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Today we had a good Fun Friday! We didn't have intervention time so we did our calendar and then joined the other 3 sections of KG to practice the national anthem. I think were ready for tonight!! (6:45 drop off your child in my room. We'll see you down at the gym! :) ) After our practice we did our language arts. The boys and girls played a smartboard game where they had to drag a picture into a warp zone depending on if it started with an l or a h. Then we read a book together. A few kids got to 'play teacher' and point to each word as we read it. We did a group math lesson where the boys and girls cut out teen number flash cards. Then I said a number and they had to hold up the equation that matched that answer (ie "12" ..."10+2). Then I switched and said the equation and they held up the answer. They did wonderful, so the cards came home with them today. We had a birthday snack--donuts!! Then had choice time. Its fun seeing how much learning goes on during play as well. Helping the class read a book Teen Number Equation Work We wrote a thank you to PIE for the books they gave each of us--We put this picture in the card! Choice Time Drama Center during Choice Time Playing on the website "kapoof" during Choice Time
Posted by Guest  On Feb 22, 2013 at 1:50 PM 4 Comments
Wow what an awesome day. In language arts we reviewed letter sounds, sight words, and letter formation. We worked with our two new sight words for the week, one and see. We also reviewed the letter H and L. We worked on writing, focusing on keeping a space inbetween sentences and a period or exclamation mark at the end. The boys and girls worked to preciously (a robust word they know!) touch their letters to the top of the line and the bottom. Other robust words we have been working on are joyous, thrill, and nestle. You would be surprised how well they soak these up! I pulled some out from the beginning of the year and they still remembered! (talent, sly, apparel, etc). We did a valentine activity we didn't get to last week. The children were given 10 candy hearts. They had to dump them out of their cup and count how many were facing up, and how many were facing down. They filled out the equation _____+_____=_____. Then they did a graph of how many letters were on each candy heart. It was fun! We finished by talking about presidents day. The boys and girls brainstormed what they would do if they were president. "Feed people." "Give people clothes." and my favorite..."If I were president...I wouldn't move my stick!!" :) *Basketball game National Anthem-Friday in classroom at 6:45. Wear flag shirt and jeans! *Friday March 1st-Dress your best day! *Thank you to those of you who have graciously shared kleenex and 409 cleaner. We really appreciate it!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 21, 2013 at 12:28 PM 4 Comments
Today we had a good day. We started off with our daily five. The students read for 3 1/2 minutes uninterrupted! Then we did calendar and reviewed language arts materials. We practiced the national anthem in Mrs. Knutsons room (we are preforming it Friday before the mens bball game. 6:45 be in the classroom. 7:15 is show time). In Language we learned the new sight word see and the letter H. In stations we did some writing using the sentence frame "I see one..." We learned a new game called "One More," where children role a die and fill in a circle one more then that number. In math we reviewed story problems. Children looked at a domino and had to make up a problem from the two numbers given on it. ("I had four pieces of cake. Then I had two more. How many were left?) Boys and girls came up to the board and had to listen to the story and write an equation that went along with it. They had to know if they were writing a subtraction or addition equation according to what they heard. Tough stuff! They did wonderful! Reading with a buddy "Dress as your favorite book character" **Students recieved a book today from PIE for our "I love to read month." **Next Friday is "Dress your Best Day" to end our reading month
Posted by Guest  On Feb 20, 2013 at 1:31 PM 4 Comments
Today we did a lot of reviewing to make sure we didn't forget anything over the long weekend! We worked more with the letter L and the sight word one. Boys and girls practiced counting to 100 and filled out a 100's candy heart chart. In math we worked with shapes and being able to visualize them if they roated 45 degrees. Students came up to the smartboard and drew what they would look like. We did buddy reading of our new units book "Pal Has Ham," then finished with a heart fish craft. Good day! Sorry! I couldn't get this to rotate! **Friday we will be singing at the beginning of the Esko Men's Basketball game. I am sending home a note tomorrow with information. I believe it says to be here at 6:45 in the classroom. Wear jeans and your flag shirt!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 19, 2013 at 12:25 PM 4 Comments
