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Happy Wednesday! Already the middle of the week-it has flown! Today we worked with our sight word good, with the -et and -at word families, and with Math Mountains. The boys and girls did a word search for -at words--I couldn't believe how focused and engaged they were at finding all the hidden words! During our math time after reviewing Math Mountains, we worked with 20 numbers. We used 10 and 1 blocks to show a given number; 24...needs 2 ten blocks and 4 ones blocks. We also talked about the vocabulary word fewer and how it means less then. We had time for another art project, and this time made a spring picture using tear art--only ripping paper! They are turning out really good. We will finish tomorrow. Reading sight words to three friends Playing a Math Mountain game during center time -at word family cross word *Remmeber: school April 29th now to make up snow days! *Bring field trip money whenever you can get it to me!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 24, 2013 at 11:25 AM 4 Comments
Today was a great Tuesday. We learned the new sight word good. We worked with beginning, medial, and ending sounds and isolating them in words. We counted backwards from 40 (with our eyes closed if possible!). We skip counted by 5's to 135 (it gets tricky for us after 100)! For station work we wrote a sentence of our choosing using the sight word good. We did a math number order activity, played bump it, and worked with parnters of numbers. Mrs. Jenn read with boys and girls as did Mrs. Debbie, while I did a 'spelling' test with others. We reviewed math mountains. I think the kids have it down after only 2 days! This is a concept they will continue building on next year as well as second grade. We had time for a craft, so we made a raining cloud with flowers at the bottom. "April showers (snow?) bring May flowers!" **May 30th is our field trip-please from $10 for your child, $4 for yourself if you would like to come with. Another $7.50 you will need to pay for yourself at the zoo as well. **Remember: we now have school for students on April 29th to make up for snow days.
Posted by Guest  On Apr 23, 2013 at 11:20 AM 4 Comments
Today was a productive Monday. We had intervention time where we reviewed the sight word she. We worked on all our letters, sounds, and blending. We did our daily five and as a group of 35 kindergarteners, read for 7 straight minutes. Good job! We went to science and examined our seed baggies. Most had sprouted!! They were very cool. In math we learned about Tiny Tumblers and Math Mountains. The number at the top is the number of the mountain. The two numbers at the bottom tell you how many tumblers need to tumble down that side. It also connects to math partners. The kids did a practice exercise then drew what their tiny tumbler would look like. I'm going to try a new thing where once the boys and girls have mastered a leveled reader, they can volunteer to read that book to the class. Today, two students wanted to read the book "The Bad Leg." Great job!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 22, 2013 at 11:25 AM 7 Comments
Today was a very busy Thursday. We had our intervention time, then Mrs. Boese's class stayed while our guidance counselor came in to talk to us about bullying (to go along with the play they saw on Tuesday). After that we had about 30 minutes to do our language arts. We learned the sight word she and worked more with phoneme segmentation.  At 10:00 we went to science in Mrs. Boese's room. We observed our seed baggies, and saw that nothing had grown yet. We watched a movie on seeds that talked about everything we have learned so far! We came back and did our math lesson. We worked with pattern blocks and explored that some blocks can combine together to make other shapes (two triangles make a diamond. 6 triangles make a hexagon). We also learned about cubes-that they have 6 sides that are all squares! We know that squares are flat, but cubes are 3-D. This week is flying!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 18, 2013 at 11:17 AM 4 Comments
Today was a fast day. We started getting a bunch of our unfinished work done. Then we had our intervention time and Mr. Harker joined us to see how smart were getting! After that we did station work; writing, a spring assignment, and a sight word game. Mrs. Debbie pulled students to review words/letters, while I worked on reading and math. We had science today. We planted either pinto beans or sunflower seeds in little baggies with a paper towel. Now we will get to observe the seed roots and shoots through the bag! We can't wait! We ended with a math lesson, reviewing the math vocabulary more and fewer. **Just a heads up-this will be coming home in a note. Students will be asked to attend school on April 29th, which was a scheduled inservice day. This will help us make up one of the many days of school we have missed this year. **Please return graduation notes if you have not done so! Space is limited!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 17, 2013 at 11:18 AM 5 Comments
