 25, 2013 at 1:33 PM 5 Comments
Today we reviewed both B and K. We listened for what letter a word started with, then stood up or sat down depending. We had to be quick thinkers! We did more work with middle sound isolation. Then we made K books and read them to 3 friends. We also did some writing, following the sentence frame, "This is my ____." We are working hard on our spacing and not letting our lower case letters pass the dotted middle line. Kk book Mrs. Debbie pulled students to read with her while I did some one-on-one math work. We read a book about penguins, then made a fun penguin craft that involved the students handprints! They loved it. We ate some pretzels and headed for home! Fun Friday tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 24, 2013 at 11:34 AM 4 Comments
Finally we are back from our long weekend! It was good to see everyone. We worked on the letter K and the sight word for. We worked on isolating the medial sound in words. I said a word and students had to only tell me the middle sound. This gets tricky. I have them whisper the first sound, then say the middle sound more loudly. Next, the students got out their whiteboards and drew two big boxes on them. If the word started with K they placed it in the first box. If it ended in k, they placed it in the second box. They always have fun with whiteboards. We played catch up with finishing station work, getting unfinished things done, and finishing our language arts testing. I was impressed with everyone's scores this second quarter. What growth we have had! Not just in academics but socially as well. We finished the day with a fast math workshirt where students worked on quickly visualzing numbers in a row as well as pattern work.
Posted by Guest  On Jan 23, 2013 at 11:22 AM 4 Comments
Welcome to our classroom blog! I am looking forward to using this tool to connect school and home. The students will even be helping create the updates! 
Posted by kfoxx  On Jan 19, 2013 at 4:33 PM
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