Day we had such a fun day! We started with a valentine craft-- "Bee my valentine." Then we went down and ran through the two gyms and the hallways for the valentine run (like the turkey run over thanksgiving).  Once back we did stations, rotating amongst the 4 kindergarten classrooms for bingo, a Popsicle snack, games, and another craft. We came back to our room, passed our valentines, ate a cupcake snack, and headed home! Enjoy your nice long break! Happy Vday!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 14, 2013 at 5:56 PM 4 Comments
Today we had a fun day doing all 100th day activities!! We started with our daily math warmup, where we counted to 100's by 5's, 10's, and 1's. Then we did a '100' hunt, where I read off numbers and students colored those numbers in to reveal the number 100. We quickly reviewed the sight word one, then did 100 day stations! The boys and girls enjoyed making a '100 gum balls' craft, as well as a writing activity about their favorite thing they've done in the 100 days they've been in school!! We took a walk of 100 steps, then came back and did a valentines writing activity. "I once was a candy heart, but now...." Fun Day! 9 out sick in our room (unbelieveable!) so please watch the sickness that is going around. I'm sanitzing as we speak! :)
Posted by Guest  On Feb 13, 2013 at 11:27 AM 4 Comments
 I hope your weeks are all off to a good start!  Today we had a very very quiet day--8 kids were out sick!! We have an exciting week planned with the 100th day tomorrow and valentines day on Thurs, but if your child isn't feeling well and you keep them home know that I will send everything they 'miss' home. And they can always pass out their valentines next week...no problem!! Today we learned the sight word one and the letter Ll. We did a fun 'write the room' with the word hearts--children had to find words that started with every letter in hearts. We also did some writing and some small math activities.  In math we learned the word "attribute," and how it describes an object. Children gathered various objects around the room and described their 'attributes.' It is so rewording teaching kindergarten students big words like this and seeing them use them correctly! :)  We enjoyed some birthday cupcakes. We learned a new song, ABC birthday, where you rap each letter and its sound (Yo A, its your birthday. Lets all read like your birthday! /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/, /a/ /a/.....etc). We had a blast! **a class list went home today for valentines! **Tomorrow is also 'hat' day in our school **no school this Friday or Monday! **If you would liike to help our class out, we are in need of Kleenex and clorex wipes/409 all purpose cleaner (something to keep our desks germ free at the end of each day!) Thank you so much!!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 12, 2013 at 6:09 PM 4 Comments
Today we had a great day. We did some station work where we reviewed sight words, wrote a sentence using the frame "I will look for..", decorated valentine bags (I'll send a class list next week...we have 20 boys and girls), and did a uppercase/lowercase matching activity. In math we worked on fast fingers and counting backwards from 20. We sang and danced, played ABC bingo, and ended with snack and story!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 08, 2013 at 11:22 AM 3 Comments
Today in math we worked more on matching numbers to their name **=two. ***=three. Its so tricky to sound out numbers, but we did a good job! We did a quick review of partners of numbers, fast fingers, and teen numbers. The children continue to make 'teen displays,' organizing a equation with a  matching picture (15=10+5. 17=10+7). In language arts we worked on writing exclamation sentences using the sigh word Look! We are doing much better with our spacing. We also worked on identifying the word in a group of words that has a different beginning sound (sun, stick, dog...dog!) We then did some practice with isolating the medial sound in words (cat..../a/!) We did one more language arts test where I gave the students a 3 letter word and they had to stretch it out and write it down. We did pretty good!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 07, 2013 at 11:24 AM 56 Comments
Today we had a very fun day! The whole school came in PJ's! We started off with intervention time where we reviewed all our sight words, as well as learned the new sight word look. We practiced spelling many of them using actions such as swinging a baseball bat, hopping on one foot, or blowing kisses.  In math we reviewed partners of numbers, practiced fast fingers (showing numbers as quick as we can using our 10 fingers), and revisited the number parade.  The students learned a new game today, where they toss a little man into an egg carton, and read/write the word it lands on.  We made monster valentines! We enjoyed some popcorn while watching part of "Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, day." 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 06, 2013 at 4:15 PM 5 Comments
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