Today we spent the first 45 min of our morning attending a bullying play in the lunch room. It was very good and I think the boys and girls learned alot! We then reviewed our sight words they/are from last week and our letter J. We got into station work and did a sentence writing of "They are..." The boys and girls are working to extend their writing even longer! After that we practiced two songs that will be for graduation. We had a quick snack, story, and home!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 16, 2013 at 11:21 AM 5 Comments
Today we had a good morning. We worked on our new sight word they and letter J. We played some smartboard games to compliment these skills, then got into station work.  There we did a sentence writing about things that happen during the night (going to bed, eating dinner, owls come out). We did a spring writing activity as well, and some children got to our new memory sight word game.  After that we continued working on our Earth Day projects. Today we did the writing to go along with our handprints. We brainstormed things we can do to help our earth. Then we choose something to write on our final project. They turned out cute!! Picture to come. We did our daily 5 (up to 8 minutes), played 'I have, who has," and headed home. Stay safe if you are traveling these next 24 hours!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 11, 2013 at 3:12 PM 4 Comments
Today was a very busy day. We started off finishing unfinished work at our seats. Then Mrs. Boese's class came over for intervention time. We worked on the /v/ sound, blending sounds together to say words, and reviewing the sight word are. We touched on math, reviewing partners of numbers. This time the boys and girls had to find the missing partner (i.e 1 and what is a partner of 4? (3) 3 and what is a partner of 5? (2)).  The boys and girls had four centers/stations to work through today. The first one dealt with addition and coloring an umbrella according to their answer, an unscrambling sentence work, a memory sight word game with a partner, and the "One more" dice game. During this time I worked in small groups with a math lesson while Mrs. Debbie finished up an earth day painting project were starting and reading one-on-one with the students. Memory Game Earth day project In science we learned about plant shoots. We learned that shoots grown up and roots grow down. We dug up some of our plants in our class garden and examined them. Then we journaled about what we observed. When we got back it was time to celebrate our brownie party and do a show-and-tell! The boys and girls had a lot of fun with this. They even had a bit of time to play with their sharings to finish out our day. **Please return the graduation slips asap **Book orders should have come back today, but I won't place the order until tomorrow
Posted by Guest  On Apr 10, 2013 at 11:13 AM 4 Comments
Today was a chilly day. We had a fire drill and had to stand outside, coatless, for 30 minutes. Yikes. Other then that a good day! We learned the new sight word are and the letter V. We practiced making perfect v's on our whiteboards. Then we practiced stretching out 3 letter words and did spelling. After that we talked about night and day, doing a sentence writing of what things happen in the day. Tomorrow we will do what things happen at night. The boys and girls earned a brownie party. We confered (a robust word for them-ask them. They should tell you it means to talk about and decide), and decided to do a show and tell with something they bring from home. At the end of the day we will have a chance to play with these toys/objects too. Other robust words were working on are mingle (to move around and talk with several people) and today's; melancholy (sad). **Show and tell tomorrrow! **Please return graduation sheet asap, telling me how many family/friends will be attending at 9:00am on Friday May 24th! Limited theater space!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 09, 2013 at 1:01 PM 3 Comments
Today was a pretty good Monday! During intervention we reviewed math concepts, sight and rhyming words. We talked about setting, and read the book "It's Mine!' Paying attention to where the story took place. Then we got into our station work. There, the boys and girls did sentence writing about their weekends, played a dice addition game, did 'roll' a word to work on sight words, read to Mrs. Debbie, and learned a sight word game called the "Bunny Hop," with me. Fun and educational stations today! Today was a science day so we spent 10:00-10:30 in Mrs. Boeses room. We got a plate with four seeds on it. Two were wet, and we broke them apart and examined what was inside the seeds. We took off the seed coat, just like we can take off our coats! Then we recorded our findings. We finished the day by having a snack and story!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 08, 2013 at 11:22 AM 4 Comments
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